— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143994
It has been said that in our overturned society, a woman-wife does everything to lower the family relationship below the plinth, and then is surprised by the passivity of her husband, and the woman-friend is the perfect wife, but does not want to become her.

Your partner has no commodity-money relationship with you.

And in general, it is obviously convenient to wear washed and smoothed clothes by your wife, eat it deliciously at home and take it off for a meeting with a girlfriend.

Fu is like that.

A friend needs you at home like a dog needs a third egg. You are both shit.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143993
Evgeny: I will tell you more: and in the apartment is dangerous - electricity, water, gravity. If a child does not need to understand anything, then he may not grow up to adulthood. Turn off electricity and water in your home. Remove everything above the first floor. Cover the walls with soft materials. And then the child who doesn’t have to understand anything will have a chance.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143992
He was in the hospital, changing the hip joint. There were people like me there. And now, when my neighbors in the chamber, three of them, were putting themselves up in a smoking room (on the chopsticks, with a goose, all with their left legs), in my head there was a motif of an enka.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143991
The creator of the KOI8-R encoding Andrei Ache Chernov‍
Eternal p©p╟p╪I▐I┌I▄

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143990
In love I am Einstein.
Is Einstein in love just as small and dull? A brilliant theorist?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143989
Wife or girlfriend?
I have always been angry with this attitude toward my wife... she is a wife, she is obliged to serve her husband! He is at work and is a hero. She goes, too, but no one is cooking her food, cleaning up in the house and dressing her dress for the morning...except Mommy! Therefore, living with the mother of an adult lady is much more convenient than with a man. And the child is watched, and the mother will let go, at least with a friend, at least with a girlfriend.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143988
The news:
In America found huge reserves of lithium, which will be the basis of energy independence of the United States

A full commentary!

Since the lithium-ion batteries are lithium-ion batteries, until they find the fields of indigenous ions - this is an empty talk and the blowing out of irreversible grants!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143987
Do you know what is the most embarrassing thing to admit when you have 10 years of experience in IT-shnik and you came to work in a new harsh male team in a serious near-state office? No, it’s not that you never had a woman, but that you don’t know how to use the Microsoft product activation system.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143986
A couple of years worked in the cellular communication salon in Snežinsk. Especially remembered one good grandfather, who was constantly going to "consult". One day he came and said that if I could help him, he would thank me. What was the question I don't remember, but after I helped him, he asked to wait a little. Since there was a liquor and vodka department nearby, and it wasn’t long before the store closed, I was already mentally going home with a bottle of hollow beer. However, the grandfather came up with a cellophane package of audio cassettes (of the times when the hits were still called шляger). I laughed a little, but the cassettes from politeness decided to take what grandfather said:

Thank you very much! Write these cassettes and I’ll take them later.

It is not you on the wall in contact to throw off)) More grateful customers I will not remember now, a good grandfather was.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143985
We sit at work. My colleague did not come. The boss calls him:
Oh yeah leah. You are where? What do you mean on the 2nd? You’ve been working here for the third year! Come on live!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143984
Before the operation, I had to do a sanitation. It was ordered to remove up to 3 teeth - one on the right and two on the left. The surgeon warned that all three rubs should not be carried out at once. We agreed to break one on Friday and two more on Monday.

Everything went according to plan. I come on Monday, I go to the surgical department, and there we have 4 chairs, three of them are occupied by the unfortunate, whose teeth are rubbing. The surgeon sneezes what he has learned and stretches his hand for the medical card. I take it and say:

Hi to you! I pulled out your tooth on Friday, I liked it so much, can you pull out two more?

There was silence in the department. Everyone was waiting for him to answer. An elderly surgeon suddenly raised my eyes and suddenly decided to play:

Yes, of course sit down!

My teeth broke in total silence. Until the last day, nobody believed he would do it. And just accompanying me to the hallway after removal, I saw sparkles in his eyes - the joke clearly liked him.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143983
Beards-patls... "The main thing is the tail!"

It would be better for society. tk. One of the main reasons why they wore not so long ago (the same 90-zero) was very prose: in the fight they are a weak spot.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143982
I work in USA. I have a black one at work. I asked to listen to Russian music. He gave him what was at hand - a collection of Russian romances performed by Alexander Malinin.

He is here today, he says, he liked it. It’s long, it says, sad, as if the dog has died.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143981
The loan allows you to spend the usual monthly salary right today. After receiving a salary, it is necessary, a surprise, to put it on a credit card and go out to zero, and then spend it in shops exactly the same way as you would spend it with a salary card or cash. Repeat the procedure every month. Thus, you have one super-planned salary - on the day of issuing the credit card."

And in the month when your overdraft contract expires, you are left without a salary at all because you have already eaten it. They swim, we know.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143980
The chief decided to send me to the executive committee for an ideological meeting on the topic of food problems in the Republic of Belarus. I asked if I was ready, knowing in advance that I didn’t know.
I: Of course I am ready.
Chief: Is the speech ready?
I : Of course. I will take the Old Testament. I can tell the story of the five loaves and two fish that fed 10,000 people.
What was there...

The New Testament)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143979
Vladimir J.: The media with reference to eyewitnesses that an unknown, human-like, entered the building with an object similar to a rod, and began using a mouthpiece to make sounds similar to screaming and mocking.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143978
I like long hair guys. Moreover: I and my hair began to grow only after such a patch was suppressed, at the same time I understood why men from long female hair balladed.
Not fashion but fetish. At least for me.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №143977
Every year on August 17 I write the same sentence:

Zoe is alive!! to

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №143976
If there is a lot of unspoiled oatmeal in the morning and take a walk under the iron baths of true Moscovites on a hot summer noon, after reading the fun physics of Rosenthal, then the family routines of philologists will seem like a fairy tale and will very much want to take a loan with an interest rate on the debit card and drink out of the busy places in the buses of all pregnant grandmothers of forty-five years old in short shirts on the weather in the hope of the onset of enlightenment and the appearance of quotes on a different topic.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №143975
The hero of the week breakfast with oatmeal, does not use a deodorant and bank cards, gives a place to ladies, wears long loose hair and keeps the kitten under the bathroom.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna