— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103374
There was a very evil boy in the world. And one day, as he walked through the forest, a good fairy saw him.
And the fairy decided to do something good, good for the boy - so that he becomes good.
This appears in front of him:

Hi you boy. I will fulfill your two wishes.
The truth any?
and yes!! to
Take this tail and put it in a tree so that no one can ever pull it out.
It is crazy!! It is fulfilled!!! to
And now, pull it out.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103373
Regarding the different surnames of my husband and wife: my ex-girlfriend’s parents also had different surnames, and she and her sister had the father’s surname. Well, in general, everyone in the village knew them under this name. And one day they caught them at the sale of the selfie. They began to write a protocol — and their mother named her surname — and the protocol was written on her. Then I wrote about it in a local newspaper. But nobody has ever understood what it is for L. Melnikov :)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103372
My ve;brb trolled me with a hammer
If you remember, I have vision -10, I walk without glasses, I see the world blurred, in order to recognize the unexpectedly appeared object, it is necessary to watch for a while.

My men planted hamsters in a ball (green), sent around the apartment to bump, and I was told nothing.

The hamster has a way of chasing human feet. As he sees his feet, he straddles them in his ball.

And here I break up my shopping bags, and under the table something is knocking, splashing, licking, and then from there a green shit of the size of a shelf rolls on me.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103371
Oh wow! The Bible is crazy!! to
Who hasn’t spoken yet?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103370
I think it's easier for you to build a Judgment Day car.
What if she looks at herself and goes to tear the flowers?
Thus, to pretend that it is intended...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №103369
There is a little girl, small at all, with her mother in the hand, and joyfully declares - suddenly the hunter runs out! He is shooting the rabbit. Pif-paf, oh-oh-oh! " and without transition falls face to face on the asphalt. It just falls and falls. What Happened? what Happened?! Lenochka - from the asphalt, full of dignity voice: the Rabbit is dead!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103368
Nowadays, the more shavers in the bathroom, the fewer men in the house.

[ + -4 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103367
It is a shame to confess, but in my youth I made a harsh test to my neighbors, the good was a day-to-day, somewhere around 3 p.m., and therefore caught a minimum of people.
Even earlier at work lessons, our teacher told us that home baths are made of brittle iron, so there is a real danger, sinking a hammer into the bath, to split it apart.
And I needed to remove the bathroom from the apartment for the washing.
I was, of course, not able to pick up this hundred-pound enamelled monster on my own, and there was no one to help me at the time, because I just moved and didn't know the locals yet.
With sin I half-wrapped this bath in the room, turned it down to the bottom, grabbed the protective glasses, took in my hands a healthy column, brought for this purpose from the country, and, swung up, stumbled on that bell.
It is not necessary to say that I am deaf: it seems to me that even the cockroaches in the basement, located four floors below, were deaf from this directed monstrous sound wave.
The bathroom, surprisingly, stood, but my hearing and the psyche of the neighbor living on the floor below - not very. She felt like I had broken down the walls.
In short, it was our worker.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103366
In order not to pay penalties for violations taken by automatic cameras on the road, it is recommended to stick the sticker "Rhotoshor" on the front glass.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103365
The change of names.
Change your surname is easy and simple when you are young and unloaded with property, and you are still studying at the institute. However, a copy of the marriage certificate is enough for the employer, and the diploma is nonsense. But if you are bigger, there is a diverse legacy, pilot rights, certificates of unique specialties are obtained - change your surname quickly. There are documents that just never change! And then, what are the limitations? You can get married four times, and all officially, and then what, a notary in a foolish way? Yes, you go with your name change... There was a friend Makovetska - became Krivoskapko... and her children will now also be Krivoskapki...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103364
to you:

All these of your scratches resemble the infected tram of Ilfpetrov. The grandmother, who started a quarrel in the morning, has long been out, and people quarrel until the evening, although they don't remember how it all started.

And you are probably one of those who worries the most so that everyone will calm down and therefore cry out loudest of all: “STILL!!!"? Is it not?

I want to work in a cex shop. Only there is a question to all customers: for which x@#m you came here? Sounds quite appropriate.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103363
Yesterday the cat crossed my road from left to right, and then turned to the right to the left.
How many times should you spit through your left shoulder:
xxx: a) three (as usual)
xxx: b) six (3*2)
xxx: c) not one (the runs compensated for each other)?
YYY: Yes, even swallow – she’s closed the tag, that’s all.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103362
My ears started to hurt. Symptoms of otitis. I went to Laura in the hospital.
Go to the office:
I: Good day.
Q: What do you have?
I: The ears started to hurt, the throat was placed.
Q: Is the Iceback Change done?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103361
And to us in Murmansk only Behemoth came, and Kirkorov. Both are awful, but for different reasons.

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103360
Reading such quotes, you involuntarily begin to think - this is when the consequences of incest appeared and the mental abilities of individual individuals were affected!
In addition to the first Jews, there were other peoples who were not considered men, but had children from their wives. It was then that the female line of birth became important.
And concerning "there" - you first understand with your sub-language, and then think about high matters.
Where did these tribes come from, if we take the biblical plot by axiom? There were Adam and Eve. They were driven out of Eden and commanded Eve to give birth in torment. There are no "other tribes" No more people were declared.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103359
At the stop, I saw an advertisement written with the mark: "Korma. It is cheap. Eighty and eighty"
I show a friend, who is enthusiastic: "Nunichos, in our collage you can even buy a piece of the ship!"
They both rattled: first I, when it came to what he was about, and then together, when I explained :]

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №103358
This is:

Natalia: here is the phrase "decided to correct with their own forces" is scary =)

Wolchitz@: At first, the wire was cleaned, but it was short, little helped.. We decided to solve the problem by blowing the pipe with air from the compressor))) The picture turned out to be awful and scary)))

by Natalia (rofl)

Wolfitz@: From the pipe with a frightening whirlwind crashed onto the surface black jizz with some scissors.. poured the whole bathroom and walls to a bunch)) To the ceiling did not get))) On this our hop brigade did not calm)) I note that everything was happening under the sensitive guidance of the chief accountant))) Further, the process continued under the wild whirlwind... type what it would be))) That it was as to say for sure... The hole in the pipe was sealed with a clot, so that the air only went inside) But the clot was knocked out with pressure. And then... a bubble crack!!! to
Irina called to keep her personally))) Kaaak it fucked!!! Spray in all directions))) Capec!!))) Men in the crumbling, Irka oret, I was almost half rolled! I tell her: I won't go home with you))) She's all in this ugliness))) Well not all... But the trousers are gone))) Shas must pull some thermonuclear powder from the mill) Let's continue the experiments))) If we don't take off I'll write you)))
Write now, we are worried.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №103357
I will answer:
Is there a sanitary?
Why the "blue" crane flows hot, and
from "red" cold
Because the submissions from the bottom to the mixer are confused in places, or you have a Chinese cheap mixer that has a cross-water supply system inside. My advice to you, pull the blue and red buttons with a scarf, change their places and you will be happy.
Anna, 27 years old, an accountant.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103356
A fake iPhone is easily distinguished from a real one. Fake iPhones are not fake.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103355
AmberSP: Well, I was going to kill someone with a tail — bought a printer for a few thousand backs, a SAP system, made a model of a tail, bought the right plastic, printed a tail, went to kill.


“Your honor, do you think that if I were going to kill someone with a tail, I would buy a printer for a few thousand dollars, a SAP system, a model of a tail, bought the right plastic, printed a tail, went to kill?
The accusation version is completely unlikely. are justified.
Just as planned, muahahaha!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna