— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №42412
Vkontakte advertising "rejoices"
90% discount on all water parks!! to
I would go... there is no one in Perm!! to

[ + 100 - ] Comment quote №42411
I was in the car with a friend:
Why are you driving so slowly?
I have a summer tire.
The summer? O_O
Well yes.
Are you fucking? Where are you chasing?

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №42410
From Contact:
Why after the right dinner with a salad must meet a betrayal candy on the way of life?! to

LLL candy - it's not so scary, I got a betrayal chicken grill yesterday =(

M = D

AAA: It’s not all interesting, here’s the betrayal stack of blines with butter and cheese...

How much betrayal is there in the world!! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №42409
Mother said that if the cat will hooliganize, she will turn him out.
The father said the cat would scream "UYAM-UYAM!"

[ + 89 - ] [11 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42408
All high school graduates are dedicated!
I have a diploma and I feed my parents.

I am a graduate, my diploma defended in July, i.e. almost half a year ago and I am tormented by the question........................... if there are no friends-knowns who can arrange the mud, normal work cannot be seen"...if it goes so, apparently you will have to go to the cars to unload..."

So here. Go and work. Go to the factory. Find a job in your specialty (similar to it) and work. Not much money, but experience. For a year or two you will work cheaply (your parents do not have a rubber wallet), and then you write a resume and go from there for "normal work". He also did, without any "blats".

Z is. This does not apply to those who are still in the universe "grown" family, child. There is another setting.
Give it some time, it’s frequent.

[ + 77 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42407
I go to the Krasnodar region by train, a call from a friend:
Hi Sirot, how are you?
Okay, I am going south.
In the Southwest?
No, not in Sochi.
Their mother! and roaming!! to
and throwing the tube)

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №42406
Xxx: You imagine, I live on the last floor, and even in the afternoon in the room a pleasant half-dark...
The curtains are dark. 0 - O
I am so happy :)

[ + 81 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42405
Q: Do you smoke?
BBB: Only after sex... I don’t smoke.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №42404
Friends have a wedding soon:

[14:44:04] I am: Maaaax
[14:44:38] Maxim: What is it?
When do you have a wedding?
[14:47:01] I: Max, this is really not a woman’s request, it’s really I ask.
[14:47:16] Maxim: I am not hired
[14:47:35] I: blatantly, I will not seriously say to the Woman, I am a cremator, neither to anyone nor to Gu Gu Gu, we are men!! to
I am going to be a surprise.
[14:47:57] Maxim: Well then on Saturday
[14:48:21] I: Woman, says that on Saturday
[14:48:22] I am: fucking
I am not you.
[14:48:32] I am a crazy man


[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №42403
It is said that white wine is better to drink with fish.
Do not believe.
Man cannot drink with fish.

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №42402
The fucking! Come out, sweethearted, be, first, friend friend, as if, call, together write together! You are from which city? You study, I don’t know. by Fuck! No one, no one and no one!
Oh, I would beat you all with a Russian language textbook!

[ + 99 - ] Comment quote №42401
xxx: Never before did I tap on the keyboard so carefully as when answering a wife’s question “When are you going home?” the phrase “Wait, we’ll start the gateway now.”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №42400
People who marry for love are usually divorced.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №42399
Mi-8 in flight. The attacker gives the team to the commander. Two degrees to the right. The commander is zero attention. Sturmman again – Commander, two degrees to the right. Again zero attention. After the third time, the commander says, "I will turn to you on the mosquito Noah. and pause. Then the team is Commander, thirty degrees to the right. The commander understood, thirty degrees to the right and changed course. Pause - and now twenty-eight on the left.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №42398
Putin rejected the Chechen footprint in the terrorist attack in Domodedovo.
No, they were not there, he said.
I wondered if he did not overdo it.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №42397
xxx: we were lucky, in the room of the euro window. Take a shirt or suppose a shirt that needs to be washed urgently (the method is only effective in winter), press it between the insect grid and the window for 15 minutes. Babah and the thing smells of freshness and alpine lawns =)
YYY: And that’s you just six months living in communion...

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №42396
and Viper:
I knew you would answer so.

and etta:
from where?

and Viper:
Based on anal erudition

and Viper:
that is. The ass heard.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №42395
... already such a degree of loneliness that I will soon tell the vibrator what a terrible day at work was...

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42394
XXX: What is the point of obligation to watch here?
XXX: Picked there spots
YYY: The case of everyone
I am a simple Russian teacher.
Yes, it is hard to hide.
I am tired of being literate.

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №42393
xxx: Fucks, cat I do not let into the room because I do the cleaning here so he throw that does, takes small cement stitches that are left from the repair and under the door of me cheats!)
X: Who is so clever?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna