— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104934
DerArto: I’ve looked at Instagram and you know what I’m going to tell you, you’re in the photos of Halloween, absolutely not terrible, compared to the photos of you 5 years ago.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104933
V-Star-V_XP: Is there any thread "developer kits for adults"?and :)
alx0: V-Star-V_XP, VAZ 2101

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104932
Dialogue from life:

My ass jumped up!
Let me see. I will not push.
- Dentists also say "I just look at"...
And then the pimples on the ass press? Is it often so?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104931
It is good that Mr. Honoré de Balzac does not see that.
And you, women of the Balzac age, do not offend them, please! You are more often called girls than women.
After all, the very expression "Balsakov age" became famous after reading the novel "Thirty-Year-Old Woman" by large masses. That’s not about my grandmother, right?

In general, the Balzakov age is a woman aged 30 to 40 years. Vicentessa d’Eglémon was distinguished by independence, autonomy of judgment and freedom in expressing her feelings, among other things.
So is!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104930
xxx: 2107 for 2014 looks great on the backdrop of loans, it was created by some brilliant designer so that it has not appeared obsolete for 30 years. Just look at these strict straight lines, the massive grid of the radiator, the deep and attractive headlights. I want to sit in her and go somewhere.
Somewhere in the car service.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №104929
In the morning we stand with our daughter (4.5 years old) on the site, we wait for the elevator (16th floor), the neighbor comes out, stands with us. He also waits. Here my little cacao will break. Loud and smelly.
Oh, I have thought about it!!! to
The elevator arrives, we enter, and here the neighbor gives:
Don’t think in the elevator!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104928
The first and most powerful trolling, covering the whole country, and maybe the world - 1000 eggs in No Weather!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104927
Are you there soon?
I’m trying to get in the jeans.
See also: Eeeee?
And they have been lying there for six months.
Vitaly: Haya washed

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104926
When I started dating a guy, he had a girlfriend.
Two years ago, we were married.
Question: What damn am I still signed with him as a "Lohah-Shinomontage"?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104925
The film "Lucy" is a prequel to Bruce the Almighty. After watching it became clear how Morgan Freeman became God.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №104924
My grandfather was illiterate, so he beat his grandchildren once, not counting until three.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104923
The most important in the country are the Chren and the Frog, one knows everyone, and the other suffocates everyone.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104922
Marat: Why have scientists not yet produced such a GMO card that restructures the brain so that it begins to praise GMO food?
Zloradskij: We have tried. The potato after three weeks of unsuccessful brain searches spit and deserted.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104921
I study in Germany. We went to the university on Saturday evening with a friend to test the experiments. Go through the forest to breathe fresh air. It darkened. We chose the wrong path and realized we were not going there. The lights appeared at the meeting. I have already come up with a phrase like going to the locals and asking the road, but they greeted us: "Good evening! Who else could be met in the dark forest of Germany?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104920
Tacita, that is, a quote, from November 1, 2013:

In the last three years, the main sign of the New Year has not been the smell of mandarins, not the festive incentive, but the gas conflict with Ukraine. So you will hear in the news "gas, payment, Ukraine"- and you will meet the New Year soon!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104919
One of the most mysterious things for me is the split washing buttons at the toilets. They are often found in public places.
The big button is big because it is responsible for the greater flow of water (and it has to be pressed when the bigger went down), or, on the contrary, it was made so that in more frequent operations - addressing the small need - people were more comfortable to press on it?
At the time of the hole-in-a-half there was no such difficulty :(
The two buttons are a symbol of democracy, as if saying that not everything is predetermined, and that you yourself, as a representative of modern democratic society, are free to decide the fate of your shit, namely the speed of its movement along the sewage waters.
However, as in any modern democracy, the details and mechanisms of how it works, no one understands but the main thing is what the concept is.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104918
A little later this year

The head of the company N, the father of three children, has publicly apologized for the fact that he does not seem to be quite gay.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104917
to this:
P.S You are not a troll and you are a minor, trolling is when you get people out of your mind with a smart thought, and not when you try to get rid of the shit with a troll.
Well, even if someone tried to separate the fly from the cocklet, thank you for defining the troll.
It is a pity that there has not been a ready-made recipe for seeding deer from the resource.
With quality trolls it would be much more interesting to live.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104916
When my wife suddenly approaches me, hugs, kisses and says, “You know how much I love you?“I’m getting scared. The car? The betrayal? The credit? Called to live?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104915
Discussions about the settlement of various fish to axolots:
XXX: my frog has bitten my leg - a frog.
But the lap grew, and the frog moved.
And my girlfriend moved (with a frog).
Then I realized that no more frogs would live with me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna