— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144454
Everyone’s life is like a plate of soup. But one is not poured, others bread too quickly, the third is a spoonful with a hole, the fourth is clever, and the fifth eats so slowly that it seems that there is still a lot left, and already acidic.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144453
At one time, I had a problem with one of the HP's MFPs. While I was in the country, in the fresh air, the idea came to me to call HP technical support and ask about this problem, maybe what advice would be given. Here is only one problem - in the technical support with me inextricably refused to communicate until I call them the serial number of the device. I did not have a clear issue at hand, so I used the smartphone to Google.Images and there found a clear photo of the same model and its rear wall with a shield, where I took not know who the serial belongs to and dictated to the TP operator. Immediately received advice and advice on troubleshooting.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144452
"People during the school course mastered foreign languages... so that they could read the classics in the original"

After 10 years of practice (games, movies, books, technical translations) I took Dickens and was slightly overwhelmed by the complexity of language. Maybe the classics were easier before.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144451
- So you are on March 8 swimming in the fountains in striped saraphanes, beating bottles with milk mixtures around your head, and clinging to the passers with the screams "Do you hear, and you have given birth?"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144450
Xiao Myo: I was taken from the crane by firefighters when I was a child. Upstairs, downstairs and downstairs, it’s scary. Three of them went down, one from the bottom, the other from the top, and the third from the bottom smoked papyrus. Then I learned to mother and then I smoked, then I drank beer, then I went to school, then I was shaved in the army, then the internet was invented, so I came here and slid, on the slope, so to say...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144449
You are just jealous and offended that someone else may not have problems. And that grandmother sucks herself and does not know the sorrow! : r

What do you actually envy? The average sucking man will earn by sucking an order more than the average sucking woman, because there is demand, and there is little supply. Take the niches, gentlemen, and don’t go in vain.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144448
XXX: Yes, my men will not be able to make money! You ask them to dig up the bed - these fools dig up the barracks to shoot standing. If they are to dig three, they will hide a tank. If they will build a country, then they will build a special fortress with three rows of coil wire along the perimeter, Dota in the angles and other hernia. If two take something to learn, you will either be a sniper saboteur or a maniac piroman subversive or all in one person. Long live the Soviet army. Forget money

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144447
The summer is over, and the rest is not.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №144446
I work with the Chinese. I have always been surprised by their hard work. I recently called a Chinese woman - during the day I called her 5 times - we discuss the deal, she is pretty noisy. The language barrier plus noise – discussing important issues was uncomfortable. I asked why it was so noisy. She said at the wedding. Chinese weddings are between 500 and 1000 people. I asked to move to a quieter place. She said she cannot. The question “why?” She said she was a bride.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №144445
Russia has taken a long historical path: from the academicians Landau and Ginsburg to the academicians Kadyrov and Jabralov.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144444
It is easier to be a fat cat than a fat man, because you can pretend to be furry.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144443
Greetings to everyone from the owner of the Handless Handwork :-)
I showed my boyfriend yesterday all the shit that started here because of me. He said "Yellow" and advised less to get into any nonsense that the inadequate people write on the Internet.
And yes, I address separately to people who were interested in whether we played on the day of presenting a gift to Iqing and Astrid - you would take care of your personal life and not climb into someone else's cowards. Good in our age of tinder and dating sites is not so difficult.
And all the others – good cats and dragons!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №144442
(Long description of the wife "without a financial king in the head") And who after this of us is an infant?

I don’t know the infant, but the infantile is obviously you, since you live with this woman who gets you and allow yourself to do the full program. What such a special thing in it must be to compensate for all the shame you describe.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144441
Well, why is the figure of the dragon printed on a 3d printer in a single copy on an individual model considered SUPER??? Read prices for these services.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144440
And what could be more useful and practical than a dragon?

We asked – we answered. More useful and practical than a dragon can only be two dragons. One is m, the other.
Your KO

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144439
Tell me, as a lawyer, mathematics
Well, shit, the time for free consultations has begun. What have you?
If a guy is seventeen, a girl is fifteen, and they have sex, is that not a crime?
WOW : No. Who are you worried about?
HH: I am asking in principle. And if he is nineteen, and she is fifteen, is it a crime?
WOW: I don’t remember exactly, but I thought there was an explanation of WOW that with a difference of less than four years it doesn’t count.
XHH: is well. He is 21 and he is 15?
Yes, it is a crime! 134th part first. Have you found a child?
I am telling you, I am asking in principle. I don’t remember to have a member from 17 to 20 years of age somehow radically grown, why then at 17 you can, and at 20 you can’t? Where is logic?
WOW: Consider this the law of protection of competition.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144438
I don’t want to just go over and run away!
Do not leave. Drink the tea.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144437
The Gifts
In our time, when you can buy if not everything, then very much, the value of a physical gift becomes quite low. If you have a fixed income, significantly different from the subsistence minimum, then over time you have everything you need, and even something extra. What to give such a man? The 10th Jeans, the 20th T-shirt, the 50th Bronze Horse Such a person needs to give pleasant emotions, and it does not matter what causes them - a dragon figure, a trip to the warm sea, a ring with diamonds or a parachute jump. And indeed, the figure of a dragon can be a more successful gift than a ring, because the rings are already there, are expensive and have little sense of them, and the dragon is, so simple and so cool!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144436
Once a guy gave the girl a dragon figure, and she told him: "Better would the Great Interpretative Dictionary of Russian language S. A. Kuznetsov gave!" Three months without sex!
He shot her from an eye injury, sat on a bicycle and went on the sidewalk. It is entitled according to the PGD.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144435
But this is when they begin to boast, boast, compare the power of characters, participate in communities and forums on this topic, review many times, conduct mass discussions, even buy a 3D printer for this - all, it's a clinic. Damnation, fanaticism, obsessive idea – call it what you want.

As you have already learned... when half of the country’s population seriously discusses some international competitions of mouth-songwriters or blisterers with their legs – it’s never fanaticism and no shame. Even they beat each other periodically for this idiotic reason. This is the norm, it is adult. In my opinion, it is to catch all the drunkards who run at night out of excitement on the street, and condemn them to compulsory football training a couple or three times a week throughout the year. You see, they would raise the level of their favorite game in Russia - they all know how to play from the couch.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna