— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144894
xxx: In short, pasta on the plate boiled, there are still a couple of tomatoes and cucumbers, cut your own salad
WOW: Oh, good that they are cooked, or I am so lazy that otherwise I would bite them dry. I will not cut the salad. paragraph one.
There in the closet of the bank of canned fish stands, you can mix the pasta. Just go to the neighbor, let him open, you don’t have to bite the bench.

[ + 21 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144893
Kim Jong-un: We are not afraid of you. We really eat you.

This is not funny.
If we represent countries as people, then all nuclear powers are cynical, evil, ugly, selfish and physically well-developed guys (and the United States is generally a cat). They are sufficiently adequate. They have a gun, of course, but they prefer to solve their problems by giving pins and cracks. In extreme cases, if the enemy is strong and also has a gun - they can raise the floor of the jacket, showing the cobra. In a critical situation, they will get the trunk and show it, overturning the barracks... The USSR was a guy with a plus, but also not a weak and not a fool. He drove more frequently with the pistol, as the enemy was around, but he also preferred to teach life with his hands and feet.
And the DPRK is a completely shifted breath, whose home instead of mirrors - photographed photos of himself, and to maintain physical shape he periodically puzzles himself, because no one else is able. The maximum that he could do before was to put the foot on anyone who is not the strongest... And to leave everyone, because he thinks that not himself but everyone around him is abnormal.
And now this man has a rifle. And the likelihood that he will not suddenly start to squeeze in everything that moves is extremely small. And to squeeze him just like that - it will not work. One shot - and starts such a shooting that all will fall.
And you keep joking about the "degraded" America.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144892
What idiot, who invented these names? To call a firearm Buratina - something that in this fiery hell the very first will burn and joyfully burn to the hell - is like to call handcuffs.

You won’t believe...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144891
When the code is being globalized, I’m quietly solving problems with a stone face. This is why I am considered senseless.
How can they all explain that I just have a shock state more often, and I am dumb?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144890
The future will come for everyone.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №144889
In a wave of general suffering over the beginning of the school year, I discussed the school years with a friend. Next with his words.
“My parents didn’t force me to go to school. Dad was only pleased. In the morning we woke up - the lopata, the villas, the cattle, the straw... Nothing, but not to sit at the lessons. Another day I did not go to school. The same scenario. On the third day, my father only opened his eyes, and I was already in the corridor with my wallet in my shoes. I loved to study.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144888
The officer taught his little son to make a shredder. He gave him money for boards and nails. The son gave the father a portion of the money and built nothing.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144887
I was told one day that I was filmed in porn. The creator of this hearing allegedly once saw a video on the phone of some familiar brother of his friend, and in addition - was the most famous treble in the company, but this confused few - the hearing was transmitted with the words "no, he could not come up with any of this, so there was something."

And I approached everyone with a request to show me a video with me in the main role, wondering how I performed there.
I didn’t have sex for a year or a half at the time.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144886
Thinking loudly
The word black in Russian is harmless, unlike the word nigger in English. But the word black in Russian can offend someone, unlike the English black. And here’s the Americans coming up and telling us: don’t speak black, speak black, be politically correct. That is, they urge us to use words that are considered offensive in our language, in our culture. It is unpolitically correct to us and to the Negro. Negroes have always been treated well.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144885
Amaryllis: Why was it "heres" in Russian? Sherry is so much better.
Because drinks with a fortress of more than 12 degrees, the Russians drink more often from sorrow than from joy.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144884
Oculist: Is something bothering you?
Friend: Yes, it’s getting worse
Oculist: Oh, what you say, vision can’t get worse.

All this happened in the military.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144883
When admitted to universities, we do not take into account almost entirely the interest of the student, and people go where they can go. What comes out of this? That a person often studies at the university, so that then you can get better arranged, and not because he is interested in this industry of work. And leaves the university is not the master of his business, but the official. He will pass the exams, and all the assigned work will be done, but there will never be a highlight in his work, his work will never be a creative work.
and. .........
Somewhere in the late 1990s and early 1990s, a timid attempt was made to introduce such a thing in schools as "professional orientation." Analysis of the psychological characteristics of the high school student and issuing recommendations on the area of activity in which he will produce the maximum number of outcomes. But psychology is shit, every manager knows that, right? Well, what happened - in your quotation above...)))))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144882
XXX: And I’ve made a TODO list for the next month!
XXX: And I have already cut out two points.
Keyten: It is now that you are pleased with this list. And in six months will be upset, although, it would seem, nothing has changed, and the list is still the same...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144881
by Alejandro Jeditobe:
The Earthmen have just deceptively carried out an act of interplanetary ecological terrorism, throwing a dirty nuclear bomb in the form of the Cassini probe RITEG that has worked out directly on the cefalopods of the Saturnians who do not suspect anything.

Thus began the First Heliospheric War.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144880
N@ta > Tell me the words that every woman wants to hear from you!
Mr. proud > I... all agreed...
N@ta > Oh yeah! You are the best!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144879
From the Chinese to the Chinese.
1) the names are not translated (if it is very necessary, you write in a note), especially the names of famous personalities such as Sun Yat-sen or Mao Zedong
2) there are rules of transliteration in Russian (Palladium system may like or dislike, but it is an official transcription, allowing to unambiguously restore the Chinese original (without tones); it is preserved, even if the resulting words sound wild for natives of the Russian language (type "web"GCG);
You would not bother to learn it and learn already that Sergeevich is Seergayevayci, and not what you wrote.
3) There are established exceptions to the previous rule, in particular the province of Anhui, which in Russian will be Ankhou instead of Ankhou.
4) you are apparently beyond the textbook for the first semester did not advance if the propositions of 4-5 words you have

The slogan "web" is not in Chinese.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №144878
Our Ministry of Culture has cooperated with Orthodox activists, such as the Queen of Cersei with His Spirit, banned Tangeiser, Manson in Novosibirsk. Now Medinsky is fighting with activists because of Matilda. In the case of Cersei, she had to go naked through the Royal Harbour. Will we see the passage of Medinsky?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144877
The cat was not hungry and apparently wanted to sleep. But a drunk woman came and he had to eat from a spoon.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144876
I go from work. Winter and snow, well! A very old and unfamiliar grandmother.

My daughter, stand still!

I stumbled but stopped.

Do you know that your father is not your father?

I imagined for a second what would have happened to me at that moment if my mother hadn’t always been honest with me.

I know.

I thought you might not know...

And she went on.

Morality: Be honest with your children.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144875
Dacha near Irkutsk and over us fly Su-30SM. Sometimes you can see the top pilot. The plane on the move rotates in a horizontal plane, I call the neighbor: Lohah, look at it rotating! He looks at me and says, “Sura!” He is drunk!! The airport is lost!! Looking around, looking for a place to fly!! to
I roasted a long time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna