— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №133879
Win 10 is not positioned as an operating device, but as a service. There you do not buy a cat in a bag, there you pay for access to operation, then, feed, walk and treat the animal not leaving the bag. Whether there is a murmuring inside - already under question, in the stool is not always clear. Soon it may be a penguin wrapped in artificial fur – one hern through the bag is unclear.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №133878
This is:
And if in a friendly relationship it is the girl who acts as the initiator of intimacy how to refuse her and not offend her at the same time. I want to be friends."
Tell her if you really are a friend. It will hurt, but only once. Because all of these "always together / hugs/etc." give the girl a ghostly hope. Constantly thinking what’s wrong with you/and suddenly he’s just embarrassed/have to wait more... and so an endless cycle.
be honest. And then she will decide for herself if she needs you as a friend, without a chance for anything more.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №133877
Chapter 2: Remember it insult is written through o. a. "insult" is the joy of dicaprio with a statue

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133876
Here is the question:
[ Q ]
I’m not stupid, but I’ve been fooled by the whole class. And very long.
[ / Q ]
Sorry...Is that good? Or how to treat it?

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133875
I heard it on the street from boys 9-10 years old.
I found my dad’s super untouchable phone, with buttons, blue like that.
I think the blue buttons phone will find not one generation of children

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №133874
I remember, as a child, after watching the movie "Back to the Future" I also wanted adults to return and give young people valuable instructions about what to do and how to almanac with the results of sports matches. And only when you are really grown up, you understand that you just need to give a list of literature of 20-30 books with the tag "to learn by hand" and good such puzzles with the words "Why are you, fool, wasting my life?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №133873
I moved to a new apartment in the summer. Everything was fine, except for one neighbor, a guitar enthusiast. He combined two nightmarish qualities: he was, first, very curvy, and secondly, very stubborn on the road to the dream. If you’ve never listened to the same reef from Smoke on the Water for an hour and a half in a row, then you just don’t know anything about hating your neighbors (and you won’t do anything – at eight in the evening!) is

And then September came, and it turned out that in the DC, located in the neighboring house, the orchestra rehearsed. No, I liked him much more than the guitarist, there are rumors. But the feeling that someone was joking up there does not let go.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №133872
Lirriella: Where would you fly first if Doctor arrived on TARDIS?
I would like to look at the star that was before the Sun and created all the heavy elements I am made of.
And also I would definitely, here is the direct first item on the list, would visit the Hawking party for time travelers.)
I would give Aristotle a globe.
I would have taken Copernicus to the Moscow Planetarium, I think he would have appreciated the 2nd floor.)
Galileo would have given a telescope with a good diameter, and a couple of images from Rosetta.)
I would have broken Newton's brain with the theory of relativity, which may have angered Halley, but I would have brought him a printed Wikipedia article with the exact dates of the comet.
In short, now I understand why the Doctor doesn’t come...
However, on the other hand... and maybe it was all so? ))

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133871
xxx: Welcome forumchans, I want to buy a vape and gyroscooter. The type you go and play like you think the girls will pay attention and try to get to know?

I would throw a stone at you.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №133870
What are your impressions of your first wedding night? , - I ask my girlfriend after the wedding (well, they have been sleeping together for a long time, just this time they booked an expensive hotel room with jacuzzi and roses)

"First he pulled the iron spikes out of my haircut, for 40 minutes. Then we splashed into the bathroom, and he continued to forge the spikes and the invisible. Then he scratched me. Then we counted the money and went to sleep.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №133869
I went to my grandmother at Peter. Everyone in school wrote about how they spent the summer, and I about how the summer spent me.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №133868
Reference to the router:

As I established I remember hardly, I bought for 600r wash for 1000r. In the morning I got up, everything was working, updated and Russified, so it’s not difficult.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133867
Article on refusal of alcohol. One plus is "You will love the morning". The comments:
Katerina Kozlova: No such thing, sorry. As I hated the morning, so I hate it, and the lack of alcohol does not help.

Drink it in the morning :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133866
VenomBlood Let’s start by finding ears that can hear 24bit/192 kHz. Let’s talk about the battery.
ApplejackApple Dolphins can, like.
VenomBlood I’m not ready to buy my dolphin a player that doesn’t have an IP67 minimum.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133865
Pocket computer (already smart, but not yet the background), the next assembly of the software does not fit in the flash. The guys from the OS core team look over and tell the management: we will find you 256 bytes, and another 256 - find yourself where to save. They are heroes, they are respected and respected. I ask: Where did you get those bytes? Answer: This is not our first project, so there is a variable static char _xpeh_tam [2048] in the nucleus, which is not used anywhere and is announced for such cases. We just replaced it with static char _xpeh_tam[1792].

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133864
I was a lion and now I am a cancer.

Everything changed under our zodiac: the Lion became a goat, and the virgin became cancer.
Pushkin in 1835.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133863
and zersh: 
We have good boys going. Oxana literally told me yesterday. We went to the river to feed. They took bread with them. The boy rushed, and he said, “Don’t give me bread!” I will feed too! Oksana as a good soul gave half - I thought, well, will tear and throw, ughu.... from scale, the whole tear-off piece flew into the duck - give more! O_O

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133862
The pursuit of two rabbits can be more effective than the pursuit of one mol.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133861
Angelina is gone...What will Brad do?

Yyy is Pitt. And a lot.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №133860
Recently, the neighbor's upper floor closer to the night began to chew a dog. Funny so, slightly whispering, crawling. I met them in the elevator and said, "I congratulate you, the dog was brought. It’s very funny with you.” At the same time, the guy throws such a look at the girl, and she is filled with paint... And here I understand what a naive and unstable horse.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna