— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103634
In the dining dish literally - a buffalo from a turkey, told my aunt at the distribution of beff-Stroganov, looked like an idiot, in the next visit saw a buffalo.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103633
From the pearls of buyers (I work in a hunting store):
A strong adult:
and greetings. Give me a bullet.
and greetings. For what weapons? by Natasha? The smooth?
How do I know for which?These are the shooters!

Tourism department, where there are various chubbles. The company comes in and one of the girls, looking around the hall, approaches me and whispers:
Girl, is this really shit?
and yes.
Was he really alive?
and yes.
At this point in her journey, there is a rethinking of all her previous life. Shock in the eyes. A minute of silence and even more silence.
And your legs too?

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103632
The classmate became cartoons incomprehensible to engage, with friends "wrong" to communicate, and generally too little pearl in front of us mosque. Give her a sweet life. There is no reason to saddle the collective with its existence.

But the person is somewhat strange, observes strange rites, does not work on certain days, and also refuses to sit with friends, drink beer with sausages. Well, it was his fault to get under the pogrom, it was not necessary to separate from the collective.

And it’s a muddy one at all. Friends of some incomprehensible, he talks about something strange, and also turns water into wine. In short, it does not behave as we do, it separates itself from the collective. Now let him hang on that mountain separately.

And in general, maybe this man did not really exist, and grandfather Darwin was right. So do not forget our ancestors, you need to observe the order of the herd! It is not from that end of the banana that the tailed man eats it!

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103631
My cat is 22 years old, grew up together, she has been with me all my life. A few weeks ago I started eating badly, lost weight, stopped drinking. She was taken to the veterinarian, there she was put in a dropper and told that it was better to fall asleep, as the kidneys and liver were most likely rejected.
brought home. Katie didn’t get up for a few days. All this time I drank her with grass and fed her with a spoonful of veterinary medicinal food. Every hour, a little visit. The acquaintances who went to the guests in one voice said that the cat would soon die, she stopped getting up, did not go to the toilet.
A few days ago, I heard a loud sound in the hallway. It was Murka. She wrote in my new shoes. The kidneys worked.
I felt great joy only the next day when she was pumping up on the floor in the toilet.
Why am I this? Take care of your animals, help them and always give them a chance. Even if they are older than your students.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103630
at work.
A new employee arrives:
- Fuck, guys, the boss today is evil, he asked who to send a sign, and he said to send some fucking Anne!
A minute of confusion, then an experienced employee: A! The accountant Chebuchiani.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103629
Two weeks worried about the reports, when I finished, I wrote to the boss:
I finished these e@#$%&s reports!
You earned a seasonal achievement "Finish reports before a meeting"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103628
I am standing at the doorstep of the Astana DVD (Russian DVD), thinking about smoking waiting for a comrade. People are actively moving, the city lives, life burles. Two employees are out. Livingly negotiating, they pause and smoke, peacefully gesturing.
Almost simultaneously, both smartphones are ringing, they abruptly interrupt the conversation and differ in opposite directions.
At the first on the call, Love "Opera".
The second is a theme from "Brigades".

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103627
And my friend and I worked as a contractor somehow in the same the niya was big and from our camorka to the nearest sartyr is not very close. You won’t get to the rest at all. We only went to him. There was never light there, the lamps were not simple. Then it turns off and a man comes out. We come in, there are no lights. Then each employee was carrying a lamp in his pocket. I love my homeland!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103626
Chelyabinsky retired man assembled a plane and flew without a permit.
Three administrative cases have been opened in the Omsk region against a retiree from Chelyabinsk who made unauthorized flights on a plane assembled by his own hands.

I also had one, wings.
No No No No No No No.
I put him on a barrel of powder, let him fly.
Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession. and (1973)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103625
How rapidly technology is developing!
The first-generation robot vacuum cleaner chaotically rolled around the room, stuck wherever possible, fell from the stairs.
They cleaned the entire apartment methodically. And only by the command "Cleaning the Carpet" began to chase the cat.
And the third-generation vacuum cleaner I stuck in a couple of days, when it put the rubbish under the carpet...

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103624
I don’t understand why not take two normal employees for the same money instead of three fools.
Gpd: Well, you have two normal employees. One suddenly got sick, for example, or the subway broke, or went on vacation. The working capacity of the department immediately drops by half. And if one of the three fools does not come, and the dog with him, we do not lose anything.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103623
A little about man’s logic. Accidentally, I found my husband’s folder on the flash. On the eve of the grand scandal, she killed two hours to analyze its content: all the texts, images and tables, purely business-related. It turned out that it is a synchronization folder, that is, it is in it files between different computers.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103622
So I decided to put my phone in order. I bought a new film on the display, cleaned the board from the accumulated dust, and it was only a needle to clean where you just couldn’t get.
I ask my mother, said, where we have the needles in the house, holding a disassembled phone in the hand. To this she answers:
Is the phone back up again?

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103621
There was already an initiative for the single. The white bracelets. I even saw the carrier once. Twenty years, two hundred kilograms, an animated backpack.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103620
My wife decided to cut her hair. Yesterday I showed a photo of my new hair, asked for an opinion. I said I don’t like it completely, but I like it as it is now. Today I cut my hair, came pleased, asked for an opinion again. I answered honestly that it was bad. He is upset, does not talk. And so every time.
The women! If you are interested in your husband’s opinion – listen to him, or don’t ask any shit!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103619
the word "Discussions"
The first reference: Discussions — Wikipedia
The second reference: Lurkmore

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103618
The strength of the state’s economy lies in the professionalism of its management, not in the price of oil.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103617
In the store near our house often give a small delivery of rubles.
Nothing but I can’t chew them.
Today, buying cigarettes for 86 rubles, I stretch a hundred ruble note.
The cashier says:
No small things. Do you have 6 rubles?
I get out of my pocket 6 chewbacks, stretch her, she gives cigarettes and 20 rubles of delivery. She and I look seriously at each other, I turn and leave.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103616
The birds will fly south, the rabbits will change their hats.
I need to clarify with my beloved: am I a rabbit or a bird?!...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103615
You are so sentimental that the spirit captures you.

ectd: Do you know how to live with it hard?
You are so determined, stubborn and determined, and here the yellow leaf on the tree swings so touchingly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna