— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №42192
The xxxx:
<username>, urgently go to school, or Mary Ivanovna will take my head off! I am going too.
He is not there, he is washing. It is his mother. What to transmit to him?
The xxxx:
He needs to go to school urgently.
He will ask why?
What to transmit?
and xxxx:
After that, Marianovna is very quarrelling. And we need to report to HopePetrovna for the forms. He, me and Maas.
For what forms?
The exams.
She screams there.

From the soul...

It seems to be something...

and fuck it in the mouth of the horse!!and "

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №42191
From the children’s broadcast:
"From sadness and grief you will be saved by socks" O_o

[ + 110 - ] Comment quote №42190
>xxx: Yet the great man invented the whistle for the tea machine!
>yyy: A great man will be the one who will invent a whistle for a pot with pellet.

And you are cooking peelings in the cupcakes)))

[ + 43 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42189
Comrade is a doctor. He sent the patient to donate blood for sugar. The patient returned after half an hour and stretched out the yellow piece of refinade.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №42188
You go to the right - you go to the infinity, you go to the left - you do not gather the coordinate, you go straight - you transpose yourself... Oh, this is the fairy tale: "How three vectors of the determinant turned into zero". (c) Kostrikin A.V., MGU and Matan.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №42187
She: You don’t like the Nifis!! It is understandable :(
I love you crazy! I have your hair in my hair today, a piece of you with me dear!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №42186
Filed to:"Glazborgs"
Soulowner: We look forward to the movie "Zhopaborgy" and "Seleyenkaborgy". And also "Chizburgerborgs"
I dream of a movie about the actress "Dapkunate Ingeborgborgy"

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №42185
You are so cute, good, kind. I am afraid that the demo version will soon end and this message window will appear.
Do you agree with "yes"/"no"?

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №42184
I cook, my daughter (8 years old) helps and parallelly tells a lot about the upbringing of cats.
How do you know so much?
and???“Sasha, how is it decoded?”? to
- Mom, this is a broadcast like this on TV is going:"I want to know" is called, abbreviated HZ...

[ + 87 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42183
From WEB :
Dear Father Christmas! Last New Year I asked you for a guy, so take back this goat and give a better mandarine!! to

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №42182
I have a Baptist. and shurika. Small yet. He taught him to measure the weight of people and translate them into cement bags. Now the usual "deyeyeeedushka" has been replaced by "hello, two bags of cement"...))))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №42181
We were sent with two colleagues to the U.S. on a business trip, instead of two fined debtors (who usually went on a business trip). Arriving in New York. They did not meet us (although they should). While one colleague and I were looking for a way to get to the right place, another colleague confidently led us. We didn’t want to go after him at first, but we thought three were better than two, so we went after him. After a couple of hours of moving, we found ourselves in the office of our American counter-agent, to their (and our) great surprise. Yankees ask our companion (I do not guarantee the accuracy, but the meaning is this):
How did you find us? Have you been here before?
A colleague says:
- No, I've played GTA IV!
While the attendees fell in the BSoD, we quietly went to the sorting room, washed our hands, bought food.
No, that’s why a colleague showed the top map of the city and the routes of public transport, but agree, what was the initial effect!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №42180
In our presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine directly on the entrance door weighs the announcement: "Dear graduate students! We warn that the submission of the dissertation work for the day before the defense is not allowed!" At the same time, someone's curved signature looks very nice below: "Olo!.."

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №42179

Sochi 2014 Olympics, the 2018 World Football Championship... In this simple way, the West decided to ruin Russia.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №42178
He is:
Little girl, I thought seriously and you have to promise me one thing.

She is:
You are scared)

He is:
In general, if someday, don't give god, I fall into an aircraft disaster, and you will be called and told that I disappeared, you must promise me that in the next 5-6 years you will not find a friend, you will not have a family and especially children. Because I can get to a deserted island, live there for a few years, then build a fruit and swim away. Then somewhere in the open sea a ship will find me, rescue me and call you. And when we meet, I will be very upset to find out that you already have another... so promise me.

She is:
Have you looked at the goose?

He is:
It is the end 😉

[ + 64 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42177
For me it is always a mystery how a plane flies.
Make a man love you and how this opens up
>Devil Vietnamese star

The aircraft flies because it has a special shape of wings, thanks to which the flow of counter air pushes it up. In order for a man to love you, you need to know him well and constantly cause his emotions. The star can be opened by pressing the fingers on the opposite sides.

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №42176
<TechGuard> The reset button is a cunning. Finger fucking you will hit, but accidentally touch the knee - once spit!

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42175
A friend's mother went on holiday, she glued stickers everywhere in the apartment "Poppy flowers" I didn't immediately understand...

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42174
I was on the train today, almost empty. With me in the car was another Tajik, who for three stops listened to Tajik music on his phone, so that the whole tram was heard. There was also a man in the car, judging in all a little drunk, he looked long and stubbornly at the Tajik, then at the next stop the man could not stand, approached the Tajik, picked up his phone and threw him out on the street. Tajik jumped up with an offended and angry face, screamed something at the man and ran out for the phone. The doors closed and the tram went, and a man with a happy face sat down to the place of a Tajik and drove with a happy face to the end))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №42173
From Contact
Family Status:Everything is Difficult with Mathematical Analysis)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna