— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145234
Nevertheless, this childish naive confidence of businessmen, directors and queens of personnel, the slogan "insubstitutable" is not. Theoretically yes. And in practice, the formulation is often smooth or unexpectedly and sharply as diarrhea flows in the "how quickly and adequately set tasks are not indispensable?". No one will guarantee that the new employee will not be worse and there will be no more problems with him. Especially if the employer is mindlessly interested in "resource optimization" and "effective management". In the sense of stupid arrogance, if brief and clear. And such examples are full of: something, a social package, more pay? Go on the road, or go on the road. Further, the flow of diamonds is unlimited: the altruistic, the impasse, the thief, the irresponsible informal, the pofigist, the intricate thief. Plak-plak, can you come back?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №145233
Responsibility for work.
My mother, after reaching her retirement age, worked at the oil base for a couple of years. But then I decided to resign. She said she was scared. It’s scary because of the new employees coming in, irresponsible and petty. One of them will open the wrong drive, as they said, the plant begins to pump oil, and an emergency situation arises. If they barely have time to open the desired drive, the emergency situation does not have time to develop into a disaster. When asked by the employee, why he opened the wrong drive, he answers, and the type did all the problems.
Because of such infantile (not responsible for their actions) people, my mother chose to retire. It can be hard to work with such people.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145232
She writes a detective with a Buddhist inclination.
Guru is a gardener. =) is

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145231
Since there were two boys in black shirts, my name automatically became Grey Pants.

by Kleimora:
The teaching of teaching did not disappear at all. All 50 students were “a girl in a coffe,” “a girl in another coffe,” “a girl in a coffe with hair,” and “a girl in a coffe with not that hair.”

The Outsider:
She was probably a latent programmer.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145230
Not grammar-nazi, but the inscription very liked - "blessing." Here's how beautiful you can call shit coding!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145229
Dear bosses! Your arrogance towards the cleaners is just disgusting and humiliates you yourself, because such statements in the whole white light give out a tiny sink. Yes, I am a highly qualified cleaner, I clean the apartments, all employers treat me with great respect, as I do them. Others are in line, waiting for me to have free time to work with them. And I make very decent money. And for this money, I love their property with great love, do not shake about the owners, do not use resources and do not steal toilet paper. And your attitude toward the simplest employees makes it clear that you just don’t know how normal decent people work.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №145228
## In Mexico, where I once set fire, even the “laema” (mafia) gives under 8-10%. And when they learned that banks in Russia legally give out loans under 15-18%, they said that this is clearly a "laema". Because those percent are always only “laema.”

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №145227
Yesterday was a conversation with the director:
Ivan Ivanovich, the accounting department with the legal department for six months defended three checks, won the court, returned 600 thousand from the budget. The salary was not affected. I agree with the prize.
Ivan Ivanovich-Nouu we (in the organization) and so wages above the average in the city. I was chasing the car to the service here yesterday (personal bandley), I talked to the receptionist, so she told me such a horror! They work 12 hours three days in a row, then two weekends, and get only 18 thousand!!! I am talking about the prize...
You offer her 20 thousand, so she may give you the annual balance sheet.
From the neighboring office lawyer - I myself will pay her another 5 thousand, let us represent in court!
Ivanovich silenced, the prize was issued.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145226
% minutes ago comes a colleague-girl from another department and pronounces a phrase that I have not heard for 8 years and thought I would not hear again:
"People, and no one has a thin charging for Nokia?"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145225
Announcement near the diocese: "Dear brothers and sisters! There is video surveillance in the temple, and God sees everything!
First thought: So, what a cloud video surveillance.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №145224
mfo: I run into a night elephant wave, get into a dumb man, where there are no paths, and generally cross with any of the players zero whole figures of a tenth percent. I saw an interesting place - the stars fall on the illuminated floor. It is magical. She sat the character, went to the kitchen to drink tea. I come back next to the orc player and admire my elephant all in the stars. A month later I realized that this was our first family photo.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145223
Irka's phone is considered dead after first scratch on the screen
XX: and in Pasha - when buying a new will cost less than repairing the old
XX: Are you still sure they will get something out of the way?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145222
You have such a cute shit about work) And I have a problem with that. I know and am ready to take responsibility. There is work experience. And the pictures in the portfolio even fuck eat. I can draw beauty and well, and also print correctly from the car and brochure carefully. I suffer from hyperresponsibility and perfectionism. But there is a disadvantage - a little sociophobic and shy. I cannot communicate with people. So nobody takes me for a decent job - everyone takes shyness for insecurity! Profession, if anything, with communication with people is not related to any side.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145221
xxx:...and I don’t understand why my introvert and humanophobic has so many contacts on the phone?( by
yyy: To know when not to take the phone
XXX: Yes of course!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145220
XX: Strange people are getting to work today. Here, the programmer responded to the vacancy, in the resume, among other things, specifies: "Natural"...
yyy: Maybe he’s so sensitive that he’s not ready to develop for Apple products?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145219
The AAA! I got an honest confession from my neighbor.

In fact, I have a dog. A medium-sized breed of puppy, walks only on a dog platform, but under the windows of houses I still carry him - the platform is through a quarter, and the dog neither can fly nor teleport, you have to get there somehow.

And here I go with the dog on the leash and in the hood (we teach him to this accessory now, always in it we take out) along the path. On the lawn near the house is walking a couple of dogs more seriously - dark uncles, one with an adult shepherd, the other - did not see, with whom, but large. And the aunt from the window begins to chase me - said, they guessed and dumped everything around, there is no rescue from you... I answer - and what you, say, chase me, I don't live here at all, I just went by, tell them. And she is like this: "So men with large dogs are terrible to mock, suddenly they will be poisoned!". And then she seems to realize that she has revealed a terrible secret, and hides in the window.

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145218
There will be no churches, so they will build mosques, they say. I borrowed a niche.

And that the church occupies a niche of culture and education, they do not understand. The church says don't go to this concert, don't watch this movie, we will write to the prosecutor's office, let them close, cancel. And our Orthodox activists will still go and defeat, so that it is unimportant. of Orthodoxy.

The church puts its crown on everything, forgive, put the cross. The church is the most spiritual institution.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145217
My son (4 years old) said:

I don’t want to be big.

Why is?

“Because I don’t want to live with a strange woman,” he thought and added, “I’ll have to buy rings, but I haven’t bought a motorcycle yet.

In the garden, the topic of marriage is apparently actively discussed.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145216
XHH: And I was given a baron’s soup and said, say, don’t you want to cook the harcho? And I want, only the meat they ate, and there is no onion at home.
XHH: I watched a funny recipe, but it has to be done in the canyon. We have electricity in the
In general, it can be cooked, but it will not be a harcho, but a harcho.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145215
“Don’t write to me your letters,” I condemned and unsubscribed from e-mails of new shoes, tours and other consumer cakes. It was yesterday. And today the fucks sent new letters: they notify me that yesterday I pressed the button "I don’t want more letters".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna