— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148134
Skills + Skills #
My mother raised me. Therefore, somehow, not even thinking about it in particular, I broke, strangled, knocked down the boxes for the seedlings, rubbed wood, made rosettes and plugs. I didn’t understand the TV, the master called. And when I became an adult girl, I was actively introduced to the guy his grandfather with his grandmother, and the main argument was: "This girl is brave, she grew up without a father, she knows everything!"I made the conclusions and soon got married, and my husband was confident that I could not even open a bottle of canned food without him.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №148133
by Pikabu:
The post "on CES 2018 showed the latest sex robot".
The comments:

How far has progress been...
Demand for female gender has disappeared
Man deprived of sex
He went to the robot.

Forgot the trouble!
Stop the run!
Fuck the robot.
A happy man!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148132
The special way of Russia is bureaucratic idiotism.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148131
They sent the older sister (22 years old, unmarried) to walk her younger brother (6 years old) in the movie, for a cartoon. The evil came back like the devil: on the road, as usual, nothing was shared. They generally argue all the time, the difference in age may be, and the characters are different.But if they break up for a day, they both miss.
My younger fellow is evil, and the troll is noble. The dish was served cold: standing in line in the buffet for popcorn (on the cockroaches portraits of Nagiev) and drinks. There are people around, young guys accordingly, too. At first, he held his hand - "Look, here are the cute ones, you would have come up...", then raised the blue eyebrows and with tears and tragedy in his voice so loudly asked: "Mommy, remember you said that my real father - Nagiev? "

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148130
Nothing scares the buyer as much as the willingness of the seller to help.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148129
Kisa once again guessed where I would take the next step and got my prize!
2 the sausage?
1nd is Penelope!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №148128
A: What do you think motivates the angels of the third Heroes to leave heaven and fight on the side of people?
B: The same God has been there for 6000 years, the angel’s reserve fund is exhausted, wages are falling, the insurance part of the pension has been canceled, many angels are generally below the poverty line, the MROT is never raised, the incredibly bloated apparatus of the hierarchy of thrones steals and breaks covenants, the seraphims are angry, they are leaking to the ground, a part of the gold received is sent to their relatives to the mansions.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148127
An old army joke

In general, men's socks are black, gray, white, beige, dark brown, dark blue, dark green. This is standard length. Everything else is for pedestrians.

He stops the deputy of the young lieutenant and says, "What are you, Comrade Kozlov, striped socks? According to the statute, the socks of the officer must be either black (he lifts one trousers), or green (he lifts another trousers).

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148126
>>> It's you cat never roasted on the electric plate on the kitchen towel.

I did not dive, but tried to dry - wiped after bathing in the washing machine, where I fell, searching for the remains of the chicken. I can’t do it because I have feet.
It was time to throw it out...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148125
and Azohengwe!

Straga: My wife has become old, it is very bad to hear. I say to her: One rapper is like a few relatives, drive out in the nursery, two you want. No more need, the mortgage still pay. She brought me two more...

Why do you have so many rabbis at home?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №148124
Why did you not answer the calls?

I was unavailable.

You were available!! You just didn’t take the phone!! to

The phone was available. I was unavailable. and :(

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148123
I am standing in the subway, waiting for my husband. It’s κο I have a question:
– Α ʙDo you love cats?
I think what will offer to take a cat and I answer what is not. Aunt has a fatal error: who doesn't like cats? I understood what aunt hanged and had something to grasp:
I have a cat!
And I don’t do it! I am collecting cats, give at least a little?
I have no cash.
– A ʙs can be translated to the map!
Τeep and I have fatal errrοr.
What do you think ckopo beggars will start walking with the tempminals?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148122
Why all over the world, in ancient legends and fairy tales, there are dragons of all kinds flying and only Russian snakes have a three-headed horn?
We must go to battle sober.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148121
I stand with my wife's brother on the street, we talk, he prints a pack of cigarettes, smokes.

From where to where on the side to us intentionally moves a man of the boomerang-alcoholic type.

Next dialogue: (M is a man, B is a brother)

M: Let me smoke, addressing my brother.

B: No question, hold, stretch the cigarette.

M: Can I have two?

B: Please extend the second.

Q: Do you give me one more for later?

B: It extends the third silence.

The man thanks, turns to where he came from, takes a step, but returns with the words:

M: Let me leave you these three cigarettes, and you give me the whole pack?! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148120
Please give me a chocolate candy.
How much?
Gram is 100.
340 grams was achieved
Okay let us.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148119
Option 2

This day I am pozʙonil pebeenok, which was počat ʙ 1995 yeary from cpepma, which is ppopy i cdal ʙ bnk. My current wife, c whoever we know ʙ 2003 year, ckzala, what I am changing, and pdla pdla pazʙod.

1st Give it to court. Donor information is strictly confidential. You will not judge much in our country, but the decision will definitely be in your favor.

2nd not fucking

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148118
By the way, I have now checked the scripts.
If you buy only a package in St. Petersburg, the cashier asks if you need a package.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148117

Straga: My wife has become old, it is very bad to hear. I say to her: One rapper is like a few relatives, drive out in the nursery, two you want. No more need, the mortgage still pay. She brought me two more...

Three rabbis in the house is really overwhelming.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148116
the only update needed by all messengers and social networks - the button with the automatic form "read, no strength to speak, I will answer later"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148115
Arshavin rushed to the gate, shouting that he was the husband of the FSB Major.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna