— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103674
Never turn on Highway to Hell in the car while you’re driving. Adrenaline is mixed with testosterone and you can rush to Kamaz. and kill him.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103673
Children of the city.
I went to the village with my nephew. The little man saw the duck and asked:
Is it not poisonous?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103672
I photographed the housewife’s room. Her son is forever in search. I’m swirling through the pork’s lungs... all in blood and all things. I knock on the door, I open the mouth. First the mouth on the floor and with a gun into the kitchen. And only then the questions: "Who are you?" and "Where is Pasha?"

[ + 19 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103671
Russia is the largest country in the world, almost the same size as Pluto. Almost the same infrastructure.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103670
I went to the veterinary clinic yesterday, where there was the best dialogue in my life!
- Good morning, the recording at 19:00, on the UZI.
Please tell me your name.
and Brown.
Not the name of the animal, but your name.
“I’m Brown, he,” I point to the cat, “Boniface.”
And the wild rubbish of everyone who has heard this :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103669
of uncomfortable moments.
A woman with a child arrives. Buying a taste. And asks the child:"How much will I give now for 4 pieces if one is worth 4 rubles?" The child tries to count. Aunt counts small things so that the child does not see. I am silent, I do not say the sum - the man of a child teaches mathematics, why to interfere. While the child is choosing options, the woman stretches a small thing into my palm, joking about the child. I count the money. There are 18 rubles.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103668
I am not desperate, and I think I will definitely meet my half, somewhere it is :)
— — —

The trouble of many young men is that, wanting only sex, they try to find a woman for life, although they don’t even imagine who they will be in five years.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103667
by GromoZeka. The subordinate went out. He enters the office with an outraged sight, cries at the coworkers-colleagues and at the end asks, “I’m what, type, one, b@#d, what is in the department?” I start roasting wildly and unpolitically correctly. Ta understands the depth of the failure and, coming out, proudly throws: "It was an interdomain, and in general it separated itself."

by GromoZeka. Thus, the term "separate our" received an additional meaning and became a trolling tool.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103666
The weather is good, I'm going to run.
YYY: hmm, your "I will run" sounds like "I will sit down"

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103665
HH: There was such a case. I work in an institution of additional education, simply the house of pioneers. One beautiful day, on Saturday, I conduct a circle (my children are adults from 16 years old).And in the neighboring office, our chief organized a drunkenness for 40 years.And here my child (who is 18 years old) went to the toilet without suspicion.
You are your mother!!What a fucking!!! to
The rest were frightened and ran out screaming what they were in...Arms!
WOW : and? What there?
The secretary is there, not a young lady, I will tell you.
These were so frightened, and when the guys were still running in armor, they just froze in place!
It was necessary to see their faces...they didn’t even know where the knights came from???O O O O

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103664
The news says that iPhone 6 owners are complaining that the new phones are pulling their hair out. They just collect bio material for further transformation into biorobots and enslaving the world.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103663
and.I remember in the army in 1972 the knife stick on the field was lost. What made this compound was... a writer. I’ve never been tired after that"Lee. Who knew what was ahead of the country? When the weapons were missing. And the country disappeared. And a lot of people disappeared. The knife was found. He did not disappear. There was a hanging gun in the park.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103662
here here :
The dress was originally men’s clothes.
Well, this is the generation that has grown up... yourself, what, read the story for the beginning. Previously, dress was called any, in general, any clothes, except the upper and lower. And a jacket with pants, too. It was after the dress began to be called a detail of the female wardrobe in its modern form, and to men's clothes this word ceased to relate. I am ashamed of not knowing this!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103661
The author of the 15461 debt, what are you so debt people who just don't, and nobody pays attention to them, according to your own words?)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103660
Don’t postpone for tomorrow because inflation.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103659
I repaired the oven.
XXX is
How is?
Dismantled and gathered back.
XXX is
Discovered what?
XXX is
The whole?! to
XXX is
You are missing sex.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103658
xxx: I meant a disease, I forgot how it is, because of which now all ice water is poured out?
YYY : is it stupid?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103657
xxx yes, it was October 4, 2014

YYY is today?

XXX is today, and tomorrow is yesterday.

What a deep thought.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103656
A huge mistake of many people is the attempt to smear their own experience on all of humanity. All families are very different. Only among my relatives and acquaintances I know families where:
- Housework is done together, and cases when the wife is cooking dinner, and the husband next to the banks with preservation is normal.
- Where really everything is pulled by the wife, and the husband is not that at home does not work, but also trying to beat her drunk. I do not understand why she lives with him.
- Where the husband does everything because the wife is tired, does not want and at all "no you what is hard". I don’t know why my husband doesn’t understand it. Probably sex is too bad.
- Where the wife does a lot of housework, but the husband actually does two jobs. Money is lacking because. At the same time, he does work on the farm, such as repairing a couch or water crane. They can also communicate with children.
— — —
Everyone has a different idea of home. Someone will spend two hours a day scattering the apartment to shine, and someone 15 minutes will be enough - dust to squeeze and wipe out. Someone rattles over the plate for three hours, also running for foods, and someone prepares on the principle of "simple, fast, useful". Someone even takes the child to the toilet by the pen and to school - under the convoy to the 10th grade, and someone intervenes only in difficult situations. As a result, some have enough time for everything, while others have a total parking lot and everything falls out of their hands.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103655
When I was in school, we had a printer at home that spoke Swedish. When he was printing something, he was very beautifully communicating with a steel woman’s voice something like: "Outscript aa cleoyo burriats".
Would you say? How is it?
HH: That is what it is. Through the columns. The antivirus says, “Your database is updated!” and the printer is talking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna