— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144174
In Tashkent there is a palace of reconciliation. In the book of records under number one, my father and mother are recorded.

Yyy: Did they play so badly in Dota?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144173
Everyone here sympathizes with Ukraine. A man spends three minutes at the reception, but he will definitely ask where I am from. Then I began to say that I was from Siberia – the reaction was different: “From Siberia, oh, it’s so cold there, I’ve never met anyone from there!” People were in shock, they didn’t know how to react.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144172
XX: Remember My Words
When humanity will move into cyberspace
The Christian will follow Jesus!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144171
the northwest.

I am sitting now in the court in Peter, not that the weather is fig (cold and rainy), so still half-morning the street warning syrene voices. It is..."

We also have a gun at 12 a.m.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144170
"no and shake your fist", "no and pull your sluggish fist yourself", "so that you grandmothers never give"...When a woman writes this, you understand that she has reduced her value literally to the vagina, this is her main sting and object for pride. And if all that a man has is a shit, then he is not a man in essence, but a banal animal. What to talk about with animals? Used as intended, gave a pinch - and let it go further.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №144169
At the reception was a patient after the Baby Center. There she took analyses for 37 thousand - all in a row. Showed an American tourist. Diagnosed with dysbiosis and recommended a strict Mediterranean diet.
Learn to work without stumbling.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144168
Psychic parents would better look closer to the Soviet mults. First, the Blue Puppy, openly teaches children to be - oh, a nightmare for Creot - to be tolerant (and teaches much more than the habit of American cinema to infuse black people to the court of King Arthur or what palm in a berry grove, but it is more dangerous!). Secondly, "Well, weather!", in which an adult marginal type man chases a miniature female-like young botanist (and persecutes obviously not from predatory instincts, since the choir of rabbit boys lacks any hint of being caught, but is looking for "his own"), almost in every series is disgracefully revealed for a comic effect, besides when the Rabbit cosplayes Pugachev, in a parody on "Iceberg" sounds a clear hint of sexual persecution, and during the truce on the ship behind the frame plays a song about love of a clearly romantic character.
In short, because of the Soviet cartoons, you all alternately grew up gay, even without a girl with cockroaches and biologists lessons, confess to yourself in this)))))))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №144167
These same "communicants" can be attracted from time to time to dull work such as the street of revenge, canoes to dig, etc.
— — —
Never stop halfway. "Communications" can immediately be dealt with by the authorities, as people you still do not consider them.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144166
If it smells shit, a normal person will no longer check for taste.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №144165
“We have never done that before!” (There is an overwhelming slide from the end to the end.) My favorite poster in the universe where I studied.

I am sure that from our habits we build our own inner prisons. I had years of driving from home to work and back on the same route. I have nothing to remember about those trips.

But my trips to other cities, and especially to wild places, I remember days, and often even minutes. Fighting and the first kisses - here you can remember for seconds.

I can’t remember exactly anything about a whole couple of years of traveling in the subway to my current job. Comfortable, fast, but it is a wasted time. Once I helped bring the suitcase to a cute girl and talked to her - oh, I remember it very well. At that moment I happened to live on the road not in vain and with pleasure. But only one in her.

In the third year, I realized that in the office can be great. I thought about it before, but it looked awful on the map. Half a hundred unknown crossings, the crossing of which will lose a lot of time. Dangerous imagination painted thousands of coping in traffic jams and a hot-footed driver who would finally stifle me. Imagine yourself coming to work wet from sweat - colleagues and partners will hide. He is fed.

Because of this, I lost a couple of years in the subway. Then I did the adult question. I found a massage room with a shower next to my office. Agreed for cheap. Find the optimal route. I got to work faster than by subway, and much more interesting. On the big it was possible in a couple of minutes to roll in a lunch break to the nearest park. Life has blossomed with new colors.

But one day this route became a habit. His biggest mistake was that he was too correct, optimistic. I have nothing to remember about him again - all the buildings on the road have long been blurred. Well, sorry pedals, rushed to work for the hundredth time. Sometimes looking around.

“There is only one shortest path, and there are countless ways that are longer and more difficult. Walk by them, for any, even the most convenient path, twice taken, is in vain for the second time." - An ancient Chinese proverb

Sometimes fate regrets the luxury of freedom of choice given us. Usually this happens when we start to squeeze. A good pencil replaces our wings. This summer, my shortest path was thoroughly excavated in the garden ring. I spent an amazing hour there crawling from board to board along the left-out narrow passages, and I will never forget that hour. But I will not repeat.

He began to build circular routes and discovered a completely different Moscow for himself. Quiet desert streets, previously unknown churches, parks, mansions and mansions. There is a lot of shadow, green, almost no transportation and lighting. It was much more pleasant to ride than on a gased ring. I need to get up a little earlier. But I’m now every morning and every evening like a tourist trip through a huge city. Who could not even see it, even having lived here all his life.

Everyone has their way, of course. No one surrendered to these great ones. I wish unique to everyone. “All people are like people, and I am like X. on the plate” is the recipe for a happy and unforgettable life.

* Chinese proverb invented for a spicy colourite ;)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144164
These American visas were only needed by the damned Russian liberals.
Russian patriots have long had a residence permit or U.S. citizenship, and their wives and children have long been there.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144163
(Three admin in a cigarette)
The business center refuses us to install the diesel. You will always have to put a repair bag at the bed at night, so that in case of an electricity accident, you will crash into a taxi, to turn off and then pick up the server.
and UGU. Superman's coat in the closet
and UGU. And a statement without a date... unless you raise it.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144162
The xxx:
I see it: you enter a dark street, there are a few unpleasant personalities, and on your AR glasses flashes a red inscription SELF!
Well or start playing the theme from Mortal Kombat and turn on the mode Lao Kung :)
and ZZZ:
They say to you, “What are you so bold?” And the neural network gives the correct answers depending on the desired development of the situation.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144161
Cake: One thing is to choose based on any qualities, and another is based on social prejudices. The second is unacceptable in modern society and violates human rights. Employer - does not mean God or the ruler of the world, he is obliged to respect the rights of people
Employer: And my right for my money to look at a cute white face and not see a bearded face who will respect it?
You do not have that right. People are not divided into types of faces, all are equal
DIS: "White face" is something new! It would be fine red or there shallow, youthful, cared for, etc. The hair is usually white. Or do I not know Russian either?
You didn’t understand, this is the face that smokes Whitemore!! to

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №144160
XXX: Do not eat them. These sausages have been there for several months.
YYY: In my opinion, there is nothing to spoil there. They look like new.)
XXX: No need to eat it!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144159
I sit in the clinic in the reception room, nearby the doctor talks apparently with a member of the family of one of the patients. It is about the fact that the forecast is cautious and generally worth thinking about the eternal.
The family member is obscure: "Given how much was spent on this fool, she must survive me and pay MY funeral."
The curtain.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144158
Oh, that the naked Jiggura dreamed!and "

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144157
Discussion on the news hub that in the basement of a former NASA employee found a computer of the 1960s:

by 111:
I wonder how they got into the basement if they can’t be pulled out. At the stage of construction?
Are they capable of working?

by 222:
Most likely they got into the basement through a partial dismantling of the structures of the house (roofs/coverings or walls), and do the same to get them back, most likely, the current owners do not want.

and 333:
Very simply, by removing the modules from the chassis, dragging into the house separately and assembling back. This is almost a standard 19/21 inch design.

by 444:
Why can’t we pull it out the same way?

by 555:
because the engineer "starper" took, and found fashionable modern hipsters.
There is nothing in their moles about assembly.

by 666:
It’s hard to wear something when your hand is busy.

by 777:
Driving on a gyroscope is uncomfortable.

by 888:
Spinner is constantly distracting.

by 999:
Therefore, it is better to take a photography session on the locograph.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144156
The director is Todd Phillips, the producer of the famous comedy "The Boy in Vegas" (Hangover).
They wake up on the roof of Wayne's estate, Joker, Harley, Penguin and the Mysterious Man and realize that while drunk they fuck Batman.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144155
ZZZ: "Did your spouse abuse alcohol? No, he did not drink at all. Well, it happened, horrifying alcohol..."
Zzz: So if you want to see the real, without ornaments, life of a significant part of the Russians - go to the courts for all domestic murders. There you will be met when he drinks, came up to us through the balcony and bled there, then I took a tail and went to talk peacefully with them, and also I raise two children, a salary of eight thousand.
Zzzz is unforgettable.
zzz: And I do not understand: how, why, by what means can these blisters drink around the clock? I, a respected journalist, can’t afford it – and they can!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna