— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №72593
In the Italian word "egg" ("uovo") with one letter is different from "man" ("uomo"), you can legally confuse what happened. Student about holidays in Russia: "There is such a tradition. A man whose ass is stronger takes away a weaker man.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №72592
You got your "I fuck... and I want to do a fuck"...
Write this to yourself in the status on social networks! This is not a fucking forum.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №72591
No, it’s all shit here.
yyy: disappointing diagnosis, what to say))
Pfff, build a civilization of psyches and proclaim normal people as psyches. All Simply

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №72590
general sex: (02:53:53 5/11/2012)
More precisely how
general sex: (02:54:50 5/11/2012)
She took and ate the ferry.
general sex: (02:54:52 5/11/2012)
My own
general sex: (02:55:22 5/11/2012)
And I answered her, but the game lost all meaning to me.
general sex: (02:55:41 5/11/2012)
For what is the king alone to do, even if he wins this war?
general sex: (02:56:04 5/11/2012)
Let us be black, we have a soul, a heart, feelings.
general sex: (02:56:23 5/11/2012)
In general, I dared the figures and announced the apocalypse.
Trishka (02:57:11 5/11/2012)
Trishka (02:57:24 5/11/2012)
You have a strange logic, but I get caught up.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №72589
Former lovers a year later:
Q: But you’re on the list of people I’ve had great sex with.
P: You too.
Give me five!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №72588
Yavanosta, 4 November 2012 at 16:28
How tired of it. Every news is the same. “Today, the government has decided to raise the price of ham and to ban the free sale of toothbrushes. According to experts, this decision will hurt producers of child pornography. Now we will survive!” by Tifou.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №72587
One day the child said:
We sit with a loved one, look at a child, catching a toy zebra, jumping around the room with the screams of "qu-qu-qu-qu". I ask him: “Sir, do zebras whisper?” and the child thinks for a few seconds and begins to jump, shouting “Where are you?”
This is childhood logic.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №72586
Supernatural, Season 1, Episode 16, Shadow Killer. The first victim, the winchesters come to the apartment, isolated connect the spots of blood on the carpet, get a symbol.
Sam asks Dean, have you seen him before? He answers – no. It shows the symbol itself.

This is the currency of the Sims!! to

Call the Winchester, I know who the killer is!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №72585
News: "Zenit" lost Hulk before the decisive match in the Champions League.
Iron Man refused to replace, negotiations are ongoing with Captain America.

[ + 28 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №72584
XXX is:
Do you always be drawn to any evil that the Orthodox avast does not satisfy?
I want exotic.
The xxx:
Fuck the gentleman.
I am for traditional sex.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №72583
Tomorrow is the Royal Night.
XXX: End of the Holidays
I will walk in the streets, smash the passers with toothpaste, burn fires and tell the legends of the pioneer star.
Q: Should I start calling now?
XXX in the Kashgar?
XXX: Called :) I and the sanitarians

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №72582
In the shop:
Young man, will you take a package?
No, thank you, I’ll bring the car in my hands!
Take a Mercedes and save money on packages.
It was enough for Mercedes :)

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №72581
A young and pregnant woman wanted a snail. I bought, I brought. In the evening I come - the fish is not ready, the girl is crying. She cleaned the shovel and found a small fish inside. Well, now he cries - how, the pregnant fish was killed and almost eaten. Elijah assured me that the fish are not livestock.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №72580
I watched how the crows were entertaining.
A strong wind. On the field at the concrete fence sits a few crows. From time to time, one of them takes off and tries to fly against the wind blowing in the direction of the fence. But the forces are not equal, none can surpass the wind, and it takes it to the side where it sits. Then the lost bird takes off the fence, makes a wide circle and returns to the other players. The other crows at this time are bullying. It seems that you even hear this noise repeatedly:"Low-a-k!"

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №72579
MardJane: p.s: I did so myself in 11th grade of school - I found a comfortable boy from the MGU, with whom I started dating before entering school.
But then she met Shchegla and left the boy without any doubts.
kakaxa: And then such babies at 30 find themselves with 2 children alone and wonder what kind of goats are.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №72578
I am a graduate student. I do not want to write a dissertation. I want my scientist.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №72577
What is your cat busy with?
Which is % cleansing.)
Is it washing?
The pigeon eats...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №72576
If you drink with every joy, sorrow will come by itself.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №72575
We go into the office with my mother and make a gift for the apartment. I am an uncle of 102 kg, height of 183, not a gift.
Woman at the table: So here are Ivanova Anna Petrovna, Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich...
I: Yes
A woman putting some (not important) paper on the table: Who of you Anna Petrovna, sign...

...I approached and took the pen – I was offended, screaming...

[ + 67 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №72574
Children, remember, “coffee” and “whisky” are “he.” “It’s shit and the Ministry of Education!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna