— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №146154
Matilda is premiere. Nicky and Alex are praying. And get titles. Titles that that "Nicolas and Alexander lived happily for 24 years and were shot in 1918."
The audience was shocked:
Give it up! They were shot! And who?! to
How do I know! Maybe there will be a continuation? (from The Soup)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146153
No need to be more patient. Give me more ammunition.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146152
I have a problem (
Another obsessive idea
I want to be painted in a bacon.
That’s why all normal girls have this at 14-17 years old, and I just got it?
At the age of 14-17, he was
Oh, that’s what it is.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146151
A single man is looking for a wife. His wife sent him a request:

I urgently need a 30-40 year old girl. Smart, beautiful, economical, moderately careerist, moderately active, passionate in bed, willing to do the house, to give birth to a couple or three children and indulgingly looking at her husband's hobbies with computer games.

The size of the chest should be no less than 4. It is important.

WOW : Oh! Jolie was released.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146150
Yyy: This Smolensk guy was expelled from school for me [link to photo]
HH: How is it?
ууу: I gave him a fallos with a squeeze, and these dudes ran around the school with a member on their forehead until their teacher noticed))))
Don’t give me anything to DR.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146149
KNPL (01:37 AM) :
I was sitting at work and remembered a passage from the children's verse: "I am not afraid of injections - if I need to get injected" and somehow the continuation was: "I am not afraid of injections - if I need to get injected."
And to pull the "road" nose-for me not under question,
And I can "push"-that also spit me once,
You can put marks like two fingers on the asphalt.
I love to compose, because, brothers, I am a drug addict.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146148
Is he a lawyer?
No, not a female.
Tagged with: self, bleat

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146147
In modern China, until recently, only one way was executed: a shot in the head. The simplicity of the process itself was accompanied by a sophisticated oriental spice.

After the execution, the relatives received a bill of 9 yuan (about 40 rubles) by mail. This is the cost of one ammunition. If the murderer had no relatives, he was given the opportunity to earn a bullet in prison conditions.

Since 2010, Chinese authorities have planned to replace shooting with a lethal injection. There is no indication that the plans have become reality yet. But the state is not going to spend here: the cost of the injection will also fall on the shoulders of relatives or the prisoner himself.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146146
Just happened. I am doing repairs in the apartment. I ordered a gas plate. The guys from the store both drag her to the fifth floor without an elevator on a very narrow staircase cage, I go ahead and clean up the road. Meeting a fat grandmother, obviously not to break up with her.

- Grandma, stand on the pitch, please, the boys carry the plate, they are hard.

I’ll go through first!

And as in the slow shooting went down...

I feel I am joining with her.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146145
We are sitting with a girl today, discussing all kinds of means of defense in sport. There was a talk about the "coaters" to protect male organs.
And then she asks: "Do the OMONs carry such means of protection?".
I said they probably wear it. And she asks: "and how to 100% know if they wear or not?". And I had this answer: “If you see the Omonite, come to him, put your ear there, if you hear the sea, it means that the shovel is dressed.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146144
Zandy responds

> Why go out of the house for that?

Terribly, you are far from the people, citizens... If every man on his forehead was written, and not whether he is steep and will not start to persecute - maybe, and home they were invited to be more often. At least those who are not shy. A man before a date scheduled on the Internet, fears that the photo is fake, and the grandmother is terrible; a woman - that she will be raped and killed.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146143
Our company has a very large and solid catalogue of equipment that we supply from Europe.
It was probably translated into Russian by very solid and literate translators.
Today from this catalogue I learned a new word - "depreciation". This is what they call the process of removing gas bubbles from the liquid (degasation).

[ + -4 - ] Comment quote №146142
He measured his foot and asked how much. 19 centimeters in length. He was pleased: Uraah! I have 20 centimeters!! Daddy in the kitchen.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №146141
xxx: when I am in a bad mood and go to work at 5 a.m., I often ask myself the same question - "who else is lucky enough to work on the weekend in such an early morning?"
xxx: and then I get to the stop and see another person 5, then I think "a, so they" I get into a state of calm and become a little more satisfied.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146140
A grandmother and a guy with headphones on their neck, which play metal, collide on the theme of musical tastes.
Your rock is the music of the devil! Satan is playing that way.
Do you often play music?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146139
<xxx> Welcome to you And tell me some interesting pieces for the design of the developer's room, posters, maybe original notebooks or something else?
<yyy> Bicycles and Bicycles

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146138
xxx: I want to name my character in a vove in honor of an episodic biblical character, suggest something.
YYY: Will it come?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146137
Today, it is not enough to do nonsense, it needs to be posted on the Internet.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №146136
When I was 7, I was punished and forced to sit at home all day in the holidays. Inviting anyone was also strictly prohibited. In the morning, the parents went to work with the instruction to sit all day and teach lessons. It wasn’t over half an hour, as a friend knocks on the door, Mishka, calls for a walk. I explained to him that he said so and so... Well, then he came up with the idea of sitting down and playing Dendy while his ancestors were gone. We sit down and play for another hour. And then suddenly the key in the door checked - the father came home unexpectedly early. Well, I instantly suck the mouse in the closet - shake, say, take what I forgot, and go back to work, sit for 5 minutes.
My father comes into my room:
What are you doing?
I do lessons.
– Oh, and the console is included.
There was something in the closet.
Who is you?
and none.
Father opens the closet, and Mishka has nothing wiser than to ask:
Hi to you. Is Dennis at home?
“Yes, but he won’t go for a walk,” said the father and closed the door of the closet.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №146135
Traditional medicine is when people who live on average 70 years are treated according to the prescriptions of people who lived on average 30 years.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna