— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №125256
XHH: We usually ferment two banks of cabbage. Doeli - buy a new and another quasim. It does not stop, and it always exists. very comfortable.

WOW: We don’t chew at all at first. After a while, we look – no, like Doeli. After that, we do not chew again. And so all winter. Also very comfortable.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №125255
I watched two cats. On my knees in the snow. They knocked on a friend in the mountains. Then they sat down, looked around and silently separated.
What a March, such a fight.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №125254
09:32 < dsmirnov> soon Microsoft will announce a winch for Linux

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №125253
If you break into an unnecessary closed door, one of the necessary can open to noise.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №125252
steel bars

In the plane, I talked to a neighbor by the window.
He is thin, cuddly, his name is Alexander, a violinist by profession. We came to Peter, Alexander was born and grew up there, and I lived for five years.
They remembered the oppressive nineties and Sasha told this story:

One winter, late in the evening, my dad and I were driving in the tram, he took me to the "musical", when I was eight years old. A few people, five people, ten people, for the whole car.
Suddenly, at the stop, a real bandit brigade, six people, for some reason I remembered the number. Angry, apparently something happened to them there, maybe they fled from the menta. In any case, these people do not travel in trams. All varied calibers - from two meters, to small, but in appearance real fighters. Broken nose and ears.
In general, by profession athletes, and by post bandits.
The clothes are so beautiful that the eye cannot answer: sports costumes, branded crosses, about chains in general, I am silent. What is the chain? Each of their love jackets was as expensive as our entire tram.
They spoke loudly, discussed something, and the passengers pressed into their chairs, did not turn their heads and with the effort of thought pulled the tram faster to their stop.
One of my brothers smoked.
Some grandfather from his place, without looking back, whispered, something like: "In the tram do not smoke."
The bandit turned to the frightened people and asked loudly:

Who? who? Who has pulled something now?! to

The answer is sad silence.
The brother continued:

If anyone wants to say something, take into account – for the words will have to answer. Ready to fight? present to me. No is? Sit quietly and stick to the window.
Naturally – the public completely silenced and pressed their heads in their shoulders, well that even the grandfather was not handed out, who was outraged.
And suddenly, my dad, my pious intellectual dad, one hundred and sixty centimeters tall and fifty kilos weighing, the technician of a confectionery factory, whispers to me, “Sachok, sit here, hold the violin.”
My desperate, forty-year-old dad, who had never fought in his life, stood up and, horrifyingly, went to the back of the pitch, where the bandits were rotting and smoking.
One hand he tightly pressed into his fist, and I could see his fingers trembling, and I almost died of fear for him.
Dad approached them and said loudly, trying to hide the trembling in his voice:

You cannot smoke in the tram. Please smoke the cigarettes!

There was an endless pause, the brigade was surprisingly studying my dad, his compressed fist, and finally one of them replied:

“No, you can’t, we’ve heard you.
Not every day you meet a man with a steel ball.

The smokers immediately flew into the fortress.
I didn’t sit there, I ran with my suitcase and stood up for my dad. A bandit grabbed my head and said:
You can’t even imagine what a cool father you have, you can be proud of them.

The tram stopped at the intersection, the brigade opened the doors and landed on the street.
My dad and I went further and I tried all the way to find out what he had for such "steel balls", and why do they need them? And Daddy smiled stupidly and failed to get away from the topic.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №125251
I don’t understand how you can come second in biathlon if you have a gun with you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №125250
If Hillary wins, will she avenge her husband for Monica?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №125249
From a comment to one of the news about the upcoming release of Doom:

aaa - No matter how I look at the trailers from the new doom, the local animals become sad immediately. From the side, look like this: one crazy mariner runs, and his eyes are pressed out, and he is pressing everybody - this is who really should be feared.

bbb - Drunk VDVshnik, and the demons are his glutes

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №125248
The Ethereum:
If the main form of contraception is a condom, then this is a family with a very, very low level of sexual literacy and the man needs to run away from there quickly and silently.

You go to the ass! Drink hormone pills. And how to fly from interrupted sexual intercourse, ask your mother.
Tablets are not suitable for everyone, and it is good that not all men are as selfish as you are.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №125247
Previously, the world was fairer. He swallowed ice cream, wet his legs, dressed lightly in the autumn, sick, understand why: he was guilty, he was stupid. And now what? You go to work in the morning with a hundred migrants in a subway car, and all have their diseases, against which you do not have immunity (well you did not grow up in Central Asia because). And you come out around right: I went to work, not even late. He was sick anyway. Where is Justice?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №125246
The husband recently got a job, where all the management are former military personnel. Yesterday I asked how the women’s colleagues were congratulated.

“I normally congratulated. At 12 o’clock, everyone was built and congratulated.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №125245
8 March. From 10 in the morning, greetings calls, unexpected visits of loved relatives. People, thank you, of course, and I love you... but I wanted to sleep so much.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №125244
China a drop in exports in 2016
Somehow bad they counted my purchases on AliExpress :(

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №125243
I remember the times when they argued about the real or silicone chest of the Drawed Girl, and now they argue about the Star Wars. 

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125242
"I am engaged in glycogen resynthesis". This answer to the question "What do you do?" sounds much more scientific and solid than "I drink sweet tea with waffles and spices after running for fifty kilometers." It is immediately clear that a person is not just lying on the couch, stretching out his escaped legs, but is busy with a serious business.))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №125241
YYY: It’s somehow funny that there’s a day when everyone congratulates you just because you’re female.
XXX: Do you feel some sexism here?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125240
Well, the trolls work on the TV channel STS. From the morning of March 8 to the movie about witches xD

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №125239
The Head of the Regional Ministry for Youth Affairs shares with a friend:
This summer, the mansion under Vladimir completed, nature there is just waste! There are no people, the air is fresh, I will ride, rest my soul. The house in Spain took - or it was tired where it got to stop. The son of the younger in England was placed in a decent school, let the man be made of him, again the elderly will help.
Have you done anything for young people in a year?
I always care about young people. Recently, this little girl was dragged into bed - so twice in a row ended!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №125238
It’s quite a strange concept that all sinners will forever burn in hell... in the sense of where is so much fuel in hell? Satan, what is Gazprom sponsoring?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №125237
The prototype of the Sagittarius was a cowboy from the Dollar Trilogy, who is completely white.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna