— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №135041
The Superman (Nem. Bermensch is a powerful creature that decided to go to bed earlier and went to bed earlier.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135040
Modernizing the forum. There was a signal that the rules of conducting discussion in the news discussion branch of the city were violated.Armed with a spade to bring offenders, I go to watch.

The news from the district newspaper is discussed, as a 62-year-old retired woman was detained in a store that stole food. And one gentle user is crucified, that all, say, shit, poor grandmother, probably a veteran of the WOW, for you the blood shed, and you for her candy is sorry, fools heartless. And tons of shit on all "bad" and "bad". Especially for those who ask how the 50-year-old grandmother shed blood in the war that ended in 1945. In general, the user was really surprised that the concept of "pensioners" is not identical to the concept of "veteran". And it would be a good generation of EGE, so for thirty people!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135039
Why did you eat my sausage?
I have a phobia!
What else is phobia?! to
YYY: Here are people—the heights are afraid, and I’m the sausages in the refrigerator.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135038
Dictatorship differs from democracy in that in democracy the people insult their own government, and in dictatorship the government of others.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №135037
My grandfather was a military officer and my grandmother was a teacher. In a military town, the teacher in the only school overturned, she eventually led a household circle for girls.

One day a boy comes to work. In a military town in Siberia, in the 1970s, this was, frankly, not very common. He answers all the questions - and I don't plan to get married, because all the girls are stupid, so I have to know everything myself! This is what I call a thoughtful approach, and all of your "do not put a stamp in the passport, so that the property is easier to share"-profanation is something.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135036
And also the husband of my friend, who is on maternity leave, one child 3 years, the second 1 year, coming from work and not seeing the pot of cheese, barrels of strawberries and cake-Napoleon, eaten ham and sausages and started to say - I don't understand what you are doing, you are at home all day?? to
But one day, a friend had trouble and she went to the hospital for a week. The husband had to take the hospital and be at home with the children. After that, he apologized to her for a long time and NEVER said it again - you're sitting at home all day. On the contrary, coming from work, he does not fall off to rest as before, and the wife leaves in the bathroom hot to sit and rest, and himself at this time with the children, or in the kitchen.
So don’t be afraid, girls, to leave young fathers with children for a long time. No, there are, of course, great husbands who understand everything, but there are different people who do not understand only to teach.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135035
Sitting at home and not doing it is an intersex model of behavior. You are talking about wives, and there are guys who are not seldom even husbands who don’t work, and all day cut into computer games. Or on the couch with a beer in front of the TV, while ladies feed them at work, and then at home. I know a couple who are champions in this regard. They both do not work, are interrupted by random earnings, have no housing, so they live by relatives who shelter, one mom from the village each week kicks them the refrigerator, the other throws money on small expenses. They are sitting at home in front of the company, they are all satisfied. Three years of such life, flight is normal. The lazy people sit on the neck of those who are willing to drag them on themselves.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135034
I remembered... We had a meeting of members of the garage cooperative (not very small). Well come to this gathering and just people living in the district. And it started - you need to remove the garages, they spoil the view and take up extra space - you need to break a square or a park with benches in this place! The square is fine, we said, but where will we put the cars? And this is your problem, they picked up, if you bought the car yourself, think where to put it! So we thought, we objected, here we have a garage cooperative, here we bought garages in it, here we pay money for land rental to the city, we serve all this business and our cars are not standing on lawns and sidewalks, but are standing in the proper places. by Neibet!! They have rattled! We need to shake and shake! Children have nowhere to walk, grandmothers have nowhere to sit in the shops! Your cars are your problems. They continued to mourn until they were forcibly expelled from the assembly.
And another case at the gatherings in the gardens. People refused to take off the roads in the cooperative, because we do not use the roads, we drive the electric car and the bus, let them take off who has the cars. The last bus leaves at 16.00. And here all these “we don’t use the road” after 4 p.m. stand at the fence of their villas with an outstretched arm and cats with potatoes/beetle/salmon/fungus and other shit, and catch a car that would bring them to the electric car. I will never fool them in principle. They said that they do not use the road, so do not use it.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135033
My husband divorced his wife and he didn’t work for a day.

I had a familiar family. My husband watches at work. Wife at home with children. I have not really worked a day in my life. My husband was well-paid and everyone was happy. One day, the husband entered the entrance, called the elevator and was hit by a pipe on the head from a minor frostbite. Further, he was in a severe condition, ate through a pipe, remembered nothing, the speech was never restored to the end, still speaking as if he was drunk. All this time, she took care of him, earned money on medicines and took everything from her wife.
My neighbors have three children. The husband is an Afghan soldier on the farm, the wife is the only one working.
All families are different. Whoever contributes, can be agreed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135032
The bullshit newspaper helps people not to park on fireways. In order not to fly away, a brick from above. No hurt, no sense at all. Talk, read and become cultural.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135031
I lost a cat.
They looked for 6 hours, ran under the balcony, thought he fell from the 9th floor. But no body, no blood, all floors were checked, the roof. They posted an announcement on all social networks about the disappearance. I calm my wife with a valerian, and myself with a bow. The road was for us this mocked Scottish p*z@#k.
Suddenly at 2 p.m. we hear a short MIAU and the sound of the falling pot. We run out, lighten the light and see the painting with oil: our cat in the borst and pasta. It turned out that we had a grid away from ventilation in the kitchen, the cat broke through this matter, pushed away with his leg, passed away (with just 5 kg!) And on the ventilation walked, somewhere he fell asleep! Extreme to fucking!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135030
I had a familiar family. All this time, she took care of him, earned money on medicines and took everything away from her wife.
My neighbors have three children. The husband is an Afghan soldier on the farm, the wife is the only one working.
All families are different. Whoever contributes, can be agreed.

You are, honest word. This is about the moral wickedness of both sexes, and you are ruining everything with your stories about normal people!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135029
It is simple. “The housewife is not a ‘unemployed’ person, it’s a ‘working for her husband’ for food and other basic necessities without retirement deductions and any insurance, including maternity leave.” Doing a small portion of the same work (single pensioners from the budget institution were cared for: similarly clean up, cook, brush out products from where they are cheaper) you can in the social center quite a lifetime salary, not chic, of course, but allowing you to live HORAZDO better than a housewife, the husband of which type as earns a lot, but she is forced to ask for the needs of children in the best case. Funny, but the divorced dad helped much more willing not only, actually, the child, but even the jacket of the former wife bought, when her winter clothes decorative rats eaten, and the family budget was not ready for force majeure, although he was absolutely not obliged, but the father who lives in the family believed enough of his merit that he lives in the family.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135028
<_whitesnek_> I can’t believe that after the cat’s death, you have a new one the next day. Where is the sadness and sorrow for a deceased friend?

<RHnb> I regret not getting it back. And I am an independent adult, my body needs a cat. In the refrigerator, the German cat is missing.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135027
M: Blah blah, we suggest installing an aquarium, are you interested?
I : No.
M: And why not? Gazprom is interested, and you are not?
I said, “Why not?” Well, the chocolate fountain and the bath with champagne are also not interesting to us.
M: But aquarium means success and profit!
I: And personal growth.
M: Yes, it is personal growth.
I: I fear that the aquarium will not help my personal growth.
M: Yes, I see, it won’t help your personal growth! Goodbye to!
Goodbye to :D

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135026
The thin guy in the publication about the puppy: puppy, advise a good technique for drying!
What do you dry up there, are you wet? Take the towel.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135025
What cameras do you have?
Tagged: dahua
I don’t have how much, but what.

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135024
It is easier:
to this:

And when in the end, I brought copies, they were scanned and sent to EnergySbyte. To my question: - why was it not possible to scan from the original to do, did not find anything to answer!

Because then you’t pay money for copies to the company that feeds the management of this institution. All is simple.

Do you see conspiracy theories everywhere? Just before it was necessary to give copies, then the electronic circulation of documents was introduced, and no one cancelled the rules.
I am more concerned why do I need a passport when paying the next loan? I was argued for this in the fight against the ‘anti-terrorist threat’. To my question why they lend terrorists, they replied that they don’t lend terrorists, maybe the payer is a terrorist. To the note that it is so good that the terrorist instead of buying weapons spends money on repaying the mortgage of a decent citizen - nothing was answered :(

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135023
Just just. I sit in line for tests in the laboratory. In front of me in the registration room stood a guy giving a spermogram. Well, in general, the girl explains to him, saying, "how you do everything, remember the time when it happened! (Analysis should be carried out within 15 minutes after delivery). After 10 minutes, a happy guy returns (preparation then 10 days of abstinence). There was further dialogue. D is a girl registrar, P is a guy.

D is “What time? »

P is “Three minutes”

D is What about 3 minutes? When is the analysis finished? »

Uncomfortable pauses and meaningful smiles.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135022
As Mark Twain said:
M.B. I quote incorrectly: By twenty years I noticed
My old man was very clever.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna