— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №135601
xxx: Shook 380 instead of the expected 220 in the electrical distribution shield during the General Physics Practice...
yyy: Here the verb "extremely" should be understood literally? and :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135600
Forum E1, the sale of winter tires for bicycles.
The xxx:
You are right. The rubber was bought in the winter of 12-13 years (by the way, here), stored in the most inappropriate conditions - in the room behind the closet, not like all normal people on the balcony, in the sun. And given the fact that she, as it turned out here, is Chinese, her condition is just awkward. This is well seen in the photo.
In general, until it's completely broken up in the crust - I'll add another 250 for each.
The xxx:
Meanwhile, I didn’t have anything to sell, the mole flew and eaten the remains of Chinese rubber. The topic can be closed.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135599
Man’s logic (confronted repeatedly)
I’m not a telepath, if you need help you have to tell me about it, but if I need help you have to guess about it without requests and reminders, because you are a woman.
It is :)))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135598
I need to deliver on Friday.
I: But Friday is a celebration!
Q: What is the celebration?! to
Day of People’s Unity.
Sh United against me... p... e b...!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135597
<worg> In the Alps, the sad Al Pacino lapped the alpaca and lacked the cappuccino.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №135596
Before giving in debt, I always remember the long history of my friend, Andrew.

Andrei at the time had a good job, earned great money and life. Andrei had a friend, Michael. A friend asked in debt to buy a car a large amount of money under interest. Andrei agreed. All documents are notarially certified. The car was bought (Andrei, by the way, helped buy the car).

A month later, Michael falls into an accident in the company of friends (he was a passenger in a strange car). The result is death. Understanding the complexity of the situation, Andrew gives time to recover his wife - the only heiress, since they did not have children and close relatives on the part of the deceased.

After consulting with a lawyer, Andrey appeals to the wife of the deceased six months later. By that time, she had already obtained the licenses and was riding her husband’s newly purchased car. My friend called her and wanted to meet. At the meeting, understanding the complexity of the situation, he offered to pay her the entire amount of debt, but without taking into account interest, also offered help in selling the car. He received a rough response from her:

My husband is dead! Do you not be ashamed? ! to

By the way, at the time, she already had a mate, because she came to meet him. After a brief dialogue, Andrei was sent, and also received threats from the caretaker.

Not thinking long, Andrey filed for the wife of his deceased friend in court, indicating in the lawsuit all the interests that are due to him by agreement. At the same time, the lawyer included the costs of his services, moral damage and all costs.

Immediately after receiving the executive letter, my friend appeals to the FNS, where he was provided with a bank for three days, in which the wife of the deceased was served. As it turned out, in the bank she had a deposit, which was opened after the sale of a three-room apartment, which Mikhail bought (this he found out from common acquaintances). In addition, a large amount of money was left from the deceased, as he was engaged in his small business (retail trade).

Within a few days, the bank gives Andrew all the debt on the executive sheet. One day later, the wife of the deceased, who was in court without a lawyer, demands to return some of the money. Then came the phone calls from her fellow resident, which Andrew recorded. After some time, a statement was filed with law enforcement authorities about the threats.

The couple calmed down.

Moral: Andrei is a wonderful man.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135595
I go on the countryside track, I see, mocked from a meeting, like a turn of a gait. I recalled a video on YouTube, where they compared how many drivers are flashing in the face and how many are not (there was a similar outcome). It became interesting how many involved drivers in our area. I slow down on the side, I sit and rest, the registrar writes. One murmured, the second, the third, murmur all unconditionally. The car counted 30. With incredible pride for our indifferent to other people drivers went, I see a pedestrian crossing and there really a police officer. The lying...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135594
Downloaded the app for Android "Taro Cards". I launched a psychiatric consultation advertisement. But it really is me...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №135593
It is injection

For several years, I have been sluggish with several grandmothers from my house about feeding cats: the tailings have finally flogged. In the warm weather, not only can I see the grassy picture: cats sleep or just sneeze in the sun, and from their bats, right under the cat's nose, a bunch of pigeons, vores and vores are fed. On the fifth, I noticed a rat jumping out of the basement, pulling something out of the cat's pad and diving back into the basement. There was no reaction from the cats. Calling SES for rats? These grandmothers dress up on them worse than angry dogs, how, cats will be consumed. Together with rats, which, according to the grandmother's version, cats have eaten for a long time. For the experiment, I suggested that a couple of the most active and agile nursing grandmothers spend the night in the basement. One of them (!!) The night. With me the rackets, the dryest and cleanest part of the basement, tea cookies, radio and one and a half thousand each. Do you know on what pretext they refused? Rats in the basement! Supposedly eaten by cats. Not dirty, raw, harmful to the old woman's body, and at home, grandfather with a clove on the front, no... They were afraid of rats!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135592
Our team is quite young, the average age is 27 years old. One colleague (uncle about 40) is very happy in the case of standing up in the position "you are all young-green, and I have three children, and I will tell you as a wise man of life". Next follows a sermon on a random topic - what is right, what is wrong, how to eat and what movie to watch.

One day someone did not stand it, asked how having children affects the understanding of which book is good, which is bad. What was the boss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135591
In front of the entrance is a building. See from the windows. Suddenly a people from the neighboring department rushes in - it is burning!
All to the windows - there is such a hollow smoke from one window. Firefighters have arrived (we have our own firefighter, in two steps)
Well, okay, the men at the windows knock, watch the development, comment. Our chief - oh, they are already shooting... goats... blins, this is always so... the fools-spectators will forever rush... and so on. A couple of passers on their mobile phones.
Here the boss shakes his smartphone, he - Oh! the daughter writes... Daddy, the cat is burning... and photos... blin! The goat!!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135590
My husband and I are in the car, the window on my side is open. I cut my hair to

and intertwined.
M: Is it so from you?
I: What is it?
M: Well, such a hernia is pleasant.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135589
On the street I saw a parking in the wrong place "audi" with a room modestly covered with such a yellow cloth. From under the cloth appeared the last two letters - AK. Imagination immediately prompted the first three...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135588
Regular sex is the most extensive concept in time.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135587
At the beginning of 1946, the Politburo decided to divide the Coal Industry Narcomate into two - for the western regions of the country and the eastern. It was assumed that they would be headed by V.V. Vahrushev and D.G. Onika. Beria called both and proposed to divide the property of the Narcomate lovingly. Then he called them again and asked Wachrushev, “Are there any claims?” He said they shared everything right. Then Beria said to Onika, “What do you think?” Onika said, “I have complaints. All the best footage was taken by Wachrushev, and all the best sanatoriums and rest homes too. Beria reasoned: "When Wahhrushev believes that everything was divided correctly, and Onika objects, we will do this: Wahhrushev will be the narcissist of the eastern regions, and Onika - the westerns." The meeting has ended.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №135586
The crime.
Today in the District of Railways, an offender under the guise of works of F. List played Schubert's nothing suspicious audience for two hours!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №135585
XXX: What is your diet?

It’s not delicious – it can’t!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №135584
Returning from work, I occasionally see a man walking out a fairly large shepherd. And recently I saw him discussing something fiercely with some aunt. As I suspect, she was unhappy that his dog did not wear a shirt, because now the shepherd has started to walk with a shirt. In the teeth.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135583
Heating in the UK:
Companies that supply electricity and gas (this is a competitive market, and you can choose who to buy heat, just like you choose which gas station to refuel your car) give a list of tips on how not to freeze in the winter. One of them is to get a cat. Because the cat is warm and does not consume electricity.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №135582
Slow meat eating
Stunned shrimpers
Vegetarian Fast and Catch
He caught the salad, killed and ate.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna