— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135541
You are my beauty.
You are my throat.
XXX is haha!! to
I will now put you on my finger!
YYY: O_o
YYY: ahahahaha! 1!
YYY: What if some Frodo takes me away from you to the Mordor and there tries to put on his fingers?
I will then find this Frodo and bite his finger.
YYY: But not at all. I will not bite. But I’ll cut it out exactly. > and

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №135540
– You listened to a lecture on the subject of strict typing.
I am in a movie circle!
What a strict guy you are!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135539
– Inquisition... Installation... Insinuation... Initialization... Interpretation... Industrialization... Identification... Inactivation... Investment... Inhalation... Inflation... Influenza... – for half an hour the warehouse manager tried painfully to remember what exactly she needed to do before the end of the working day. Finally, she recalled “inventory,” but said something quite different, a completely unprinted word. (From my personal experience today)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135538
The mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko issued another pearl. During an interview, the mayor explained why he stopped loving snow.

In general, before I was the mayor, I loved snow so much! Something new, fresh and white. And now I started to hate snow because it needs to be cleaned, and very quickly,” the former boxer admitted.

In short, if the snow had a mouth, Klitschko would have filled it.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135537
I sit and drink tea. In front of me stands an ordinary bank with extra salt. On the label is written with the greasy font "FIT FOR ALL TIPS OF USE".
I know what the designers mean.
I do not understand why I think of intranasal, intravenous, rectal methods of use.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135536
xxx: Remember, I repaired a faulty assy, there was one payment dropped?
xxx: surprisingly, but he even with one bitten chip makes his colleagues at speed
xxx: the firmware is the same everywhere, the settings too, they usually work on the same pool
YYY: The reason is obvious
XXX: What is it?
He’s afraid you’ll bite again.
XXX: This option cannot be ruled out.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135535
Oh, right word, you are violating the rights!
XX: And in general, not Tolstoy, but Body Positive.
xxx: Lev Nikolaevich Body Positive.
The Lion violates the rights of cats. is too big. This is a co-positive.
xxx: Nikolaevich - from the word "Nicolas" - "Nika" "Laos", goddess of victory, and "people". A winner of peoples or something like that. Violation of the rights of citizens. A separate country. Which they win.
XX: So it is better to change to Tolerantovich at all.
xxx: Total, Co-positive Tolerantovich Bodypositive

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135534
to this:
Let the child understand that all people are different. If you inspire him that all good - then his first meeting bad uncle will easily take away as soon as you turn away. If you rub him that everything is bad - he will never have friends, he will forever suspect everyone and wait for a suspicion.
There are bad people and there are good people. Only actions can be determined.

by actions? Okay well. That guy with the candy is good, right?

Exactly by actions. A person of any gender who harasses others and offers free cheese is definitely bad. This should be explained not only to children, but also to adults. The more honest the eyes of the offering and more appetizing cheese, the harder you need to say "no" to the next fufflector steamer, a fanatic or an adept of an exotic sect.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135533
I have a dog of the breed Kurtshaar. She doesn’t look scary, and she is very scary by nature, even afraid of her own laugh. One evening, a drunk man came to me on a walk. and dark. Around no one. I understand that it’s useless to scare the dog, she pressed her tail and hid behind my back. The man opened his hands. But then my puppy with the cockroach began to throw on him. He fell down, and what a fortune that he did not notice how she was overwhelmed by fear.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №135532
From the discussion of innovations, different companies on GT:

Apple without Jobs is a huge Titanic, with no one steering the wheel and engine failures, and which is flying at a tremendous speed by inertia. While it rolls, but rush to the big iceberg - and go to the bottom

by Tembl44
And Tim Cook polishes bronze curtains on it.

Whether I’m spoiled, or is your phrase a multi-level euphemism for the phrase “Tim Cook...
and pedrilla.”

Rather, it was meant; instead of steering andining in working condition, the captain is busy "unclearly what."

But the course of your thoughts...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №135531
A long time ago, on the dawn of my work, I arranged for one company as an electric welder. One day the boss asked me if I could cook a gas boiler. I had no experience, all the experience in the gas welding was - it was independently welded 10 cm seams, but I did not want to hit the dirt in the face and so I replied affirmatively. He asked me why. He bought a used car "Moskvich-2140". The cars were tight at the time. Moskovich had a run through the sands of Kazakhstan, and was all rotten - wings, thresholds, etc. and. I had to cook this metal. Yes, and the greedy was the boss to drive the car to the service, and so I was free of charge and during working hours. My grandfather helped me. Which of the gesture cut and bended thresholds and wings. As I said, I had no experience, and especially about body works I had no idea, how and what and what nuances. So I cut off those thresholds with a whole seam! (For non-specialists I will explain - the body of the car is boiled with small gripes to avoid deformation.) Naturally, Moskovich led very strongly, the front doors went up by 2 - 3 centimeters, the rear by as much down. They were not closed at all. The master of the site came - a healthy grandfather, a former frontman and a former athlete - saw such a case, squeezed a little, and then said, "Yes, shit, now I'll fix it," and began to push somewhere with my hands, somewhere to drag, somewhere to scratch with scratches, as a result of the traces of my sting did not remain, the door fit the sting in the sting. And in the evening some friends came to the boss, began to inspect how the work progressed. And one of them cried out, addressing the chief, "Not a hero to yourself, Seroga, what special you cooked - the thresholds are completely welded and have not led anywhere?“To which the boss, with such a look of a man who has crushed the jackpot, answers, “Yes, I recently took a speck!”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №135530
The difficulties of homosexual life I encountered for the first time in third grade. About who is LGBT, I was still unknown, but from the gray-eyed, curly and bearded five-legged Rita for some reason could not take her eyes off. I decided to get her location anyway. She gave sweets, bracelets, which she bought for honestly accumulated. Compliments are covered. She even offered her to write. Rita smiled demonstratively, and I turned red and mourned. But then I was told that I was a beautiful princess, it turns out, because I slipped, that is to say, I planned something, because a girl can’t treat the girl just so well.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135529
The website of the drug clinic:

He slept for 16 hours and woke up drunk. Drink less bottles of vodka. I am scared, looking for answers.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135528
I sit in the office, two girls are sitting opposite. There is a lot of work, so I occasionally turn on the "hearing filter" concentrating on the work. I do work, I participate and I hear (c-colleagues):

K: And here she suckles, suckles, so deliciously, soaking like a vacuum cleaner... And then swallows.

I am O_O

K: Oh, we are generally talking about feeding a child... the perverted...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №135527
When I was 15 years old, my relatives turned down and gave me a good sum of money. I was very pleased and started planning future purchases.

That evening my uncle came to me. He sat down at our guests after some unsuccessful machinations. My uncle began to tell me how important the family is and how important it is to help each other. He told me how difficult his time was. He asked me to borrow the money I had given him. I was young and honest. I owe it to him.

The next morning my uncle disappeared. He went to the other end of the country to start a new business. He did not answer our calls and never repayed the debt.

years have passed. He recently called me. He said he was ashamed of that episode. He regrets betraying my trust. How he would like to redeem his guilt.

It was great, I interrupted it. But if you want to borrow money from me again, my answer is no.

A bad little asshole. My uncle said angrily and hanged the phone.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135526
The Repeat
The Girl: Repeat
The boy : )
The girl : )
and the
The girl: y
by Olo)
The girl: Olo
Every weekend I’ll be playing Storm Heroes.
Girl: You will not

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135525
Uncomfortable questions from children. My fourth asked what I was doing at work. I work on a regime unique object in the Russian Federation, so as not to know - I will not say. But it’s like explaining to a child that you’re running a synchrophasatrone. That was really uncomfortable, and all these gay morgi are thief.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135524
I filmed the room of my grandmother who was not less than 85-90 years old, gave the money for the rental, and safely forgot about it. Day three passes, the grandmother enters and begins to count with a crying voice - how I am not ashamed of her unfortunate money to steal, you live a long time and you know where the money lies, in the end three days she sat in my room and collapsed my brain, said she called the police now will come to take fingerprints from the wallet. My arguments about my lack of involvement in this disappearance were ignored. In the end, she found the money herself, said that she hid and forgot. And I sat in my room for three more days, crying and apologizing. Now with grandmothers I try not to live, the nervous system will be stronger.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135523
I crossed the road yesterday, saw how the infinitely on the move at the move of the lying police officer crashed... the cat and fled about O.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №135522
Yesterday, in our swimming pool, the mother-in-law arranged a scandal because of the fact that her 12-year-old boy was not allowed into the women's dressing room. Men are dangerous. I also went to the bathroom with my mother at the time, but until the age of three... the boy was sorry, he begged the fool with tears, let him calmly change his clothes, but she went on the principle. Eventually, she was returned the money for the subscription. My husband has psychotrauma.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna