— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118133
Author "Let go and forget" I am with you! My partner’s friend from training also tried to scratch my face. I clearly broke her jaw in reflexes. I was saved from childhood. What this chicken thought, fighting with the sparring partner of her husband, twice her own weight, is unclear.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №118132
Songs instead of slides. There was not enough laminate in the corridor. Blyyn, I should have bought one more package... and no more. Only a month has passed! They say it’s kind of an old collection and all that. They have a collection, fucking... Short, fucking. I was upset to complete unconsciousness. And here comes the last hope - Castorama in the Kotelniks. At the base, they have a remainder of 9 packs, but we need to clarify. I call. No one takes the tube, but instead of darts for 10 minutes, I listen to the melody "Don't worry. Be happy..."

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №118131
XXX: Do you invite you to visit?? to
Well, if you come with your coffee, sugar and cookies, welcome!! to
Do not take the dark side with you? 😉

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №118130
The whole family laughed.)
I "who will be the tea?"
Tagged with "no"
Daddy "who is the cousin"
and the cat entering the kitchen ;)

[ + 15 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118129
Do you not understand?
First they impose sanctions on products and immediately on the Debt! There is a post about the reserve regiment and about "eat what they give!"
Then the ruble collapses, prices rise, the people miser, and there is a post about not sleeping, but working!
The trend is understandable?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №118128
Customs on the plane, I think, in which section to look for?

Beauty and Health
- transportation
Sport and Rest
Clothes, shoes and accessories

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118127
Lohah does not die for children. The story that I wrote yesterday:
"Hello to you. What do you do? And I am now cooking soup from my own hand-collected mushrooms in the morning. In any case, know that I have always loved you."
Such a fatalist is Paphos. Judging by the fact that he called me Vicky, he had already tried his soup during the cooking process. And I only sent this message at night, and he sent it in the afternoon.
Is everything okay with him there? This is a cook from him.
He was normal, I knew. I was tormented at midnight in guessing who this Vic was.
- Well if I'm not mistaken, the only scream we all three know was our chemistry teacher in 11th grade) although he may have some left scream there)
I doubt it. The grandmother we don't know - it doesn't look like him.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №118126
My mom gave me a money tree and a bush called “Women’s Happiness.” I wished money and happiness for that. After a week, the money tree collapsed, and the female happiness was eaten by the cat. Probably the first of 40.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118125
Unjustly earned, but literally divided by the law is not punished.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118124
Yesterday, in one French-language newspaper, I saw a caricature: a scattered bed, a sad Poroshenko sitting on the front edge, a beauty dressing from behind and looking at the clock. Poroshenko looks into the area of his stomach and sadly breathes: "I have nothing to do with it. It is all Putin. The damned Putin.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №118123
I fully support the expansion of the import substitution program, and I propose, for the purposes of this program, to replace the children of Russian officials and oligarchs living in the US and EU countries with children from Russian children’s homes.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №118122
From the letter:
I recently turned 60 and I have entered, as they say, the third half of my life.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118121
In the publishing business, the manuscripts sent to the editorial office are designated by three digits and three letters. For example, “318 BBL” or “412 AMR”... But I only learned about it later.
I was at a Moscow publishing house. I have a familiar editor. Behold, I come in, and he is running with some thick handwriting. “What,” I ask, “is a novel?” and he answers, “two hundred eighty-six asses.” I was overwhelmed. “Show me,” I say. He is showing. On the first page is clearly printed: “286 JOP”.
I thought a lot about this novel. Figures and situations. I was even jealous that it was not I who wrote it... Until this comrade explained to me the literal-digital designation of the manuscripts...

Yulius Burkin

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №118120
On the wall is a recording:
andquot; no I knew, of course, that I was strange, but at two o’clock in the night to drive the brothers out of the kitchen and to prepare a whole slice of salad with strawberries was too much even for me. = is
We have breakfast. and lunch. Probably even dinner. XD and"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118119
Katze North (passing some test): "Are you fat?" (facepalm)
Drekhann: Yes, I’m so swallowing when I walk that my fleas start a sea disease!

[ + 9 - ] Comment quote №118118
In the bourgeoisie, the school form is the retention of the rich, so that the students of the expensive private schools can be distinguished by clothes, in Russia they are trying to impose it supposedly in support of the poor, who live on quality clothes for the child and therefore want that ALL children should go the hell in what. The Russian logic. Moreover, the shape of this damn people cost more than normal clothes, children are unrealistic to neither isolate in the winter, nor to ease when spring becomes hot. Let everyone and always be bad - this is what we consider "equality and justice"

Seriously, we had a teacher of literature of such a steep Soviet hardening, who was afraid to kick the most, but she only asked for a white top for the exam, and not necessarily with pants - classical jeans came along.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118117
You are what you eat.
If you eat vegetables, you will be vegetables.
Eat a chicken, you will become a chicken. Eat pork and become a pig. Beef is a cow.

to eat people.

Where to get them if there are vegetables, pigs, bulls and chickens around?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118116
I had a conversation with a familiar Spanish man. Word for word, we talked about cinema.
Having learned that I was watching films in Russian, he began to prove that it could not be done. You need to look only in the original, otherwise "in translation a lot is lost and, in addition, censorship".
I agreed with him and said that our censorship cuts out all Russian villains, so sometimes the hero just walks the whole film and does nothing.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118115
The one who requires a borst with a mine, most often gets a shield in which the h*j cavities.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118114
Only 18 countries in the world are richer than Bill Gates. It is most obvious to see how much he earned pre-renalliards.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna