— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №58273
On some site with films, there was a discussion of the reality of colors during special effects. The tearful monologue almost made himself slide.

You haven’t seen the red color!! to
XHH: I have never met with girls, a beautiful girl was hit immediately, and we, having crossed several times, decided to meet!
xxx: First date, all this, an uncomprehensible feeling of stiffness, excitement, the experience of being out of thread
Oh yeah yeah! I was from the niche!
I forgot my cell phone at home.
XHH: I understood this when I approached the meeting place and already saw her speaking (attention!!) My relationship with my grandmother!! to
XHH: Rather, my grandmother spoke: "Are you a grandmother? I am his grandmother! Did he leave the phone at home? How do I know? Please don’t hold my grandson’s hand, I saw a couple of weeks ago something suspicious in his hands (it was my black scotch), don’t feed him – he can go down under himself, and (all on the same loud connection, with a shout of scream) don’t have sex with him, he should still GET!!!! to
You didn’t see the red color!! to

Ppc, the poor man) and strong! Once since then hasn’t committed suicide, and it’s still out 😉

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №58272
Tomsk pig complex started selling eggs...I’m scared!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №58271
Here the story one happened on the number three: we and a friend are bad (well, I understand why). Jurke was slightly easier, so he gave him a backpack and went for a beer. After 20 minutes, he returns with a beer, then with his words: I am approaching the underground crossing, there are two people standing there, beer drinking. Well, they got the york, they gave it in the forehead, they began to fight. A cell phone falls on the road. When they saw the mobile phone, they said:"All, the mobile phone is done, we take it down." And they fled. Jura came with a beer... with a speck on his forehead... All on the nerves. He starts to ball in his pockets, and his cell phone is with him! Lan, next, we look out the window, and these fools come out of the supermarket and move away. Not only did they work their own mobile phone, they also lighted up in the supermarket. I have never seen such fools!! So while Yura was filling out the protocol, I was looking for two sets of keys that fell out of my pocket during the fight. I found both of them.)

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №58270
I answered:

xxx: I wonder where normal people are, except the Chamber of Measures and Weights

In every chamber there are normal people, it is only the sanitary outside full of frostbite.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №58269
Demon: Shut up, my computer broke, so I learned from boredom and hopelessness to wire spikes.
Now you still have to learn...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №58268
xxx: Why is there no button next to the "Close" button, so that what came out will never come out again?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №58267
Long time to come up with the levels of difficulty in the games - light, medium, heavy, superheavy, Korean, Chuck Norris

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №58266
I bought a soft toilet paper with the smell of herbs. It feels like I crumbled in the park in the bushes and rubbed with a speck.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №58265
I went to the cinema today.
WOW: and how
HHH: I came there. I took tickets. I have a window for the session every hour. I went to the store and bought a book. Then I feel like I want a push. I sat in the bathroom at the cinema. The toilet is empty, no one. I got the book and started to write.
And then I apparently forgot to close the door, a man comes to me and a painting with oil: I sit on a push in the theater with a stitch and with a clever look I turn the page)) and then I smile to him.)
He stood in the shower for 20 seconds, then stood and left.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №58264
The holy place is not empty. Especially when it’s hot on the internet.

[ + 42 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58263
A letter from a pregnant girlfriend:
Girlfriend: Blind to give birth in a month and the husband is absolutely not ready to become a father, afraid of responsibility!
I: Well, it’s natural to be afraid, it feels like it’s going to start soon!
Girlfriend: I'm a smart wife)I don't give up yet) let him enjoy life:D We are in bars and clubs and on barbecue and with friends)so that he doesn't realize that all this will soon end) but he seems to start suspicious)))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №58262
20 was in Ahasan on Frunze. I bought for 1500 rubles approximately, I drove the truck to the car and think: "Maybe it will be useful in the farm!" And in the morning, the menta went on and I was in shock!!!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №58261
X: */*/
x : *
X is
X: I cleaned the key here a little.
I thought you were throwing my love zigzags.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №58260
On surveillance cameras everything is suspicious. % of

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №58259
On the job a couple of days ago, a chestnut whispered that he wanted an activation. I did not want to activate on the Internet, although the numbers were clearly tapped from the stick on the system. Did the activation by phone - carefully dictated the number to the auto respondent and killed from him the response - the windscreen whispered what, said "all OK - I license". Only today I noticed that on the body of the 98. I’m sitting down and I think I’ll do it now...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №58258
I am without dinner today.
YYY: What is it?
XXX: We sit at the table. We discuss the construction of a shop outside the window, which boasts us a view of the mountains.
xxx: Bata says "But we will have our own supermarket!"
Blackjack and prostitutes?
XXX: I didn’t hold up either.

[ + 45 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58257
Yukimura, Mori, Motochika, Ieyasu and Mitsunarichka... Saskia!
YYY: How do you fuck it? 😉
xxx: as acetylamino nitropropoxybenzen, only more joyful!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №58256
Daniel (status): My girl, I miss you very much, it’s very hard without you... But soon nothing will stop us from being together!
The comments:
The boy is in love!
Did you repair the car?? to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №58255
I go to bed with a girl (she is a dermatologist). I ate a mandarine before. I kiss her before sleeping.
It’s a mandarin mouth.
I: Do I want to ask a member of Mandarin too? and :)
She: And what?
I: (not ambiguously hinting)... well you will have a mandarin member...
You have contact dermatitis.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №58254
With VIO:

If a person often drinks alcohol alone, is he an alcoholic?
He is Jedi!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna