— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145594

here here :
to this:

OAK E1, theme of the theatre:
lvds: Cognac can be brought with you in a bottle from under assets. It is not transparent.
GREEN_MONSTER: Immediately it is apparent that the theater is a fierce :D

By the way, the bottles of the asset have a disgusting cover and after opening, the liquid in it is no longer stored! And thin plastic gives a shade of content.

As you can see, the commentator has no children.
Biolact from Agushy has great covers, enjoy your health!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145593
A small kitten, which fits on the palm, is considered cute, while timidly smells the proposed kitten size of its own head. It is delightful how he gently bites off a small piece, opening his little pink mouthpiece with milk teeth. It’s not funny when these small teeth clog up, like a trap, on the feeding hand, picking out the floor of the cottage.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145592
YYY: I won’t be wrong, I’m a grave!
XXX: The tomb where instead of the epitaphia - the RSS line with the last speech...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145591
Familiar vegans made vegans from cats and did not give meat from birth.

Are there such idiots in the world? O_O

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145590
About the level of intelligence of the British well wrote Daniel Defoe: Robinson made a huge boat for six months to realize that 100 yards to the sea he will not satisfy it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145589
Chromium, the uneducated boy! It does not clear its file descriptors.
YYY: He’s just still small.
This is your double standard.
XXX: how porn to show such an adult! and as the descriptors after you remove in Linux, so immediately small!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №145588
The state is not concerned about whether a person has a place to sleep, where to work, than to feed himself and his family.
But the state is worried when money enters a person’s bank account.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145587
I have a client, the owner of a small printing company. He is out of vacation today, comes into our office, laughs. The thing is: one and a half years ago, they gave him a beautiful large stake, he placed it on the receipt of orders and glued the explanation: "To the operator for tea." During this time, none of the clients put a penny there. And here, while the printer was on vacation, the operator changed the explanation to: "The operator for all kinds of inappropriate needs", and in two weeks the treasury filled to the edges.
I wanted to come up with a clever conclusion, but I couldn’t.
But there was a toast: “Let’s drink for literate marketing!”

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145586
The glass is half empty if it is empty, and half full if it is filled.
It is genius! How many generations have suffered. Pessimists and optimists.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145585
XXX: What is it?
Tagged: charging
XXX: B and B
XXX: Powerbank
Puerbank is a thermos with tea.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145584
Lifehack for thirsty minds, hungry for knowledge, from which shit and sticks build the product that we have today on the plate.

1) We attend the business exhibition on food technologies (it is free)
2) Enter the halls dedicated to ingredients and additives (this year there are 4 compared to last year)
3) We go to the stands and ask the managers who have jumped into the hustle: “We have a small production of cheese/bread/collapses (it needs to be emphasized). What can you offer to reduce the cost of increasing the output of products?
4) Pay attention to knowledge and get a ton of free literature in addition.

There are shortcomings. After such conversations there is a depressed state of the soul and the urge to forced anorexia.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145583
MFO: A small rural shop on the road. I went to buy a package to eat fast. I look, and they stand on the same shelf with cat and dog food. And above the shelf the inscription: "Dry feed for pets".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145582
Vegan dogs exist. And not at the initiative of strange owners, but the dogs themselves refuse to eat normal dog food, but they steam, sugar, a bag with rabbit food and crack.
What is typical, rabbits too, if not traced, from a dog or cat dish to eat meat, rats are earring!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145581
From the article on - Science:
It is known that memorization and learning are associated with the formation of new interneuronal connections. It does not matter whether it is about learning a foreign language or about a dance lesson. If a reader remembers something from this text, it means that his brain has anatomically changed. The editor apologizes."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145580
I have a client, the owner of a small printing company. He is out of vacation today, comes into our office, laughs. The thing is: one and a half years ago, they gave him a beautiful large stake, he placed it on the receipt of orders and glued the explanation: "To the operator for tea." During this time, none of the clients put a penny there. And here, while the printer was on vacation, the operator changed the explanation to: "The operator for all kinds of inappropriate needs", and in two weeks the treasury filled to the edges.

I wanted to come up with a clever conclusion, but I couldn’t.

But there was a toast: “Let’s drink for literate marketing!”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145579
xxx: I am going so past the stop, somewhere in front of a food barrel, on the side of it a board with a running line, which usually writes "Fruit products". And I don't know how, but something there apparently silenced, because of which the inscription on the dashboard stopped displaying normally.
xxx: in general, I go to myself, I go, I raise my eyes, in front of me with large red letters is written "THE Fruit"
XXX is unfortunate

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145578
There was an employee from the buffs named Svetlana Sokolova.
I remembered the song about the "Rose Roses aaa Svitka Sokolova aaa"...
Our employees are varying ages. They came together in the opinion that this is a certain "age test" - you know this song, then - an old man.
As a test, we ask the youngest (25 years old), did he hear this song?
Of course! We in Minyar still turn it in the DC every Friday!
The epic failure of the test)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145577
Fun from work. They call in panic. It does not print. What turned out. Two employees print on the same printer. Who called, does not fit documents on the printer. Check the print on empty. He sends again. Access to the printer-no documents. And so again. At this time, another employee prints, takes the printed, is very surprised what he printed for the hernia. He sends and takes again and is surprised again. And so three times.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145576
And then Okkam hopes out of the barber and asks:
Are there substances? What if I find?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145575
I only now paid attention to how the cartoon 4 machine prepares children for the harsh Russian reality:
They get the parts of the tank from the bottom of the pool, and the new parts, in exchange for the broken ones, are delivered to them by a helicopter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna