— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144474
And the gold stamping and the faceless silver - looking aesthetically the same, but the gold even in the lombard can be placed or sold, and the silver has not fallen to anyone.

Look at the catalogs of conventional jewelry factories. Gold will almost always be much more classic, faceless and boring design than silver. Tell me why? The factory cannot afford to experiment with gold. Do something not as usual, the product will depend on the sale, there will be unnecessary losses. With silver, you can also "fight", because it is not so expensive. In summary, cheap gold is purchased either in fact by the lombard, without the difference in price between the product and the piece, or by completely unpretentious people. The main thing is to show that "we can afford GOLD"! Silver things can be picked up quite interesting, if you set a goal and scratch in online stores. No, you can carry your gold for health if you love it, but leave those who love silver alone. We are not poorer than you, we are just the taste of others.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144473
XXX> Yes, I have earned the money.
yyy> Sasha! You removed the server from the network.
XXX> He is on the upset.
yyy> You pulled it out of the ups and pulled it out!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144472
English for one night. Assistance for polarists.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №144471
of household garbage.
Separate waste collection has long been practiced in rural areas of Russia. The types of rubbish are as follows:
It can eat a cow.
It can burn in the oven.
It can be eaten by a dog or cat.
It can eat a pig.
They can eat chickens.
It can be delivered in metal or other raw materials.
It can be used to lay the foundation.
The rest is rubbish, it’s going to be washed.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144470
“Tesla helped Stalin send a real Lenin to the moon,” and now the contextual advertisement offers me a job on “Ren-TV.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144469
I remember when I cleaned the phone socket, then cleaned the wires with my teeth =) Overall, I received the call at a very high level, and it seemed like I heard Allen. c) the ICCE

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144468
[Working chat, Saturday morning]
YYY: at work for Tuesday.
Zzz at work. For the Emperor!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144467
All this joke about toy dragons and gold gifts reminded me of my ex shortly before the divorce. “I don’t love you anymore, and I’m not a prostitute, so I can’t have sex with you just so, without an incentive,” she replied, “you haven’t given me expensive gifts for a long time. The question "do you not think, what exactly is the expensive gifts to get an incentive to sex and is the psychology of a prostitute?" just led to divorce.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144466
Solanine potatoes are good. And why did not remember the killer bees, which were obtained by intersecting peaceful households with peaceful local savages, and nobody could assume that from the combination of random genes the bees would come out on the whole cabbage?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144465
About this:
One of the rules of a steep kiss is to keep your jaw compressed and your lips relaxed.
– and gt;
It’s like a troll again. I imagined such a horse with a squeezed-tooth-washed appearance and stunned.
Do not listen to that nonsense. Kiss as you want, with enthusiasm.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144464
Husbands and wives, take care of each other. After all, it is with each other, not with your children, grandchildren, friends and relatives you will live your life.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144463
> pulling a man behind a tarakana

This is the best description of trolling for my fat green life.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144462
What was Grey’s name?
and Dorian?
If it were... 50 shades
A test of culture 😉

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144461
Keep away from the man who takes a knife in the rain, not a umbrella: in his mind, he clearly has eyebrows, mosses and, with special luck, white.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144460
I went to school from 6 years old. I always thought I was a wanderkind. But, as it turned out, (then my mother said) there was dirt until kindergarten, and before school – asphalt and I could walk myself.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144459
The local trolls suddenly and sharply swallowed. The cold probably...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144458
About this:

"The evil Max: in the online shops began to advertise spinners for the hand...
Evil Max: What were the previous ones for?and "

When I asked Mitch what a spinner was, he replied, “I’ve turned it on a hook!”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144457
You know, the income of half a household is not everyone... the rest of the country is much less. So your gold bracelet on DR is an object of enthusiasm, enthusiasm and joy for very, very many women who wear the same golden eyebrows all their lives, gifted by their grandmother for their 18th birthday, or pretend they like silver.

Has she got a gold bracelet? Wearing something she can’t afford to lose? Stress in life is little for your poorly earned girlfriend? Or does she want to try to depict her non-existent social status? Or is she married by wild laws and her husband can drive her out at any time, leaving only what she wears?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №144456
Buy the cheapest in the world. It will say "not that"- say that you do not understand the kinds of shit. And then send it to the fig and go to normal.

Or maybe you immediately buy a handful of golden puddles and go to the good-bye to seduce "mercantile puddles" (which you think they only need money from you)?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144455
Listen, well, why are you so boiling about this unfortunate dragon as a gift? No benefit of any. But specifically this girl at this particular moment of time liked this gift. The final goal is achieved! No one is saying that this guy only gives dragons.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna