— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135381
Heavy box with iron:

He has one pen on the side.
I think I’ll have to put him in the wool.
Tagged with: wash
The first option is even more accurate.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №135380
A car is like a woman, only iron. It is useless to argue with her if she wanted an update...))))
It needs winter wheels, then the sensors are new. And if you can still guess with the wheels, then about the sensors - silence until the last.))))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135379
The Ministry of Finance proposes to introduce poverty allowance, and the Ministry of Labour proposes to immediately take it as a tax on tuna eating.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135378
On Friday morning, my last socks were broken. “No,” I thought, and put on a shirt and socks. After an hour and a half drive before working on three modes of transport, I fell out of the bus and began to overcome the last hundreds of meters on foot. I went and thought - what my life has become dull, boring! I get up early to come to work, after work I go to school in the evening, then I go home for a long time, on weekends I get off sleep, there is no personal life, and there is no life at all! I think it would be great if something happened! Here is Happiness! At least something! At that moment, I broke a rubber on my trousers.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135377
To the new President of the United States, Obama will hand over a nuclear suitcase and codes from all Russian home phones.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135376
Per, of course, I am hopelessly upset, but it seems to me, for some reason, that the emotional color of the word "smuzi" is roughly the same as that of the word "write". Oh my God, how embarrassing...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135375
To the question of the difference between men and women - how the network clash develops in each of the cases.

and men:
I made a tail! (Photo of the Seal)
It’s nice, but I prefer knives.
Why not a gun?
Fuck, who is doing that shit?

The women:
I made a tail (photo myself with a tail)
This dress is not suitable for you.
It’s immoral to post photos with blades! What if the kids see? The horror!
You are terrible, who is sleeping like that?

^ ^ ^

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135374
You are interpreting the fact that the woman herself wants to increase her breasts, redraw her face, and so on, and even the risk of surgery does not stop her. Find out more about "Chinese "Chinese. Check out photos of these "lotus legs" without bandages. Read what the girls suffered while they were made legs, and how these shattered Chinese women lived afterwards. But they were proud of that! Can you imagine how women should be brainwashed in order to volunteer and be proud of themselves?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №135373
One of my comrades, named Veter (his surname is Vetrov), did a small need in the public toilet and in the process lost balance (slid on the wet floor). Instead of letting go of the farm and relying on the wall, he, a man of culture, "who I could have swept it all, met that wall with his nose and broke it, and then the jaw of the pissuar. Friends now stebut on the way of the song of the DDT "And what the wind, and to this will answer, don't go past, and broke the fuck" face"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135372
Going away is when you are doing something so incredibly cool that you are squeezed by the enthusiasm of yourself, and for others you are just a shrinking miserable figure at the monitor.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135371
Remember the Olympics slogan - Hot. The Winter. and yours. ? to and ;)

I ran into an anthrax and found a bag of shoes. Absolutely new, with a fur.

And on the package with them - my handwriting - New ones. The Winter. and yours.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135370
That’s how you meet a guy in the subway, and he’s getting confused. What about this pointless waste of time?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №135369
What is the name of the seller?
His name is "Hello"
Valentine: A great name
Zelder: Very common
Valentine: Aha and easy to remember

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №135368
What to do, what to do...

And what, in your opinion, should a normal man, who loves his woman for character, for common views, but has some, say so, preferences about the figure? <... the next passage about what to send her insert breasts is the norm...>

To admit, at least to yourself, that it is not very much, is to love. Why is:
a) When you really love, then with all the bites, and not "I love here, but take this away and add here", the appearance becomes irrelevant. Many cases where men stayed with women and were loyal to them, despite those pounds gained, lost limbs or found on 2/3 of the body surface burns. It’s true love if you’re not aware, and many people of both sexes are capable of it, not just women.
b) To send a loved one under a knife, taking into account all the risks of anesthesia, surgery, how her body will perceive the interference, etc., ONLY in order to better soften your loved one is selfishness bordering on abyss.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135367
I love the benevolent!

I am 30. I have never smoked, but after surgery on my throat I speak with a "smoked" soft voice. You can’t even imagine how many people were drawn around wanting to tell you that ‘kissing a smoking woman is like licking a ashes barrel’, ‘wrinkles will appear earlier’ and so on ‘throw away smoking, get up on skies’. And for me, not for those who run every forty minutes for a 15-minute oversmoking. For the right of smokers to quit work, regardless of the urgency, these same people are fiercely fighting, because their freedom cannot be violated! I’m really curious, but I feel like I can’t understand the logic.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135366
By the way, someone told me that in the past in Peter in the winter, on the street, heated beer was sold.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Only a circle was heated. True fans ignore this option.
Does it make sense to heat the cup? The beer is cold.
YYY: Nevertheless they did.
ZZZ: How did you heat it?
YYY: As far as I remember, I was dropped into hot water.
zzz: mmm... maybe it’s just so laundry?
It just doesn’t fit in the heating of the beer cups. :)
YYY: And the barrel for the sale of spilled beer in the 30-degree frost in the head is fit?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135365
Who would have thought that a brigade of untreated pipeline builders on a 40-degree frost in an accident would be much easier to understand than one intelligent, balanced, well-educated programmer on the pearl?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №135364
xxx: You can't tell me why this mother nature joke created a baby with dumb, superficial cheap ones?
YYY: Because if they were intelligent, profound and intellectual in their masses, they would start to waste their unique lives on such boring shit as husband, children, family.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №135363
XXX: then you and my visitors talk, it will not surprise you at all)
XX: one round plan
XXX: second 10 meters of wireless cable

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №135362
A year ago I had to undergo a small gynecological surgery. I was very afraid that my doctor would not be a woman. The night before I did not sleep, I was worried. Then the doctor enters the room. Young, tall, huge brown eyes, decent muscles... a dream, not a man) while he questioned me and filled the papers, I thought all the time, well, when he comes to the operating room, I will be sleeping. And he says, go, I’ll look at you. And it was a horror for me, I asked twice, and it must be?
I followed him in the corridor and thought of escaping.
Go into the watchroom, he says, dress up and lie down in a chair. He stands and washes his hands. The further dialogue:
I: Alexey Alekseevich, do you understand that I am ashamed of you?
D: I understand, I am ashamed of you too.
Well, at least you are cowardly.
I look, I don’t turn.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna