— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144534
- I got out of vacation and found out that NNNN's line for two weeks is not understood!!! to
Go back on vacation and go out again. The problem remains?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144533
xxx: Oh, remembered the favorite story of a colleague from past work, he told it on all corporate faces and very rough. In the electric car next to his family was a middle-aged aunt with her husband, a dog, a collie and a small "pocket" dog, with whom she gentled and called herself her mommy. And the five-year-old daughter of a colleague, who was just educated about pesticides and thistles, first watched her aunt with enchantment, and then asked her with a penetrating child's voice, from whom she had given birth to the dog - from Doggy or Collie.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144532
I played Civilization 3 a few years ago. I did not understand why, as soon as you change the system to democracy, immediately in most cities, the population begins to thunder and does not want to work. It turns out that democracy is possible only with a high level of development of the economy and the income of the state, so that there is something to keep the workers.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144531
Comment on the article: "What could become the “Volga” GAZ-3110"

"Restyling, seamless front wheel suspension, rear bridge cross-stabilization stabilizer, as well as an improved gearbox." What beautiful words! You at least did so that it did not rot in the first year of operation!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144530
I am a advertiser and I am a girl. I categorically refuse to those customers who want a naked female body on the advertisement of pipelines, power lines or cars.

How does rejection sound? "The customer will guess that you are a fool and will not contact you?" Because this is the first thought when you see a naked model on a tube advertisement. Not just one fool, but the whole bowl, and nobody had to stop him.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144529
HH: And here I am breaking into your tent. There’s a fresh scar on my muscular chest, but I don’t notice it. I find you lying on your pillows in the silk and dying, shocked...What do you feel?
WOW : WOW! Flow of phenylethylamine, mild tachycardia, pyloerection... What do you do?
I googled these three words. I feel like an uneducated fool. I swear that I will never go to the doctor again.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144528
here here :

Keep away from the man who takes a knife in the rain, not a umbrella: in his mind, he clearly has eyebrows, mosses and, with special luck, white.

That fucking racist!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144527
by this:

This is:
Oh, this wonderful Russian language.
English name: Stacker
It is translated into English as "abzetzer"
Only the name is German, not English, in the original Absetzer...

In Russian, it will be a caretaker. For the health.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144526
Spinner is just a Rubik’s Cube for the debilitated.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №144525
How to collect likes, technology.

1) First write an entirely wild story with the Wachter Syndrome.
2) The next day publish a response that is so to yourself.
3) is it?? to
Profit is profit!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144524
C: But about the first Russian and the main rapper of the Soviet Country, we have forgotten.
Even if it was right, or if they had found it, they would have read it, they would have started quoting it.

Q: In the sense of Winnie Pooh? In my head, yes yes!

O-l: No, it’s logical, it’s all about Mayakovsky.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144523
In the comments to the photo in the group engaged in sports knife fighting:
Hello guys, I found you by accident. What exactly do you give in your classes?
Tagged with: Pizdy
HH: And another question. The knives are cool. But what to do if you are attacked and there is no knife? Are you training self-defense?
WOW: Getting the Pussy

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144522
Not "spent two hundred dollars on a swahili", and "profitably invested half of his foreign exchange assets in food products of the first necessity";.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144521
Nicole: It depends where. In Moscow and Peter, LSD is easier to buy than (true) parmesan.
Famiak: You come to football city and buy.
JustK: I’m sorry, but I can’t help but ask: can you find a real parmesan in Football City or...?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144520
Since I was a child, I had a passion for mathematics, and somehow it turned out that I learned to count a couple of years earlier than to read: years and so at five.

Approximately from this age, I began to drop from my parents and relatives a little on ice cream: then a ruble, or even more (then on the Soviet ruble ice cream could just be eaten). But I already knew how to count, and to understand what these papers mean and how you can buy something on them - not. However, I liked these fantasies, and I just dug them up, laying them in my secret place. So in a couple of years I accumulated a decent amount at that time of about 100 rubles.

One day my cousin came to visit me, who was seven years older than me. I shared my secret with him and showed him my savings. A few days later, he tells my parents about the money, and at their request, I give them my secretary. My parents counted the money and looked at me in shock. I still remember their condemning eyes. Asked where I came from, I replied. Money was taken from me, but nothing was said or punished. I wasn’t especially upset, no more “fantics” and no more.

20 years later, I remembered this situation, looked at it from a different perspective and decided to clarify something. I remembered my mother’s story and asked what happened then, why my savings were removed. My mom confirmed my guess by saying that the money was missing at home, and my cousin said he saw a bunch of money from me. The puzzle came up: this minor bastard stole money from his mother-in-law aunt, undermining his little brother. And then no one was embarrassed that the money was lost in large bills, and I found exactly that amount, but in ruble-three bills.

PS By the way, he confessed to me in that theft, but this is a different story.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144519
My son (3 years old) started going to the kindergarten. Like many children, when you leave it there, it grows.
I come home in the evening – the wife lies on the couch with the book, the son runs next to him. I sit on the couch, take it on my arms, ask how the day has gone. The further dialogue:
I: Did you like the garden today?
R: I liked it.
Do you go to the garden tomorrow?
R: I will go.
I: Will you not cry?
R: I will not.

I bite my wife on my foot. She leaves the book:
J: What about you?
I: How is it at work?
J is normal.
Do you go to work tomorrow?
J: I will go, of course.
I (with a serious look): Will you not cry?
and no 😉

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144518
Are you stupid about doing such things? This is the fuck tuning! The style! and aesthetic!! And you do not have a computer, but a dusty stone and payments in the shit!

YYY: Drum, it’s also a style. It is called Cyberpunk. And you’re a horse, because style isn’t necessarily what angry grandmothers put out for.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144517
xxx: I mean, before leaving the tablet in the decretal repair.
yyy: The tablet fucked, which caused it to break?
XX: You can’t imagine, but almost so. His nest was shaken (you understood), and he stopped receiving the signal.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144516
The story of the head of the NGO (diplom philologist) about the contents of the premises:
The firefighters arrived.
Threatened by Finger
So far indicative
They promised to get the 21st.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144515
xxx: I am an engineer with two higher degrees, I am quite able to go to the market on Saturday morning for a cross screw and the key to 13, and then self-imposedly twist the bed. Even from the Mushroom.
Nash, you are a girl!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna