— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134701
Is your name upsetting you?
Change your name to Gzhegozh Bjenchishchikevich - and let the others get stuck!

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134700
and name
I live in the United States with the mysterious name Xenia for Americans. So, let me give you a few examples that I am periodically referred to as:
by Kesenia
and Exxon
• Kenya
• Kenya
• Senya
by K'Nesia
Tagged with'sleep
by Cassandra (O_o)
"Ksyusha" for them is generally a brain explosion. I tried to introduce "Key", and then Kate, then Kate will be discussed. She reconciled with the fact that it was necessary to dictate everything in letters, and then repeat several times as it is pronounced, because they demand, and then rejoice, like children, when it gets.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134699
Change the orientation! Why did you come to Nadia? What is an unknown enot? There were screams from the audience.
This is how we worked with folders and Google Docs at the Computer Architecture Lab.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134698
>> appearance does not depend on the costume, but on the song the soul sings.

This is true, the appearance of the dresses does not depend, but the number of dresses outside the line depends on the appearance very much.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134697
Not long ago I learned about alcohol.

Europeans skip one meal, or eat less, in order to get swollen at night and not swollen.

The OPPA! I appear to be in trend.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134696
The Advertising:
From September 30 to October 14 in all medical offices takes place the "Autumn bouquet" campaign. During this time, prices for laboratory tests that identify pathogens of three common sexually transmitted infections have been reduced: chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134695
It was long ago. More precisely in 2006. An intelligent man came to us. Years of 55. Dressed as a diplomat. Later I learned that he was a professor at the university. A couple of times a week bought simulators (submarines, planes, cars) or construction strategies. I only got a license. Prosek chip that I am engaged in games and can say the pros and cons of the game, bought only in my exchange. A pleasant man. But, periodically complained that some games do not go with him on the laptop and asked to change. The first two times did not stress, but the number of games increased. In the video department said that the same fit with the movies - often changes.

(M) Hi, the toy did not go again. Do you change?

(I) - So the system fits with the stock, maybe bring a laptop, I'll see what's wrong?

(M) - Not comfortable, as if everything works well, but the game doesn't pull everything.

And bring it.

I’ll bring it in the morning, see until evening. I have a cognac (laughs)

The next day, he opened his notebook and went to work. On the laptop everything is fine with updates, wood, directory. Here's just the games he's changed working great. A little time and I found the crabs to them. He left half of the games for himself, and for the other half he rolled the crawlers and played them calmly. In the evening, he comes, as always, polite and smiling.

(I) What do you do so Scottish? You have all the games I have recommended. If the money was unfortunate, I would buy a pirate, I suggested. They would save, not return.

(M) - I teach criminal law, I buy pirates does not ruin my conscience.

And here I fell. Cravings can be pulled, and cravings can not be purchased.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №134694
In the oceanarium near the swimming pool with turtles stand two of our compatriots - a very fed daddy, the neck smoothly moves into the shoulders, and a boy 5 years old. The cashier can buy a glass of food and feed the turtles, which these two actually do. In turtles, the feeder causes a stormy enthusiasm, the boy, respectively, too. Then I hear this dialogue M-boy, P-pa.

Dad, can I try food too?

No, this is for turtles.

It smells so delicious, well.

P – No, I said it. can not. The hell knows what they put there.

M and PAAP. Well please..

P – I can’t tell you. It smells delicious, and so fucking something. I have already tried.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134693
As long as our most common social elevator is the “papa in a high position”, the country will not develop normally.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134692
Being a student of medfak from the evening depended on a friend in preparation for the surgery exam. Medical students have a chip, when studying the material they find diseases in themselves, even if in reality they are not. That happened to me. That evening found the symptoms of appendicitis in her, a friend checked and confirmed. Remembering this "chick" wrote down symptoms on the games of mind and body and continued to study symptoms, treat diseases and learn the course of operations. The next morning wearing a shirt, I went to the exam on top of the shirt.
She passed the exam and instead of going out like normal students, sat down. I decided to insure myself. Symptoms did not pass. Prepod in confusion of course asked what was the case, and then invited to the neighboring office (exam as the study was held in the hospital). When he began to stretch the shirt buttons at the teacher's eyes on his forehead, he began to move his hand, saying: - No, no, no...
My stomach got sick even more. So why should I wear clothes if I already passed the exam 5 minutes ago? I was able to explain that under the shirt there is no shirt or other way to get to the stomach. After identifying the signs of appendicitis, he immediately sent him to the operating table.
The surgeons decided to cut under local anesthesia. When I learned that I was a medical student and just passed the exam, I was asked to tell the sequence of surgery for appendicitis. They cut and told me what stage they had reached. After cutting out the appendix, they offered to admire them and hanged me in front of my nose. At that time, I desperately wanted to sleep. I was not allowed to sleep, of course, was thrown under my nose, brought to consciousness, sucked safely and sent to the chamber.
So I passed on surgery theory and practice on myself.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №134691
Barrymore, what kind of wave is this in the swamps?! to
Children and relatives of Russian officials, sir. They do not want to go to Russia.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №134690
It is well known that women who walk in shoes on high heels are more likely to experience orgasm!
0.5% when having sex, 0.3% when masturbating and 98.5% when taking off shoes.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134689
Terrible names

I read your horrors and wonder. When in my childhood I began to be fooled by fools, I, in response to the question "How are you called", began to say "How Gryboedova". Since the name-fatherhood of Gryboedov is not known, the method works perfectly so far: the fool climbs into a textbook or into a google look and begins to collect fragments of templates. When an English woman in the universe offered to call me a terrible name (yes, Shura), I just said to call myself Sanders. Most universities still call me so, which is very pleasant. No any problems.

And you, forgive me, parents could even call R2D2 - they would still scratch the problems and be dissatisfied. The reason is not in the name.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134688
Luke Skywalker could be gay.
and ah. The boy who escaped from the house because of the first shirt...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134687
This is what I have, an antenna that grows out of my ass, all sorts of stories to attract.
222: You just have the shield reversed, working on the reception.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134686
From the Auto Forum:

Yes, the buchanka initially looks like it is inflated through an exhaust wire.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №134685
ahsirg: Now I’ll tell you what a pleasure is. Destroyed the whole apartment.
ahsirg: Not putting a bag in the vacuum cleaner

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №134684
Plans for the evening:
1st Wear a laboratory dress.
2nd Take a full bus / trolleybus / train.
Three Imitate an attack of a strong cough.
4 is Get a dictionary out of your pocket and say: "The virus is becoming more aggressive, you need to urgently look for a medicine"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134683
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
Three years ago I was actively looking for a job, a bunch of tired interviews just tired me. And here on the next one of them will learn this hellish question: "Where do you see yourself in our company in three years?"I say, for a moment, I get the tarot, I make a schedule, and I give them that I see myself as an asshole in finance. It’s been three years, I’m gone!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134682
For the same behavior, metals are called noble, gases are called inert, and people are called sociophobes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna