— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №104154
xxx: no, cotton products are not for me, I’d rather buy Deu
Tag: car loading
No-no-no, you corrected it for nothing)
Which is yours 😉

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104153
From the comments to the series "Essential":

I liked the series even though Sherlock Holmes looks like Bivisa, Dr. Watson is a woman, Moriarty and Irene Adler are the same face, and Mrs. Hudson is a healthy transvestite man.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104152
The most difficult thing to distinguish is the nudist beach.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №104151
At another cat exhibition we sold cats.
People, of course, go very different. There are hardly any casual people at the exhibitions. Only cats, often secret.
The most grateful spectators are adult uncles over forty, who came as if to show cats to children. Like a company with someone. If you offer to chew a cat, they will ask, “Can you?” And it stands like this, the cat glides, outwardly harsh, serious, serious, and the eyes... There is just happiness.
A man and a woman came to us, brother and sister. Young (to 60 both), it is visible that they are good and well-off (the dream of the breeder, who not only grows cats, but babies, as with children). They want to buy a cat, but they can’t. I am interested.
We would have taken them all! For now we can only watch. My mom doesn’t allow me! But she is old, we’ll wait.
I was so sad when they left.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №104150
As a child, I sometimes wondered why adults can’t solve the simplest problems. For example, to live peacefully.
Then I grew up and realized that adults do not exist.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №104149
Comrade told somehow, he himself from somewhere from the village under Kherson. They had a half-stupid one, not bullish but funny and relatively harmless, shuffled on post. He was not looking for work, but
He lived with his grandmother alone (he was still in dignity). And here comes she tired after work, and he lies down and does not breathe. There is the following dialogue:
She: fuck all day foolish, at least anything would do at home. Soil for example by soap.
“I’m shocking to you, grandmother?”! to
She is: Yes! Pick up your clothes and fuck off from here!! to
He: Tanjuš and where do we have the trunk?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104148
I fell in love with my dentist! What to do?
yyy: teeth pulled out and then inserted and so on until they married
Zzz: Do nothing, he can read thoughts in any way and will understand everything himself

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104147
by Olesya:
Pasha, the last few months I have only dreamed, I hope for your intuition. On the fact that you will jump and finally fuck on all the horizontal and vertical surfaces in the elevator. All thoughts are busy thinking about the details, scrolling through possible developments of events. I don’t sleep at night, I think of you.

This was expected?

by Paul:
The last sentence had to be put first!! First of all!! fucking

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №104146
I would like to ask the “high-morals” who desire to be the first: are you virgins? And the virgin you are guaranteed to marry, and before the first wedding night - no-no?
The cult of virginity is imposed upon us by medieval Christian morality, when abstinence was the only form of protection against disease and protection. It is idiotic now.


The most interesting thing is that these same, supposedly high-moral men live on the principle.
"Eradicate virginity as sexual illiteracy"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №104145
Vacancy "Master in repair of household appliances"
Requirements: own vehicle, own tools

Well, why a man who has a machine and tools to work for the fucking understand who?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104144
About the names. His brother's teacher was Svetlana Ivanovna with the magical name Mishanin-Vilkov. Well, then, why her name-fatherhood became Mechanina Wilkowna, no need to explain.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104143
Working moments of life:
xxx: The boss asked to know how many hours the tablet will play the movies.
xxx: I downloaded the series, we sit and watch, hopefully enough until the end of the working day.
I’m going to make popcorn!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №104142
From Facebook:
XXX: Greetings to the beautiful!
xxx: I saw your photos, you are very sympathetic, I would like to meet you, my name is Paška!
Yyy: Thank you, but I am not interested in new acquaintances, good day to you :)
XXX: So what are you doing? I am fine, there is an apartment and a car. Let us get acquainted!
YYY: Pasha, seriously, I’m not interested :)
Okay, here is my photo, can you see what I have in the press? You will lose a lot if you refuse. ;)
yyy: Thank you, but I am not interested, good day :)
XXX is A! You are a lesbian, right? Couldn’t she ever say sheep are stupid? I only spent time on you!!!! to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №104141
I live alone in three. Rodna was offered to take a relatives-student from another city to the post, so that the girl in the community does not binge. I am not sorry, it was more fun, but the presence of a stranger was slightly tense - he began to carefully monitor the apartment, constantly killed himself,ined cleanliness and order. And then one week turned out to be a tough week, after work, I ate dinner and left dirty dishes in the dishwasher. The student came and cheered in the kitchen:
You finally woke up! I lived here for six months as in a museum.
I thought a lot.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104140
<...> studied in the eighth grade, I bring a diary to sign. Mom breathes and says, "It's time to learn to fake my signature, a big girl! "I have since signed the diary myself)
= the =
I did not fake (honestly!) I had a signature in my diary, but for the sake of it, I learned to write the same as my mom. Habit gradually... And then it turned out that for some time he worked in the same factory as her, and even in the same department.
The bugs were flogged from two completely identical signatures in different lines of salary statements.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104139
So then. At first, someone complains that they want virgins, but they don’t. Then another replies that they are there, they are there. After that, are they all happy? Fuck to you! They declare that if a girl is still a virgin, then she is doing something wrong, and they start giving advice on how to fix her situation. I see how it will end: the girls will follow the advice, lose their virginity, and the guys will declare, “Well, we said that there are no virgins!” and they will continue to suffer from this fact.

You know, when I observe this logic, I am ashamed that I belong to the male sex.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №104138
I want to have a normal family and a couple of children. But I understand that it is the same unrealistic dream as breaking your Bugatti Veyron about your own yacht.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104137
This is not a skull, it is an exoskeleton.
c) GeminiX

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №104136
It is clear that for the long winter the color of your epidermis has become far from the advertising and even last year. It’s clear that if you want to like me as a man, you’re wearing everything that’s short in your closet. Only one thing is unclear. Do you think I enjoy looking at a girl or woman with blue legs?
You are my unknown uncle. You may not believe it, but in the summer I change clothes, because in the jeans it gets hot. This is the summer of bug and ficha together. And what do you think about my cellulite and bleaches on a loose body - you think that I don't care?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №104135
XX: Currently on the forum. The character gives the phrase "possy at me anal". Moderators in hysteria, we all try to develop...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna