— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149874
Somebody in my house was constantly in the elevator. We got enough, and we put a video camera. Now we know who, despite the cameras, continues to demonstratively suck in the elevator...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149873
In the field of sight of the German tankers was the Stalingrad tractor plant. He was protected by 37 guns with calculations from volunteer girls.
The girls were not trained to fire on the tanks, but there was no way out. The tankers first opened fire on the guns, destroying the aircraft together with the calculation. But in response, Soviet artillery began to shoot on tanks with direct guidance, which surprised even experienced tankers.
After several unsuccessful attacks, Wittersheim ordered the aircraft to be thrown into combat. Even after the bombing of the heights, on which the anti-aircraft calculations were fixed, the fight did not stop. The Germans moved forward, pushing both guns and girls. Almost entirely interrupted and workers from the factory who came out to fight.
From 23 to 24 August 1942, the total 1077 regiment aircraft were beaten 83 tanks, of which 33 were destroyed; further destroyed 15 truck vehicles, three infantry battalions and two tanks with fuel, and also shot down by various data from 14 to 20 aircraft.
Fuck, Bondarchuk is a cattle!
That’s what a movie should be about!
Bondarczuk turned his victory into a defeat. The Swedes from the "Sabaton" more respectfully sang "the height of 3234", than Bondarchuk removed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149872
>> P. S. I am an atheist

An atheist is an atheist who passed the certification.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149871
>and I see how years later the sissamins will try to understand why in the teleportation channel of loss

The Goblin Reserve is a luxurious book in which there are also losses in the teleportation channel (or acquisitions).

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149870
Twice make the tea for yourself, again for the tea mushroom, and then throw the teaspoons in a bowl with watermelon.

That’s greed, and you’re a bit clumsy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149869
We go out with my husband from the polling station, at the fence is a woman of 50, decently dressed, nothing predicted, shorter. Just matched with her, she immediately asks with warmth who we voted for. For Putin? No is? Right, he is a Jew! As I digest information, my husband is like this:

Wow, where were you before? Shirt, have you heard? How did we not know, we would vote for ours, not for the goy of somebody!

He begins to sing “Havu Nagila.” The woman looks around and, without turning her back to us, retreats to the corner of the house.

I’m glad to know that my husband is the dumbest of any city crazy.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149868
Can you change the lamp?
YYY: Yes at all. right now?
XXX: No, it doesn’t have to burn. In fact, this is the problem...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149867
#Hello, I am Dr. Liiyivsi"

>>>" #columbnivchemnevinovat " - Man, you look like you are from the eighties? Who else knew about Columbus?

We are many here!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149866
In my miserable childhood there was a single-legged boy - he played on a railroad.
WOW: In my barefoot childhood, four people were crushed by the crumbling soil: they dug the headquarters in a river slope. One was killed from the second floor of the building. One killed about the wall by a wind blowing the "tarzanka" (this was also at construction). One accidentally hanged on his belt while playing with his sister in the circus. One of them broke the skull with iron sticks (survived). One fell on a beaten glass (37 seams, luckily on the back). Who is more?

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149865
When you understand that the phrase "in the 80s" is almost 40 years ago, you realize your old age (((

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149864
In the beginning was the Lord God, and there was no more Nihua.
He was bored.
And he created quarks, gravity, strong and weak interactions, electromagnetic waves, disassembled, assembled together, and saw that it was good.

And it went to work, earn, complicate and expand. Somewhere the stars burned, somewhere the organic formed, somewhere the vitality ran away.
The most intelligent vivacity has guessed that it is not just that someone created it all - and let us pray and ask: Lord, do us good!

How to do? You enter all these relationships that have been established, change at least something - here everything will be filled up! Do not prevent the car from working.

So it has been since: they are all praying and praying to him, but he sits and does nothing, because he cannot, though he is all-powerful.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149863
Why were children and adults older? Yes, because there were no pulmonary puppets) wearing bodybuilders and heavily weighing puppets - and as training for the special forces in armor vests))))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №149862
The tape once wrote about a fun communist, a citizen of the People's Republic of China, who seduced boys and young guys to himself, and then passed them through an independently assembled unit with his own skillful hands. Through a giant meat machine.
It is!!!! to
Kisha has two such albums and a musical.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149861
I would like to clarify

I don’t like these condoms, contraceptives, etc. I prefer warm sex.

<correction of the penny on the nose>: - Sorry, but is there a lamp gonorrhea?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149860
In short, write down what you did in the first quarter.
Students: Nothing

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149859
And I have always wondered why God needs prophets, well, God is all-powerful, he can arise in the form of a voice in everyone at once, or in the flesh in all places of the world, where there are people, and there to preach, without intermediaries and do not need any complicated multitude with the crucified Jesus?
It’s easier and people will believe it faster.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149858
The child is 10 years old, fits the barrel, at 21.30:
I was given such a difficult task...
I am: Mathematics? So, we will decide now.
No, Mom, it is very difficult.
The English, right? Let’s find out now.
It has nothing to do with lessons.
...??! to
I need to make a fruit salad and take a picture.
I open my mouth with enthusiasm.
“No, Mom, I can’t download the photo from the internet, the teacher said we should keep the plates with the salad in our hands.

24 hours a day for fruits.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149857
WOW: In my barefoot childhood, four were crushed by the ground that collapsed.
Who is more?

In my childhood, a 2-year-old girl played with her 4-year-old brother in the garden after a heavy rain without the supervision of adults. While the brother was playing somewhere in the other corner, the girl fell into a deep pit. When it was enough, it was too late.
A 5-year-old boy escaped alone to play in a pond. Sitting on a table made by the older boys. I wanted to ride. Swimming far away. I tried to go back to the shore on my own. He did not call the adults, he was afraid they would be punished. He could not swim. He apparently fell into the water.
Not my childhood - the 12-year-old daughter of a classmate went swimming, drowned. The children played on the pitch. There are no adults. They hit a 4-year-old girl with iron sticks.
I am alone. In an abandoned church. I unnoticed everybody. I wanted to go up the wooden staircase. I went already decently, but suddenly I crumbled on a rotten ladder, thanks to the chain on the second flight, I managed, specifically rejoicing, to cling to the winding boards and pull up. Below was a stone. None of the children had been around for a long time, they all just left.
The house was robbed for broken things. No one dared to ask what really happened. Such cases are more than decent.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149856
Halva and Halva
#Style of Student

Read the fairy tale "How the soldiers cooked cabbage from a tail"
In the 1980s, experienced students cooked soup.
for the initial capital required 1 (one) ingredient - potatoes, bulbs, carrots...
The hungry student went into the room to the girls, holding vegetables in his hands, and with the eyes of the "cottaisshrek" spoke a pre-prepared splash on the topic of "we ourselves are not locals, we want to cook soup, everything is literally eaten, but there is not enough salt / potatoes / carrots / crops... " and further on the list.
passing to the end of the corridor of 30 rooms - everything needed for soup was picked up without problems)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149855
On the river with children from 4 years old. At the age of six, I learned to swim. Shalt on the swamps and lakes, rivers with shit. They were followed by "Olders" who are 8-10 years old.

I remember it was great too. Truthfully, I splashed into the lake at four (I couldn’t swim) and the older woman caught me by the foot, pulled out. And I’t have time... I couldn’t write here.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna