— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104194
We here with the guys in the office thought that the state kept the promise, and now a liter of gasoline is less than a dollar.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104193

Strauss can’t fly.
A strauss is a bird.
Some birds do not know how to fly.
A penguin can swim.
A penguin is a bird.
Some birds are excellent swimmers.
General conclusion: some people do not know how to make silogisms correctly

This is what happens when individuals go with comments where they are not asked. He made a great joke. There was a joke: The Jewish boy Yasha knows how to swim. Fish can swim too. Therefore, all fish are Jews."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104192
Gorbow S.: I just started the voice bruteforcer! =) is
W: How this is
Gorbow S.: Called the bank about the card, there you need to name the code word. And I don’t remember what I pointed out... Well, I started listing names, dates, even mother words. Once the 15th came, it was the cat's birthday.)
Title: Figase the Hacker

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №104191
We traveled with our five-year-old daughter to Germany, where we were taken on an excursion to some volcano (volcano it is difficult to call). At the end of the tour, a guide approaches my daughter and asks: “Do you like a volcano?” A five-year-old daughter answers: “Pfffff, is this a volcano, where is magma?” Where is Lava?"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104190
[quote="Julianna"]If I were a dog I’t have been kicked out of the house today [/quote]
By the time my Xenia came out with Hero from the entrance, Hera looked at Xenia, the weather, sneezed, turned and went home.
She’s not an eternally frosty tower.
She is a wise Eastern European shepherd.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104189
xxx> I love the group )
I sit remotely on the computer at the engineer, I put the software, and on the phone with him, then the partner called on the second line, I was distracted, the engineer at this time opened the photos with the chicks from the folder on the desktop and began to slide ) then asks on the phone - will you still watch? I have it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104188
to this:

And my son asks me, "Why is Gufy (the dog) living in a house, with his wife and son, riding a car, walking in clothes and talking, and Pluto (also a dog) in the same series lives in a cone, walks on four legs without clothes and does not talk? This is what, different breeds of dogs7 What to answer?

Who has the trousers is the most important. This is what Disney himself said.

= = = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is

And we smoothly move to the color differentiation of pants ;-)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104187
And if a woman does not want to be monogamous and does not keep her virginity - it is also possible. But no one will be stressed for such a woman. Then do not be surprised that marriage has become a duty for men from which they avoid.

The economic function of marriage derives from the limitation of resources, the increasing responsibility for offspring, and the attitude toward woman as a functional thing. Therefore, no one was asked in particular before - they married and ended the matter.

Modern marriage, as I would like to believe, must derive from the conscious decision of two morally and legally adult people, based on love and responsibility, well, and part of the economic retractable, of course.

A woman is not a used car or an outdated iPhone and is not an unemployed burden on the neck of a man.
They survived to the 21st century, and we think like in the Middle Ages.
How to create a normal modern family in this world. Without faintness and dull jealousy, without “female” and “masculine” responsibilities? Just a relationship of equal respect for mature people? Question to the hall.
With friends, you can live that way. Why can’t you marry your mother?! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №104186
Now the ladies walk with the naked stomach and piercing in the navel, and the men discuss the ethics of sex with a goat without her consent.
Is this the evolution of Homo sapiens?

Yes, what did you expect? 0 - O
– – – – –
Could you ask for the goat’s consent? The 21st century in the courtyard!

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104185
The Nubosaurus:
This is:
It would seem, in the 21st century, that it is time for terrorists to run with impulsive bombs, not troll bombs. But something went wrong...
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Do you know what a pulse bomb is and what a trolley bomb is? It seems not :)
– – – – –
If in a trottyl bomb - trottil, it is logical that in the pulse - pulses, when an explosion they fly out and hit what is around, so don't be wise, we are not fools here either.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №104184
A large factory. We had a toilet in the IT department. Called the service, called the sanitary... No day, no two. The problem resolved quickly. Rubanuli to the chief of these sanitary access to the injection.
N is:
Hi to you! I don’t have the internet working.
by admin:
And the toilet is filled.
N is:
and ah. I understand...
Within an hour we had the work done. The boss of the inets was also returned.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104183
and more
here here :

The problem of the decade:
Basically :
2006-08-08 17:55 #40203 <Karrde> Amazing! Donald Duck doesn’t wear pants. But when he comes out of the soul, he turns into a towel. He walks without pants.
[15:16:46] GreG is right. The wet eggs are frozen. The dry is no more.)
— — — —
My son asks me:
"Why does Gufy (the dog) live in a house, with his wife and son, ride a car, walk in clothes and talk, and Pluto (also a dog) in the same series lives in a cone, walks on four legs without clothes and doesn't talk? Different breeds of dogs.
What to answer him?
People have the same stuff. Someone with a country, yacht, airplane, and someone lives in a conur - only a butt from the garden turns.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104182
Comments to the news that in Perm a couple named their son Lucifer:
XXX: Then I can call my daughter Anarchy. If only she was somewhere.
YYY: And then she will become Mama-anarchy. Hmmmm, a glass of Portweinovich then needed!
Zzzz: and she’ll call her son Order.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №104181
P. Pavlovsky is Paul. Katya's cat was playing with a whistle. Katya whispered a whistle. Zack whispered under the couch. Pavlik wanted to wood under the couch, put a hose there and put a whistle. Trapped a whistle in the center of the hose. Thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou! Per...fucked from the whisper Pavlik, plunged the p...forests. Per... scorned Katya stronger than Pavlik, scratched into the kitchen and there together with the curtains and the curtain from under the ceiling to the floor. A pot with cactus along the way Zac...drinked and scattered the ground throughout the kitchen. Pavlik shouts: Katya, p...d...ras, I’m with the last eggs from...rvu! An hour passed. Lena came and...h... came. Katya sits on the sk...fu, in the distant corner of the...fighted, too much to mock is afraid. P. woods Pavlik floor with a terrible whistle. ...a little evil, dissatisfied, and on the head Pavlik has large headphones, plays in them d... bstep loudly. RJ T Lena.

Tasks of dictatorship:
1st Remove missed letters, numbers and smiles.
2nd Tell your words to your mom, neighbor and friends on Facebook.
Three Imagine yourself in the place of Pavlov. Tell me what you would do with the cat.
4 is Imagine yourself in the place of a cat. Tell us what you think about the owners who gave you the name Katya.
5 is Find out how to get a whistle from the tube and write to the editorial office, we will pass on to Pavlik.
6 is Live every day.

(c) from diary by jazzzmen

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104180
Divine cynicism is the churches in different cities, located on the streets of Lenin or Karl Marx.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №104179
XHH: here is the news: Corterings of officials do not create a blockade.
Oh, and the pigeons from above are not a goat, but a plombier.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104178
B: Here we never beat our granddaughter as a child. Boys cannot be beaten, otherwise they will grow up lying and cowardly.
My dear, why did you lie to me yesterday?
MCH: I was afraid.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104177
You don’t understand, it’s just a theoretical rationale, but Lockheed promises a working prototype in 10 years.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYY We are closer! Now thermonuclear energy is from us only in ten years, instead of twenty, on which it was the last fifty years.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №104176
Comments to the news "Police detained serial Moscow pedophiles"

XXX series pedophile - what is it?

Serious pedophilia

zzz Well, there are just pedophiles handmade, and there are serial - conveyor
of manufacture.

Pedophilia is the wrong word. He is a man who loves children, not a pervert.
who fucking them. Slavophiles are called so not because they spy on Slavs!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104175
The most interesting thing is that these same, supposedly high-moral men live on the principle.
"Eradicate virginity as sexual illiteracy"
– – – – –
First, they are looking for a skilled virgin, then they begin to tell stories about the "fake in bed". Are you talking about female logic?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna