— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №133199
...and we washed our gas machine and cleaned the valves inside the yards almost to the glow, yet the engineers understood the consequences. And yet once the worker sucked some demand and worked (not flew out, namely worked) emergency.
We want to go into the kitchen to turn off the gas, and we can't: Hell's machine fire through the door door leads O_O
Steam, splashes of broth, fat leaks on the wall (sovdepovsky repair to do worse than it was, is already unrealistic, so in the figure), the whole family in stupor...

In general, the pressure fell slightly, approached, cut, cooled and poisoned by the workers, somehow displacing him, but the soup is mostly on the wall :(

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №133198
Long enough worked in commerce (mobile phones, accessories and so on) we all know that in such institutions glass vitrines and, accordingly, doors of these vitrines, about two meters high... but that is not the point.

I want to talk to my parents!! The respected! When your child knocks on such a door, don’t be afraid that you will have to pay for it. Be afraid that your child will cut off his hands or will just bite.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №133197
Very strange headlines in recent times: “An employee of the Spanish embassy was raped in Moscow.” That is, in Moscow, not in Peter or Voronezh. She was destined to be raped. The question was only where. In Moscow, an employee of the Spanish embassy was raped.
and #162

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133196
xxx: She made estimates to the builders who wrote "Oswald" (and this is not about the Kennedy murderer) and "Salafan" (and this is about a protective building film).
YYY: This is a sort of sarafan, probably. Completely closed and with a built-in niqab. The Salafists approve, 146% of the Halal.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №133195
Transferred a recent acquaintance to a new place of work (to another division of the same enterprise). At the old place, she complained that she had almost nothing to do.

I ask, how are you with the loading? More work?

The work of Pi3Gec. So throw it! I come home and my phone is 80% charged.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133194
The neighbors came to complain that we were talking too loudly about the theory of strings.
It is :)
Sheldon, are you again?

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №133193
Anthony Hopkins says:

“Once I was driving in a glass elevator with a boy and his mother. I stood back at them, staring at the city, and suddenly the boy said the elevator was like a Lecter’s cage.

I turned, and the woman was jealous. The boy was very frightened, I probably caused him a psychological trauma for his whole life.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №133192
"And whoever worked in school – the one in the army is not surprised" (c)
Two graduates of the Pedruze were distributed to rural schools to get a postponement from the army. Six months later, they went to the military committee with a request to take them to the army.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №133191
XXX: I am looking for a master to repair a dog Tini lava who gives but doesn't walk
YYY: To whom does it give?
ZZZ: Everyone gives, but she doesn’t go.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133190
Baby asks me today:
I don’t hang for a while, but then I begin to explain about men and women, about two cells, merger, etc.
He listened and said:
It is wrong! Life begins with the letter Z.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №133189
As recently turned out, many food stores in China have common refrigerators for milk/drinks, etc. They have a double bottom. Behind the window part of the refrigerator there is a storage room, they are combined. A couple of months ago I bothered to get the yogurt from a iron basket and I was given it from there. Imagine a hand stretching a bottle of yogurt between the refrigerator shelves. Stephen King’s Refrigerator I was terrified and couldn’t hide it. When I was paying at the box, the seller and the carrier, the performer of the role of "hands from the refrigerator" roared in the whole voice, bending in half, and ticked into me with my fingers. It is shameless and contagious.

The funniest thing was today when I went into this shop with a colleague from the Czech Republic. We talked about the affairs, I opened the same refrigerator and the already familiar carrier’s face looking between the packages said to me, “Ni chao” (hello). I answered “Ni chao” and shrugged my hand in greeting. After taking the yogurt, and closing the refrigerator, I continued the conversation with the Czech. Aaaah! You would see his face. This world will never be the same for him again.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133188
Yesterday I realized that I grew up when neighbors came to complain to my friends at the next meeting that we discussed the theory of strings too loudly.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №133187
The palace from Moscow bought a store in Novokuznetsk for 32 million rubles.
text of the news: "Resident of Moscow Alexei Dvornik won the auction and acquired the store..."
comment: "Only one call helped the palace...Call Nikolai Mikhailovich!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133186
Studying at school, taking at this time studied at the institute, mom comes from work looks into my diary and on the whole house says: again on chemistry a couple! Brother from another room: I am not the fault of the teacher the whole group of the pair put!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133185
To be guilty is my calling
The photographer said: I am.
I shrugged your eyes, shrugged your feet.
I also ate your stomach.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133184
Press Release to RBC:

FBI Suspects Russia Plans to Undermine U.S. Citizens' Confidence in Elections
American company bought the rights to rent “Smesharikov” in the United States

It all seems to be related somehow.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133183
in a pair. Create a design of a hobby-cube building. I make a comfortable runway for moving around the building. There is a shaped house. Everything is done comfortably, beautifully and without any beams, such as triangular or spherical rooms (I am terribly angry, especially after I lost myself in a shopping center with such a structure).
What stupidity do you have, no fantasy or flight.
I: The club is small, because what to think of there, but the development is convenient.
It is, but you are an architect of thought creatively.
I: MMM, and how is that?
Prepods: Well, the girl from the guitar made the house, look, he reminds of the guitar.
I: Well yes, it’s great (and I think it hangs like a guitar)
I don’t know where to find that creativity. I go out of the opposite, climb the triangular rooms and confuse everything so that they are lost) I crushed the paper, and here is the shape of the new building. Brad, of course, but at least I’m afraid that I did something.
in the trail. The day.
Prep: It is perfect!
I : what?
We thought you were hopeless, no, you opened up! The shape of the building is original, I don't even understand what reminds, and what layout is so fun here will wander. Come and see everything, do it too, and very good work.
I am shocked by myself. What fucking happiness? Doing worse has achieved excellent results)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133182
Article with breakfast recipes from Paphos chefs, in which the names of simple and familiar dishes are replaced by foreign analogues.

The comments:

xxx: Excuse me, and what pancakes, scramble and smurfs are better than omelets, omelets and butters?
Yyy: They have a taste of refinement, black.

Obviously is:
“And the grain in our restaurant is called croûton. It’s exactly the same roasted piece of bread, but a grain can’t cost $8 and a croûton can’t.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №133181
"The British made a prothesis from LEGO, not waiting for the real on insurance".

A great idea. They didn’t wait for anything—a bright future, communism or anything like that—

Get them from Lego!

It is not advertising. The sarcasm

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №133180
Book "The Art of Managing the World"

Commentary: My cat is disgustingly sparkly...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna