— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №41292
Apartments with thin walls.
You’re sitting in the bathroom, you think.
And a voice from the back to the friend (from the neighboring apartment)
What are you looking at???and "

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №41291
Zato> What are you looking at?
Pulsya> gay porn with blacks_ :)
ZatO> What about there?! to

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №41290
Den: Yes, I have already come. Going to a friend
What did your girlfriend do?
Fucked her
Funny rabbit: and how?and :)
Den: very good
Funny Rabbit: You know, I thought about it.
Funny Rabbit: I will not go to the cinema with you.

[ + 102 - ] Comment quote №41289
It’s an entire art of getting gum out of your pocket unnoticed when you’re walking in the company!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №41288
If something doesn’t go before you, you’re either a stupid or a big boss.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №41287
A two-year-old sister is on a bus with a five-year-old son sitting in the opposite seat. He talks on the phone, at the same time digging in his bag and thinking about something completely different, like all the young cute blondes. The bus approaches the stop. The sister sees that now there will be a decent crowd of citizens who despise walking and have not saved money for personal transportation. Looking at her, she cried out to her son:
“Go sit on your arms!” the shutter is on her arms. But here the female "your-foreign" recognition sensor is turned on and she distracts herself from her "doings", turning her eyes on, as she thought, her son in her arms. There appears to be sitting a completely different boy never resembling her, but close to age. The boy smiled wide and just shone of happiness.

Boy, and who are you? A reasonable question from my sister.
I am Andrei! The young man answered, not ceasing to smile.

And next to her “in confusion” was her son, who just hadn’t yet come up with what to say. And so did not have time, because the mother, reading smart books on pedagogy, and then for a wise word in the pocket did not go, and transferring the look to the elderly son, gave: "Now you understood what is.
“Scrolling with a cloth?”

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №41286
Domodedovo, the light was only given, the customs finally worked, after three days of waiting in the darkness and cold.
Do you have weapons and drugs?
I would have used it for a long time.

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №41285
CHC: How is it?
Damn, he knows everything in his mind.
Q: in the meaning?
I spent that night with my ex.
HQ : How? Through the ASU?
NN: through a condom

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №41284
Ksenia Sobchak is no longer waiting for the prince he jumped on another!!!!! to

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №41283
Leha: I’ll plunge it up with the design. What do you think is a good design?
Dark Water: Good design is the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetic beauty, when one perfectly complements the other, and they can’t do without each other.
In our case, a good design is so that the eyes do not leak when looking at it and do not die browsers :D

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №41282
Crazy people always agree.

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №41281
Sometimes a person is you emotionally tell something.....and he in response smiles " :-)"....And here the thought: "Yes, you go to the fuck yourself"

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №41280
111: Today is the night of guessing!!! ))

Chapter 22: Go on!

111: Did you figure out how you would know your fate?

222 of Ag. I ask my husband what plans are for tomorrow.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №41279
XX: Ivan is already bored.
XX: It is in Skype
XXX: It comes out
XX: It is included
XXX: It comes out
YYY: is playing
xx :D

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №41278
Belgorod: I read - one calf wrote - she was friends with one healthy cat, so when they went, the people did not look at her, but looked at him - it was wildly angry :) )

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №41277
Not doing anything is hard work. You never know when you will finish.

[ + 130 - ] Comment quote №41276
Fuck, I don’t know what happened today.
I go home, I give the driver 1000r at the exit, well, there was no smaller in my house
xhh: it comes in original x))
He exchanges a thousand for a hundred, gives all ten hundred to me, and then says, “Now give me a hundred.”
I give him a hundred. He exchanges it for dozens, gives all the 10 dozens to me, and then says, “Give me 10 p.”
Dada, exactly what you think, gives me five coins of 2 rubles and then solemnly says: "Pay the trip!"
I give him 12 rubles and he smiles to me so: "Thank you for not giving up!! and"
I was surprised x))))

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №41275
In the topic of "Vaginal killer"
The description.
Condom of the Grauens (Condom des Grauens)
Produced by: Ascot Film
Genre: Horror Film
Date of release: 1996
Directed by: Martin Walz / Martin Walz
In a hotel where rooms are taken for sexual pleasures, a killer condom appears, biting off the causal place in its "users". The case is being investigated by gay police officer Luigi Maceroni. At first, no one believes him, but when a toothed monster deprives a candidate of his masculine dignity, Luigi is given a green light and he begins a ruthless, ruthless hunt. Eventually, a brave police officer catches the ancestor – a giant killer condom on his enormous animal.

Not a fucking shit?

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №41274
I drank for your health. I drank so that some of you are immortal.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №41273
In America, gifts are put into socks, and we already have a gift for some socks!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna