— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №134861
In both cases, the result – purity and eating – the men had, but they need to do so that “Masha took care.”

So Masha is still busy... before folding the products in the multivark, they need to be washed / cleaned / cut. in the dishwasher and laundry machine to be loaded / unloaded. I think for the working machine of these заебов quite enough. And a good husband needs a good, beautiful, cheerful wife, and not a messy messy Masha. Therefore, good husbands try to spend a minimum of time on the wardrobe, equipping the apartment with all kinds of useful devices, so that their wives spend the most time on them))) and from the spoiled wives they run to the spoiled mistresses very often.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134860
How interesting it is. If a man raising his child is looking for a woman, then "a second mother." Try, as a potential partner, to say that you will be treating neutrally positively, BUT! Not to get confused under my feet and live as you want not to bother. And the man, of course, first of all should pay attention to her. I’m not even asking what the man will answer. What does society say about such women? In the same stories as he describes?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134859
Even parents can accept that you grew up, but not neighbors!

My mom and dad have marriage anniversary, 42 years old. I (33 years old, mother of two children and head of the department) and my brother (39 years old, director of my own firm, have a wife and a son-student). The parents went to bed early, and we broke up, at 11 o’clock in the evening decided to go and see what the square now looks like, in which we liked to walk as a child.

In the morning, a neighbor's aunt Galia made a complaint to her father, who was met on the staircase cage - what is it that his children chew without supervision at night!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134858
I love you all to the end!
He told us one-on-one.
How the elections went.
Friendly in the ass we went.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №134857
In addition, in the car seats are restrictors with a lock. This fool breaks them.

He is legally right.

Not at all, because it is the deliberate destruction of someone else’s property. The lawfulness of the installation of restrictors should be established by the authorized body, and dismantled by the public servants according to the prescription, and not anyone who seemed to be established illegally. At least for self-government. But to present something officially, indeed, is unrealistic, for they are established, most likely, as unlawful, and any official body movement will provide a proof base for a counter-accusation. Thus – 1:1

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134856
If a person earned 200-300 r per month and half spent on the book, in 5-6 years it was real to accumulate on the car without theft.

This is if a person worked as a oil worker in a taiga or a seeker on a seiner and did not spend money anywhere. This is once. Have you heard of the car? It is two.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134855
In order for people not to behave like fools, you need to give them this opportunity first. In order not to run across the road, you need underground or overground crossings, lightfores, zebras. In order not to suck in the bushes, sorters are needed in step-by-step availability. In order to avoid parking, parking is needed. And only when all this is, you can call fools those who do not use it, and even punish them.

Millions of people cross the streets in place and do not suck in the elevators, even in the absence of public classes.
But the fools just want to find revenge.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134854
As a result, the apartment was sold, the son married the girl and moved back to the apartment of his parents.

A real cat is not attached to the masters, but to the house.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134853
My husband has to get out too! Why don’t they cut wood an hour a day?
What "heating" is central, hot water from the crane? You have to do everything yourself.
But then all kinds of thoughts appear, to study in the evening, to go to the crawl, still to think.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134852
No to:

Therefore, good husbands try to spend a minimum of time on the bathroom, equipping the apartment with all kinds of useful devices, so that their wives spend the most time on them)))

They are just less bad husbands. Good husbands do not consider homework to be a purely female business, but also clean up, wash dishes, etc. Regardless of whether family funds allow to buy dishwashers and other facilitating household equipment.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134851
Whoever comes to us with his sword will not pass through the customs.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №134850
Oki Coast near Kashira. In that war, the German never came here, for the eye he was not allowed. Abandoned field of the former collage or sovhose. Ivan tea grows with blue flowers. Stop, what is the naphid? The pattern grows somehow...I go and look. Then it sinked. The line of barricades with cells for shooting, the moves of the message, and this square - clearly under the gun or aircraft position.

After the war, the barracks were filled with garbage and smelled. I have been growing something in the field for 60 years. Then they abandoned. But from behind the disrupted soil structure, Ivan tea grows only where there were rocks. Is there more water there, is the soil richer?

People are forgetting. The earth remembers.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134849
If you need to ask your husband for any updates, get on the table and tell the poem with expression:
I will go out naked!
Let the bear eat!
No matter what, my poor.
Nothing to wear!

[ + 24 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134848
Yesterday, in the middle of the night, the question was raised in my head - What command does the commander of the crew of a police waterplate car give to the waterplate? "Fire and Fire" "Water and water" Thanks, another half hour of thinking in the dream.

`/\’ >J<

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №134847
Edit the gallery admin on the client's website. I was surprised to find the function "Periscope Control" in javascript. The function contains three blocks of comments (literally):
- "Lift up the periscope",
- "Remove the periscope",
- "Pick up another periscope (at least visible in it)"
As it turned out, the function shows at the right times the panel with the buttons "Add", "Remove", "Save" and so on.
Someone has an original sense of humor.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134846
Oleg: Sanya and you will be released by Olya? and Smiley
Alexandra: On a Saturday?
[13:23 ] Oleg: The fishing
Alexander: Who will ask her?
[13:25 ] Oleg: Ahha ha ha (teeth)
[13:39 ] Alexander: Shortly if only with Oil

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134845
> Blame the fool of the authorities who did not build his parking lot

There is a fundamental difference. If someone bought a car and does not want to pay for a parking space, then he is a fool, yes. But if he is willing to pay for the car seat, but there is no place for it, then who is to blame - who needs this same car?

The right state has only two functions: to ensure order within its borders and to protect its borders from invasion. and all. The state shouldn’t do business, it shouldn’t get into culture, it shouldn’t merge with all ends badly. But within the framework of ensuring order, in addition to regulating economic activities and ensuring compliance with the Code of Criminal Procedure, it would be good to engage in city planning. This includes obliging developers to build houses with underground parking spaces, as they have long done in civilized countries, and to build multi-storey parking spaces in areas with old houses.

In order for people not to behave like fools, you need to give them this opportunity first. In order not to run across the road, you need underground or overground crossings, lightfores, zebras. In order not to suck in the bushes, sorters are needed in step-by-step availability. In order to avoid parking, parking is needed. And only when all this is, you can call fools those who do not use it, and even punish them. But not earlier. And yes, the authorities must do all this, it is their direct duty. This is what, and not behind the amphors on the roofs to dive.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134844
On the subject of sclerosis.
In the evening, the daughter puts the grandchildren to sleep, the wife in the bedroom is watching her series, I am in the kitchen with a note.
I go to the refrigerator, pour a drink, make a butter, snack.
After a while I decided to repeat, I go to the refrigerator, make the butter, and I can't pour because I forgot to drink the first))))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134843
It is sex education:
If I put my girlfriend’s hand while she was asleep, is it onanism or rape?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134842
What command does the commander of the crew of a police water-powered car give to the water-powered vehicle? "Fire and Fire" "Water and water" Thank you, another half hour of thinking in the dream)" - so "URINE!" right?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna