— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104534
here here :

This is:
I walk past the stop late in the evening, smoke hunting and smoke nothing. And there are two teenagers sitting in the darkness in some clothed hats. Let me go guys, let me smoke. They started kissing at the same time. Both the boy and the girl were offended. Uncomfortable overall.
Remember, you have to talk "children".
= the =

Better so: "Children, let’s smoke"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104533
How you got your multi-word notion of marriage and the unexpected troubles associated with it! There is an old good saying: a man marries in the hope that a woman will not change. A woman marries in the hope of re-educating a man. So get out now.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104532
If I break up with him, I will live with a cat.
XXX: The Hope
XXX: Beginning of Mimi
XXX and then...
The cat is always mimic.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №104531
We had an action at our office today.
To those who climbed the stairs, instead of an elevator, they were given a slice of celery wrapped in a healthy lifestyle advocate.
xxx: I look at the squash on the sides, and the people are sitting each in their own compartment, stumbling in the monitor and chewing this celery.
XXX: Reminds me a little bit

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104530
to this:
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
in contact: on the photo keys from VAZ classics:

The comrades!! Let’s try to help the man who lost his keys most likely from the car. I found them on Larina Street, near the crossing with Kashchenko on a pedestrian trail on the first day of the “winter” in Nizhny Novgorod Thank you for reposting!!! to

The xxx:
I have not yet seen a more accurate definition of the Jigsaw. I’m driving a car "Most likely a car"))
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
I remembered an anecdote. The Miracle Field program. Yakubovich: So today in prizes: Lada Priora, Lada Grant, and, of course, the superprize - AAAAAAAAAafffffftamobil!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104529
Brands "I am Russian!!!" and "Caucasian power!!Slowly but steadily enriched the modest Bangladesh shirt manufacturers.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104528
Oh, an old quotation on the topic of the birth of the hollywood!

about sex
There is no sex after birth!! That is, it is only wanted by maniacs, for whom even a baby bottle with a nipple causes inappropriate associations. Normal mothers fall into bed in the evening, so exhausted that the thought of harassment even from the husband causes nerve seizures. Therefore, it is better to prepare the spouse for this sad discovery in advance, and even better - to drop on him a part of the trouble about the child, after which he will want to.(c) the

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104527
Telephone conversation of the mother (M) with the son (C) about the discussion in school:

Q: How are your discussions?
Q: What kind of shit?? to
A: I think of it!! to
Q: What is the prize???! to
M is running.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104526
to this:
the men. Do you want advice?
Get rid of women as soon as possible.
They use sex as a tool.
manipulation of you. The guy didn’t take the rubbish.
There will be no sex today. came home
Late and drunk - a week without sex. A month without sex.
Yes, a thousand times yes! Lazy, dumb alcoholics with a sense of humor, like fools, throw away their women, make them happy.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104525
xxx: by the idea you must already be in shit and your tongue must already be intertwined... and your fingers are intertwined... because it is Friday and also your holiday.
ZZZ: Thursday
zzz: I think I’ve ruined your mood for the whole day now))
XXX: The Blind

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104524
s: I’ve noticed that if smart input is enabled on the smartphone keyboard, then my messages make the impression that I’m lacking intelligence x___x

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104523
xxx: And I generally believe that the match between a guy and a girl is a rare and remarkable phenomenon, and occurs probably only between friends of childhood. They became friends until the transitional age.

XXX: A good word came out - jargon!

X: It’s probably the colleagues you’re going out for lunch with. The Georgians.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104522
Comments on the distribution of medieval economic strategy on the tracker:

There are not enough people, there are not enough people again.Too much needs to be done immediately and as quickly as possible, but at the same time there are a minimum of people.

Valp: You have to sell oil and gas, and with the money earned to launch gastarbayters and buy food abroad. Gastarbyters to settle 100 people in one house, and on the fields to build housing under a mortgage. Students are not taught, but sold their diplomas. On the money earned to increase the influx of gastarbayters and the outflow of wealthy people into less imbalanced games. This is a winning strategy nowadays.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104521
And tell everybody that you have 35 like me and everybody will say that you look ugly.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104520
1: What is Yaoi?
2: – If it’s rude, it’s an anime about the blue.
What if it is gentle?
2: And if it’s gentle, then about the peddlers.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104519
Conversation of two girls
You guys, are you not talking?
Yesterday I was taken away by two men.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh And how?? to
WOW: I’d like you to think, but I just slipped in the park. I had dreams since I was a kid, fucking.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №104518
A man marries a cute and affectionate girl,... well and so on.
And then she gives birth. And then he understands that the husband loves the child and will not go anywhere from him (well from his mother, her mother).
And here it begins. You can fat. You can also turn into a bitch. You can also "headache"

A girl marries a loving, loving boy who is ready to wear her and kiss the sand she walked on.
Then she gives birth.
and more busy with a baby, because this is natural and sex after birth is lower for a long time, even if the birth is normal, and if not very, then even longer. Yes, and she filled little after childbirth and smells of milk, not sweet scents. He sits at home and doesn’t bring money.
No sex
here and the boy understands that the girl will not get anywhere from him (who needs a trailer, old, and upset)
and begins with him drunkenness, walks, blasphemy, and also claims to his wife and the boy turns into a beetle, crumbled on the side, and the beer has already grown. Yes, and the mistress of the younger was already drawn with a fresh body and without commodity-money relationships.

This story is more real than your story.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104517
and gt;
and gt;
> A couple of programmers needed Sissadmin,
>one of them is now admin — and the coder is only one.
and gt;
> The only programmer has finally been exhausted.
>but submitted the project – and even on time. It is beautiful! The young man!

One programmer took everything under control.
But I met with the employer, and they remained zero.

Zero programmers fooled the angry boss
Then he fired one, and became their 0xFF.

Do not forget and do not break the classics!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104516
Men have a huge advantage – only one public erogenous zone.

One of them? Have you ever seen the man alive?? to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №104515
Legend: What with your hands?
Adamych©: The cat’s crawler broke... fixed...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna