— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №105914
xxx: You wake up in a world like Fallout, you approach the mirror and see the gulag. Your actions?
YYY: I usually go after that.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105913
xxx: I needed a strawberry, I did not find the strawberries, so I took a meat cutter.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №105912
Sometimes it seems to me that if our state issues a law that obliges everyone to breathe, then in these of your internets will immediately arise a quarrel about the fact that breathing is not necessary, the air is dirty and in general the state must provide everyone with oxygen pillows. Most importantly, there will be idiots who will be drowned by the laws. Although that is probably for the best.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105911
by Ku. What is written in the summary?
A lie?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105910
This is the case, brothers. A beauty salon bearing the name of either a prostitute or a sick woman.

Oh and fool! Probably you haven’t even heard of the examples you have given. As if it is necessary to name in honor of someone famous, not just take a favorite name. You look for meaning where it is not, and then you wonder why you are considered foolish.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №105909
DerArto: When I see a car with the label "Dolbit Normalno", it looks like "The owner of this car is a fool and is proud of it."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105908
As in an anecdote.

Children are sick. I sat three seniors breathing over a potato barrel. After 15 minutes I removed the cover - no card. have eaten! Without salt!

Students will be. And then an anecdote:
A student’s paparazzi was caught. They decided to cook it and eat it. So while they were cooking, he and them ate all the potatoes in the soup. Since then, the Papuas have not eaten students, ideosyncrasies.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105907
Exam on the right to use the Internet

Tickets 1

Question 1
Recognize the sarcasm in this comment: “To fix the problem, set up Telnet as the default browser.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105906
to this:

The best shopping trip was done by my friend. I went for the potatoes and returned to the new Peugeot :-)


This is something else! My parents once went to buy clothes and bought a house on the neighboring street.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105905
to this:
What are you chasing on the perforator? Somehow I could not withstand the continued second day of drilling. And obviously not the wall is broken down - there by the nature of the work is heard. Just a dumb monotonous tarahtenya in one point. I went to question. The neighbor hangs the kitchen cabinets. A striking stroke. In two days, I broke four holes. In the panel wall with a filler of granite sludge. He went and brought a perforator. Work for 15 minutes with two cigarettes. The real evil is shock drills.

The real evil - the "shock" masters of these drills and apartments!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105904
From comments on the news about the sour assassin)

Some fans, in turn, say they are working on a patch repairing the classic Uplay logo (white "U" on a blue background) to an updated (white "μ" on a green background), which will save Ubisoft from all monetary problems :D

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105903
But hoping on the common sense and adequacy of people, I thought that I was such an uneducated vegetable. The search engine released three other famous women, among which only one was distinguished by a hint of "beauty" - in the opposite, she suffered from ugliness (Mary Ann Webster). The other two were not very different in their lives.

This is the case, brothers. A beauty salon bearing the name of either a prostitute or a sick woman.
by Mark Twain. "The Adventures of Heckelberry Finn" Mary Anne is a beautiful and smart girl, the embodiment of kindness. You should read the classics, not Google.
and Dad.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105902
I explained about perforators, I conducted research on this subject: in fact, it is usually not the same neighbor. When I went to look for this deck, it turned out that this particular repair is done on three floors up and down and not even always need / under me. It seems to us that you are being knocked directly into your wall because you do not directly hear the sound of the perforator, you hear the sound that your vibrant walls do, although the source of the sound may be far away and in different places. And in a multi-apartment house somebody is somewhere, and we write to our specific neighbor.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105901
Traditionally for that.

The best shopping trip was done by my friend. I went for the potatoes and returned to the new Peugeot :-)

The price is for potatoes.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №105900
Children are sick. I sat three seniors breathing over a potato barrel. After 15 minutes I removed the cover - no potatoes. have eaten! Without salt!
They explained me simply:
It was boring!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105899
The nature of idiots is extremely diverse.

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105898
Movement of the Forest
When the author worked in the Upper Ufaele of the Chelyabinsk region, he met the forest worker Petrovich. Good such a man, simple, honest - one word forestry. Petrovich was in a state of permanent war with local mines. The mines stole the forest, and somehow stupidly, right in the kites and fours. When Petrovich caught them, they said, "Hule, you are Petrovich? The mayor sent us to the forest.
Petrovich repeatedly tried to initiate some criminal cases, but they were not initiated for some reason.
The mines also did not stay in debt and tried to arrest Petrovich all the time. They mainly used the method from the movie Boomer. Petrovich’s balls of grass were thrown into the luggage of “Patfinder” in the newspaper “Ufalai Workers”. But Petrovich was already, Tsuka, literate and demanded to call the State Control, so that they took the analysis from his fingers and newspaper screens. The mines flogged and took the grass back.
But one day the mines struck Petrovich a large beast. Then he made a move.
Petrovich came to work in the forestry this morning. He usually looked into his office and found a envelope under the table.
– Zoya Nikolaevna, – called Petrovich the accountant, – come to me, please. See the envelope? Look what’s in it?
There were 30,000 rubles in the envelope. Petrovich asked to make them to the box office as a donation from an unknown sponsor. Fifteen minutes later, the hominoffs in masks came down from the ceiling.
Where is the envelope? The law enforcement officers shouted.
What a envelope?
With a bribe, to blame!
The donation was made by an unknown sponsor for the conservation of the forest.
Give it back. We have no other marred days, the Hominoffs counted.
“I can’t,” Petrovich courageously replied. Forestry is a state enterprise. Consider your money already in the treasury of the Russian state. The People’s Heritage.
Mines went to Petrovich for two weeks. They cried. They asked for the money back. Petrovich was hard as a rock. When it came into the budget, it disappeared. Go on... go on. Truth with tears.
Such a simple man made a feat!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №105897
I decided to lead a healthy lifestyle, bought a big one. Now I am driving for a bucket and cigarettes on the big.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105896
When the cancer, tired of whispering, descends from the mountain and takes the place of the fried cock, completely weakened in trying to get to one place - then they will begin to build.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №105895
The army had to accompany a military train through the city. There were two tasks: to clean the rails from ice and snow and to block the roads before the train crosses them.
Fulfilling the second task, he went out with a break and full pofigism to the middle of the lane (comrades went out to other streets) and stood face to face with the cars.
At the same time, the fun thought: I will jump back in case of something, and the break is not.

Sometimes cars parked on the rails were pushed off with a slide if the owner did not go out on the wheels.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna