— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №148054
Angelofnet: Barishna at work on January 9 tells about New Year's holidays":"She drank an exceptionally sober lifestyle!"

[ + 13 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148053
I have problems with my husband and I cannot solve them. And I am asking for advice on an anonymous resource full of stupid opinions about the family. At the same time, I tell you how good I am, and how backward he is.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148052
For example, in school, while girls were taught to cook, we were taught to make scissors for scissors. Since then I have:
Prepared meals: 1000+ times
Made by scratch: 0>>>

Imho, cooking at the basic level (meat, cereals, eggs, salad - simple fast foods) you need to teach both sexes, because even those who don't like it will have to use it, at least a few dozen times in a lifetime. In general, the division of labor is an extremely poor thing. Here we guys were taught to plug chips, and the girls were gluing some applications (in the 9th grade, Karl!). Who needed it? Holding a solder in your hands is much more useful.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №148051
Soon afternoon, the day is full of sleep. He tried to change the post-white, he asked ʙ I didn't want to go.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №148050
Angry cat

Question to Knowledge:
With them, with the children. How to judge a cat?? to

Have you kept the check?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148049
in the year 2028. Under public pressure, the IOC allowed doping, medical and genetic interventions, but imposed some restrictions. Thus, for example, light athletes have no more than 6 legs, and swimmers can consist of dolphins no more than 50%.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148048
My husband came from work: I am, I say, on a diet. Whose beer is in the refrigerator? He said, “Well Lane, let it go. At the end of the day, she seats everything she has prepared. I want a cake! He is: I am! and Napoleon! Have you just been to the store and not bought it??? The answer killed: I was on a diet!!!!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148047
If a person after 30 years still reason and behaves like a barely adult, then this is a diagnosis. This 18-year-old girl is fine with him, he’s the same as her. But she will grow, she will want more (blabla)

You see, ease of being and irresponsibility are not synonymous. To be responsible for those who have been taught, it is not necessary to be lead-clouded, like the heroes of Vasy Loggin.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148046
My girlfriend whispers to me on yxo: “There was an action in the supermarket for super preservatives!” and adds: “There were only large sizes, and I didn’t take.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148045
We are all a little

>> Ah, they have already been inherited.

The whole history of mankind is the history of fools. You will not have time to invent any powder, and good people with its help are already shooting innocent people. The compass was invented, and the slaves were swimming. Tissue invented - the eggs were crushed. Not to mention radiation and other aviation with bacteria.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №148044
The child (4 years old) said:
Do you know who are the funny guys?
Of course, they are cartoon characters.
And where do they come from?
No, I do not know.
And here I discovered a big secret:
They are the children of the cage. Kolobok escaped from his grandfather with his grandmother and lived with the rabbit, and then lived with all the animals in turn.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №148043
There was a cliché: Dolphin was trying to end the cliché and in the dark time cytox on the illuminated street rushed to the lighthouse. Dolboeb, because what rushed in the settlement (the speed of all is small) and in full pocket (he just dropped). The driver was lucky that on the rear seat were passengers who confirmed a suicide attempt. The driver noticed the inadequacy of the bullshit and prepared for the slide. The Gais told the suicide man to take a receipt about the absence of claims, and that, thank the gods, he wrote, simultaneously spilling out his soul of his finger-swept spiritual sufferings. After receiving the receipt, the driver explained the reasons for the unsuccessful attempt, competently and in detail instructed the suicide, how to use the rope, trees, tall buildings and bridges to prevent failure. Probably he was a technician and did not have a psychology diploma.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148042
I have a very old grandmother who is really hard to live alone, so we took her with us, good, there is a free room. She is fascinated by wearing and constantly wears us all sorts of socks and shells. If the socks I was still wearing somehow, they are not visible, then the shirts to wear sought, to my brutal appearance bright woven shirts are not attached (sorry for the calambur). And so you got the locks at work, said 30 years, and you still live with your grandmother. I run a few miles in the woods every day. The thermos in the jacket pocket does not fit, so I take water with vitamins in a sports shaker, it fits perfectly in the pocket. Someday in a conversation with my grandmother on her question, whether I will not freeze in the winter in a light jacket, I spoke that I said no, I am running, I warm up, only the water in the shaker at the end of the run is very cold. I said and forgot. And here I am going to run on December 31st, and I can’t find the shaker. Grandma blinked and told me to look under the tree. And I find underneath the tree a favorite shaker in a cute woven checholique... Since then I have always worn grandmother’s shirts, and if someone dares at least to smile on this, will experience on himself what a heavyweight boxing KMS is, who loves his grandmother very much!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148041
There will be no joke about the marine grouping of satellites today?? to
This is a democratic satellite.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148040
I also told one girl that I was the director of the company and that same night I lost my virginity.

Are the collectors here to pay off debts?

An unexpected raider capture, they entered through a black move.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148039
This is ordinary grandmother psychology. is verified.

Ordinary victim psychology. Well, for example, when you’re bored 365 days a year, you start to rejoice on strange occasions, like the same cup of coffee on March 8. Very sad, and unfortunately not the rarest situation. Luckily, it has nothing to do with normal.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148038
The admin! Ohhhhhhhh!

There was a raider seizure of the site. Soon the ovulation of the Aichi baths will begin

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148037
The child 50/50

Divorce without quarrels and quarrels, in a family of 1 child 10 years, parents earn about the same, agreed without alimony, 50% of the time the son lives with the father, 50% - with the mother.
As a result:
- Mom rents an apartment next to the high school, drives the child to a good sports school in the suburbs, home food, a calm environment...
- Dad removed the room with a separate entrance to the house of friends, the toilet with it is, but in order to take a shower, wash, you need to go out, bypass the house and enter the other part of it, where the owners live, but it is cheap. There is no normal food in the house, only occasionally something is prepared in the household kitchen, half-city school on the subway, the dad insists that the child can get to school and sports alone, in the house quite often until late at night, Daddy's friends are stuck.
The child loves his dad very much, but is very tired when he is with him and does not want to live with him anymore.

Z is. History of Paris

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148036
My perfect tomorrow. Great title for a novel.
It’s just "my" to be removed.
Oh yeah no! A novel about me. It doesn’t sound perfect tomorrow.
“People don’t like three-word titles.To add such a sign of literary incompetence to the title, you will be told by critics.
HHH: Fuck the words – this is what I’ll say to your critics. This is the title of my second novel.

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148035
The Alimentary
I was drawn here in social networks by a former sister:"What does your daughter offer my son to give up fatherhood? Well, and that it doesn’t work anywhere, we’ll transfer money sometimes."
I answer: it is not a question, just in the first class the child went - 5 thousand compulsory school form (coat, jacket and shirt), socks, t-shirts and underwear, we will not be small to count, the fund of the class, school lunches (again meals at home and public services do not count, we are not small), 25 pieces - a contribution to the high school voluntarily compulsory (although a year for courses led and the first in the ranking were). Sports - 2 pieces a month, a musician - 500 rubles, gasoline in the car, on which I ride it again, we do not count, we are not small... Well, take part..."
The girlfriend disappeared, and her son disappeared, and we can not bring the athlete abroad without the consent of the father. Well, for the future of the child is scary - it will fall in old age, keep it. These are the cakes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna