— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104334
Wow, I want to!
You are a woman, not a dishwasher – prepare!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104333
— — — —
...If you only fuck, you can also joke... The main thing is to be on the move... But if the relationship... We will continue the analogy. If you take the machine from the salon and take care of it, it will never be deceived... And if after fifteen masters, you can wake up in the cabin.
So it works in the reverse )))) On the fucking woman (especially a virgin) some dragged man? Keep the virginity!
Why treat this virginity? The girl wanted, she lost. The man wanted, he lost. and all. To humiliate someone for having sex is idiotic.

It is understandable that it is stupidity. But here the martyr just wants the virginity, and all the others for him are b/u, no longer people, although he himself is stomped, like a railway station.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104332
and nearby:
This or that:

I take the room, a young couple lives in the neighboring room, this morning when I wash, I hear the cat from the toilet whisper, I sharply open the door and without looking I say, "Come out, dirty animal." To say that the neighbor who was sitting on the toilet was offgeled means not to say anything.

= is
What should we laugh at, your instability or your stupidity?
Was it funny at what time?
Per the people who are here will tell me, nearby?
= is
What untouchable or dumb thing have you seen in calling your cat ‘dirty animal’ and the desire to let her out of the toilet when she asks?
We laugh at the ridiculous coincidence, coincidence, surprise for both people. And if someone is to be blamed for this, it is not the author, but the neighbor who does not lock the door. Besides, he probably immediately apologized and closed the door (a mention of this would be excessive for history).
How did it come? Always ready to help those nearby.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104331
Comments to the picture with wall clocks, because of which looks like a huge spider:
Rule number one – don’t even think about living in Australia
This is not Australia: the clock does not hang up.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104330
(October 17-19 in the ECB fell 50 cm of snow)
xxx> throw, Ural defeated Spartak 2:0
xxx> Moscovites, apparently, were not ready to play on their knees in the snow

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104329
Well, if I suddenly saw that my programmers, instead of urgent projects, wash windows and throw rubbish out of the corners, I’t go over the head.
Finding a good cleaner is not easy, too. Maybe there would be a wish :)
I agree 100%. Everyone has to do their job. When I’m in the parking lot, I don’t call a cleaner, an electrician or a sanitary assistant. Let them do their work themselves.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №104328
Yesterday was my brother’s wedding. The whole day was celebrated, somewhere at 3-4 at night came home and at 9 in the morning the alarm ringed. A half-dead friend picked up the phone and said "Hello". In response, the silence, already hysterical, shouts out of all her strength "allo, say that you wanted?!... It is a good day!". Nothing at all. And then he says to me, “Do you hear and who is the Wake-up Alarm?” and “I almost died of laughter” and then it came to him) put on the phone and said, “I’ve got a ball” and went to bed further).

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104327
The young man at work reports the old man.
Petrucha, you’ve done so much to my brain that I want to invite you home for a movie and a beer.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104326
by Renate Minas:
Taxi is much more than transportation. This is a tool of knowledge of the city/country, if you want. Talking to a taxi driver, listening to his favorite radio - all these are integral parts of the service. And even to Chanson I was always treated with understanding and even curiosity. But today I was forced to say no to experiments with the city and ask the taxi driver to just drive quietly and without music. The generation grew up, shit, under Timati he was going to take me to the airport in the morning!!#‎the world of the world‬

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104325
From Habr:

xxx: The guys seriously consider the “original Unix ideals” written almost half a century ago as the truth for all time and don’t want to hear anything.
YYY: Some because of books written hundreds of years ago, planes are directed to skyscrapers, so these guys are even more or less adequate.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104324
They are not buried in model shoes or ballets, they are buried in tapes.
Why is? What is the difference in the grave? Who is checking Dresden? And if I don’t fit – curled back, buy shoes and then buried?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104323
I live alone, so the second I rested away from me, so we have fun together.)

Fighting Club K-2 Edishen

And at night we cook soap and walk ;-)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №104322
XHH: My long not pronounced whispering. "House with a green rat" sounded still acceptable, "Sysky on the tree" no longer very, but when the little girl in the store sang:"I am a shuka, I am a shuka, I am a green shuka"... :DD
I pretended it wasn’t my child ;D
Yippidy yi yi. And we have a scream all over the street: "Mommy! Writing!" Or:" Mom! The Fuck! andquot;
Birds and gallows.
And we live in a pine pine, so write it ><

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №104321
To all those who helped me find the game Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, great thanks and the greatest rays of kindness.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104320
My fingernails are my secret weapon. I sit down with the senior English to do and start painting my nails. I paint them... I paint them. Then I dry up... I’t have been painted, I would have pulled out the garlic belt. A total benefit. And the child is not worn out, and the nails are beautiful. I recommend to everyone!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104319
Long time not been here... very much... but to what resource went all the convicted?
Give a reference. Only in secret, so that they don’t get caught up.)))) Some hints that are not understood by the current inhabitants))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104318
It was disappointed in people"—it is when the miserable "now are the fools!" is replaced by the enthusiastic "and sometimes they are not fools!";

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104317
xxx: "Why should you pull the ACCP pen while driving? Especially a woman. I turned on D once in the morning, turned off in the evening, and this is the entire algorithm.
R is anywhere?
YYY: Why R, took the anchor out of the trunk, dropped next to it. Going away, I took it ;)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104316
I have a chicken in the airgrill today.

The Holy Aerospace

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №104315
A guy came to me on a particular matter: to reinstall the window. Well looked at his laptop, decided to check the computer for viruses first. I lay on the couch and I stood by him.
Guy: Well, what do you do, we have agreed with the computer to do it today!
I smiled at him with a disgusting smile: I divorced like a girl.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna