— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137041
This is:

What!?? The knights and the ladies didn’t bother! Who are you treating here? Jealousy was considered a completely vicious behavior. And if a knight came to your wife, who dedicated her accomplishments, the educated husband immediately dropped to hunt or visit the day for 3-4...Truth, the main thing was not to get stuck together in bed! But kissing, hugging and looking at his knight in every way was possible even with a husband, but not showing signs of attention to the knight was extremely uneducated and cruel, and was condemned by both ladies and knights... But the wrong wife (or if he thought so) the husband could also murder in the wall, then he was in his right...

You would read less women’s novels. Interest in historical sources.
The cult of the beautiful lady in the era of the classical Middle Ages - at the center of the noble married lady, or the wife of the gentleman, or the knight, whose hierarchical status is more significant than the status of a knight, who in the name of his mistress performs all sorts of feats, the reward for which serves a gifted cloth, a loving look, such a sign of attention to the lady to the brave caregiver, but not in any way. Courtois love had a socially significant character for both lovers, the attention of the young noble knight pleased the self-love of the lady, and the knight, who achieved platonic attention of the noble lady, significantly increased his prestige in society.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №137040
>> Sorry, and you know how Harry Potter polished his stick?
Harry seems to be nothing. In the fourth book, when checking the sticks of the participants of the tournament, it turns out that Cedric's sticks are "like new", regularly polished, and Harry's - all in fingerprints. He tried to wipe it out with a mantle, but only got a fountain of sparks.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137039
Juric: Equipping fools with computers is in full swing. This can be judged by the comments on the Internet.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137038
Very upsetting is the phrase from some ads about selling something: "Trading in the ads of the reasonable". This is what a subtle fusion of the material and the super-material world - the "additives of the reasonable." We have to negotiate there! Give me two!! to

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №137037
*from "Sword-Cold" - the sword of not hot, but cold forging

With his faithful sword-cold, he cut the soup-cold into equal parts.
And I immediately drank..."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137036
max630: came to work in the morning, the screen is locked, above it "download updates". Well, I think they came. I move the mouse to another monitor – and it is NOT locked.
Kitt: Wendy is ready for desktop. for two desktops at once it is not ready yet)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137035
We had poetry tonight 😉
A romance, a romantic?
HH: Not very much
Daddy and grandmother came, Dasha was fed
XHH: approximately like this:
B: We don’t listen to anyone, we eat well!
HHH: (D) - And then I think that we’re getting too much...

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137034
On any dating site. Place a female questionnaire with the goal of "I'm looking for sex for 1-2 times" - you'll get a hundred proposals on the first day.

And where the damn offerings are distributed, everyone knows. Can you tell me where to get sex?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137033
My husband was resting in the Caribbean. The main impression; I quote: “No, of course, I knew that I wasn’t a beautiful man, but when during a walk on the reefs the murens ran away from me, I realized that the image had to be radically changed.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137032
I always wanted a neighbor like you.
Have you ever had neighbors?
There were neighbors, but I didn’t have them.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137031
A former colleague often travels wild. He said: in all countries people have become accustomed to the fact that if Russian tourists with unhealthy glow in their eyes somewhere friendly break with screams of the type of "Vasya, where the photocall. Look what a joke!" You shouldn’t go there. Ideally, you should run in the opposite direction. But if the Russians ran, you can walk boldly, there 50 km. All life was hidden.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137030
[1:36:43] Yulia H: [1:33] Vanya:

<<< went to the red cube, and there near the perfume shop... went in to see it jumping the perfume stands like a sheep... saw the Hugo boss... smelled the pair and went home...
I came home, I turned on the computer, and there - wanted to buy men's perfume hugo boss? We have the best prices...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137029
The woman is transcribed with the claim for the forced change of the tariff. I quote the answer of the bilayne almost literally: the tariff was changed but it is the same, only the conditions are different.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137028
Hi, we have an epidemic!
The whole department is sick, the flu, everyone has one theme - who the doctor has prescribed and how much they have written out of the hospital.
Hello, I have the same too.
WOW: I just made something.
What are you treating?
WOW: (Photo of the Morse)
I always forget that you’re not from our planet 😉
WOW : 😉

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137027
We had a grandmother who at the age of 50 had a third child. Girl 3 years. And all day long this happy mom bite our brains:

Why is yours not reading yet? My wolf started reading at 3 years old. Why don’t you go to the circles? Here Polinochka goes to English (aga, at 3 years old), drawing, music and ballet!

– Aunt Ol, how does your Polka go to ballet if she has no knee cups?

You would see her face. It has changed more than ten times. She looked at her field along and across, pulled her legs, bended, then rushed together and left without saying a word. Thus, three children grew up, she knows everything, and the fact that the knee cups are formed by 5-6 years, neither by hearing nor by spirit. Take your arms ;)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137026
Tamara at the wedding:
The guests announced a white dance. And then, on numerous requests, a fight. Husbands beat the mouths of those fools whom their wives invited.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137025
The confused:

I can’t catch something... if the knights slept with swords, how the ladies gained admirers and any service to the beautiful lady and feats in her honour of sex did not mean? confused...

Therefore, it was not necessary to walk history with literature in school. The service of a beautiful lady sex did not involve, she often also had a husband. For sex, the knights had maids and settlers, this was already modestly silenced in school, but it was impossible to bypass the topic of numerous bastards of the nobility and the problems associated with them.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137024
The Swordsman
"It’s the same elementary, Watson!"
The sword is the weapon of the Pofigists.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №137023
I got a call from the bank where I have a salary card.

They offered extended health insurance for me and my seven members.

Well, I don’t think they take money for demand. After questions about the composition of the family and the like, I give the most epic piece of conversation:

(O-operator at the end of the wire)

It will cost only 1100 rubles per month per person.

I – What’s in there?

The full list of services in the annex to the contract.

Oh well well. Send me a model contract. I’ll read it and go to the bank’s office to sign a contract.

O – not. We do not send contracts.

Where I can meet him. Maybe I won’t need anything I suggested.

Oh nowhere. You are now giving consent. We write off the money for this month and send you the contract by mail. The contract will be signed by us, and your consent will be recorded in a telephone conversation. I understand correctly that you agree?

Do I have to agree to the contract without reading it? ! to

Oh yes. Now, in the telephone conversation, you consent to the conclusion of the contract. Is it for yourself or for the whole family? This will be (pause) 39 600 per year minus a discount of 10% and that 35 600. Do you have to send the contract to your work or residence address?

I - Yes, I will not sign anything and I will not give consent! Let us say goodbye at all.

Oh- I want to warn you that if you hang the phone it can be considered as consent!

In that moment to say that I was ahuel – not to say anything. It seems that banks will soon be issuing loans and additional services to people simply by notifying them.

In general, I sent this lady and today I will go to the bank to write a statement, which in the light of recent events should look like this:

“I don’t agree to anything” 19. 12 is 2016g

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137022
A question on one of the popular forums of Tajikistan:

Salam my brothers!

A friend recently dropped his iPhone 6 Plus into the water. By stupidity put his phone in the microwave on (!). After this, the connection does not work / is partially working (there is 1-2 antenna division)
Question: What to do?

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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna