— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133619
I will say even more about ass and donkeys: "ass" in the UK still means ONLY "donkeys", and, as in Russian, either in the literal sense - a copper animal - or in the transportable, that is. "They are foolish" It comes from the Old English assa - Welsh asyn - Latin asinus.

"Butt" is "arse", a completely separate word with a completely separate origin — from the old English ærs, close to the Dutch aars and the German Arsch.

In American English in the 19th century, both words were mixed, and ass was used in speech, with the meaning being taken from arse. This is a historical coincidence that happened with many words.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №133618
Do you want to cut the cake?
TTT: Oh, of course, it’s a big part for me!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №133617
"Italian court allowed to masturbate in public places".

To see Rome and to rejoice.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133616
Stackoverflow is an extremely useful resource only if you are not looking for a stack overload error.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133615
V: Hi, I am a public agent for Vogue magazine. We will be filming in September. Underwear from Victoria’s Secret. We pay 5000 r / h, shooting about 5-6 hours. How do you look at it?

V is Katya?

V is?

Q: What do you think if a person doesn’t respond, what can that mean?

V: I can’t write anything, I don’t care, shit.

I don’t care, shit


[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133614
Sergey Petrov:
I will go to Petrograd in July on order. I ordered a cloth and a tail. They will ask why such a strange order, I will say that I don’t like when I’m disturbed from listening to music.

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133613
But here is an interesting point about which ballots are considered valid and which are not.
One sign is real.
Two – no, they don’t think so.
But! If all but one is marked, then the lot that is not marked is considered.
Have you guessed?

It is enough to take any paper and draw circles or stars where it is necessary, bringing the inappropriate to the suitable as it should.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133612
Fuck the office.
The Secretary’s Stand as Our Annual Office Rental Budget

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №133611
One German Timelader (sic!) He complained to his colleagues for a cup of coffee about the strengthening of Anglicism in beautiful German.

A specialist from Russia who was present during the conversation, without a back-thinking thought, suggested that the timelider be called "Gruppenführer".

The German took a cup of coffee and did not return to the question.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №133610
I work for a small internet provider. The head of the sales department calls and says, “Open the fan in the outlet at our office, the girls say it doesn’t work.” has arrived. Where is? In the kitchen. I approach: the fan is noisy, the air is suffocating, everything is okay in general. The boss says so. She sends a girl who actually noticed the breakdown to see. He approaches, looks and says:

So he does not work.

How is it? I say.

I don’t see how it turns.

I turn off the fan - it stops, the blades become visible, I turn on again - they disappear. Nothing more had to be explained.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №133609
At the reception to the psychologist came spouses who have lived in marriage for 15 years. Asked by a psychologist, what was their problem, the wife began an angry tirade about everything that did not please her for all these years. She spoke for half an hour, not silent for a minute. Finally, the psychologist stands up, approaches the woman, hugs her and passionately kisses her. When the kiss ended, the woman remained sitting, quietly freezing in a sneeze.

The psychologist turned to his husband and said:

Your wife needs it at least three times a week. Do you handle?

The man thought and then replied:

“Well, I can bring her here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays I play golf!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №133608
XXX: Everything is fine, only not Kalobog, but Kolobok!! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №133607
More here :
here here :
Arrest of Prostitute:

For 1500 rubles, a 34-year-old woman sold her body. Another 25-year-old love priest who posted her resume on the website offered intimate services for 3000 rubles.


Here is inflation, so inflation - in 9 years 50 percent. Girls, don’t miss the time, sell at a favorable price!"

Is it deflation?! to

Reduction of residual cost during operation

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133606
If my mom says I found porn on my computer, I’ll know immediately that she’s lying.
WOW: Not at all serious?
With people, no. If it finds some miracle, the phrase will be constructed so-o-eight differently.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133605
Colonel Zakharchenko's drive became famous when his billions were discovered: and he was still working!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №133604
In the third year of searches by Colonel Zakharchenko, the salary of the Russians began to be paid simply so, in the fifth - Russia bought the United States, and searches all went.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №133603
From the comments of Hicks:
XXX: Why do you do this? Why block porn sites? It would be okay to block the garbage with advertising and SMS access, but the official sites with legal free content are crazy? Does a student break his health?
YYY: The state doesn’t like that Vasya shakes. The state wants him to fuck in real and increase the number of citizens of this wonderful country.
ZZZ: Okay, I’m going to put on a doll.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №133602
Would you like to know if all the pilots are so faithful, noble and devoted to one woman?
There are also technical engineers dispatchers of the service of GSM objective control meteorological radar. There are also noble and dedicated women working there.
Probably difficult to that one woman to whom all pilots, technicians, engineers, etc. are devoted.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133601
Yuri-san: I tried to study PHP again
Yuri-san: now with a small luggage of knowledge
Yuri-san: And I understand why you didn’t like him so much
Yuri -san: not exactly what I didn't like, but "somehow not"
Abir: It is like after the modern Russian language to write in the church Slavic language - it is possible, but you feel like you're a dead man dressed with evil demons.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133600
About Rothko and abstract art in general. If you are curious about how to perceive abstract art (not to love, namely to understand what it is, where the legs grow and how to look at it), then I advise you to read Kandinsky's "Point and line on the plane", he was a very thinking artist and theorist of art and in this little book dismantled the emotional perception of the simplest elements of the image. It is useful for viewers and artists of any direction (the theory of composition is greatly disassembled). He has a little about the color, but in general it needs to read Malevich.
Kandinsky will not explain why some specimens are stooled, painted onto the canvas and applied to it bulks, but the art of the 20th century will become a little more understandable.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna