— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103174
Leave Tchaikovsky in peace! He was ashamed of his character and hid it. And I did not go to parades to demand same-sex love.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103173
*111 works as a seller in a zoo store*
When I work without a partner, I sell my playlist from VK and forget about it. Well, you know, I have the music there collected in a few years, I do not edit it there especially, so at the end of the working day, the unexpected tracks of the times of our foolishness can be heard.)
222 (I think I guess)
111: by Ugo In short, something fell into the space, cutting prices, buyers, probably, the beat hour was not. The buyer came for the ordered goods in advance. In general, I got caught up in what was happening about when the columns near the box office (at this moment the goods were just piercing him) began to spread "I am the enemy of the system, and you are all goats! You are all goats! And you are all goats!" I did not dare to look up at him, I cut out the columns with the words "Khm, something I was caught".
222: sssshuuukaya)))))))
111: Well though the guy adequate got, young, says: "Yes, okay, good music!"" I in response drum something about the inappropriacy of such music in the store, and I think myself that he hardly guesses that it is not now such music I listen to and generally slowly prepare for the defense of the dissertation, and the player came to the tracks of fun times, which I almost forgot)
222: oh, Mr. future candidate of sciences, and should the buyer have thought a couple of weeks ago about your involvement in the scientific world when you gave him with a smile from ear to ear a ton of little stuff under the main theme from Fort Boyard?)))))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103172
With a sharp condemnation of the motto "Seek everything that moves", Kostromic necrophils spoke.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103171
In line in the store next to the university dormitories.

The girl says to the seller:
– Give me that round, well, that... well, how he... Ah! The Bread!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №103170
In my opinion, it is time to add the button "Author, go nahuy", with a mandatory notification of that to the email...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103169
I suspect that the cats in the factories do not slip out. We run a few thousand. They live on average 2-3 years. Wilds do not fit people.
I only managed to get along with Chuvyrla - a small, forever pregnant and hungry cat. When I first swallowed, my hand was all black. A week later, it was discovered that the cat was not black, but a turtle.

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103168
Comments on the film:
Guest: Fuck, I’m intrigued, I have to see what you, the miserable saliva, have all gone out of the sludge.
Guest: I take my words back, I also replied at the end.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103167
What do you know about inconvenience?

Last night, my ex-boyfriend and I ran around his office.
At the most interesting moment, when his shirt was shaking (he was trying to put me on the shoulder, and I didn’t want to do it at all), the machine stumbled and asked:
Did you call a taxi?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103166
You will not provide
Access to this software
Security (including the key)
access to any person or


The translator has to put it in his hand. The original was to any person or entity to any natural or legal person.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103165
We think with a friend over the name of our company, a lot of options overlooked. Here a friend issues: "And let us name the company "Eva", said Eugene Valentine, and remember easily". I say to him: "What, I like it, and the logo will make a roasted apple"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103164
[23:01:03] xxx: I will write a diploma about how to cry in the corner
[23:01:08] xxx: and fucking example will show on defense
xxx: no better idea

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103163
"My house is undergoing major repairs. From 8 in the morning I try to cough out my lungs, and apparently so diligently that the workers knocked me in the window and gave me cough pills.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103162
Waste and waste is the best material for inciting wars.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103161
Plan of Sale
I have had a few stories here about our native banks and what they produce in them. I continue.

So.... bank (as always: system-forming and other...) I ended their card of immediate issuance (these are the payments and interest on the balance for the households do not charge, for the service too do not take anything). Apparently no trouble, when received, they immediately warned that these short-term-temporary cards will come out the same, but with the chip and those exchanged without problems. I sent a SMS that it was time to replace it. has arrived. They are ready to replace, but... supposedly a series of these cards have been removed and replaced with another, and the same service will now cost 300 rubles. In the year: “Sign here...”

The price is not too high (it is worth paying for a lifetime). Compare with other banks. Started somewhat from their own website (intuition, probably). It turns out, all over Russia these cards are, only in our department... the bank for some reason "finished".

I went a second time. Do you know what employees gave me from different angles? “Why are you attached to us? Every time you have one problem... Do you want us to be here because of such intricacies as you have not fulfilled the plan to sell paid plastic cards Visa and MasterCard and have not received the premium? And what you are in the whole room, it was necessary to say quietly, we would only replace you...” Immediately the phrase of Soviet times recalled: “(you don’t want the children of the seller to suffer? And, at the same time, the husband, grandmother and, most importantly, the pocket?) »

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103160
I was sitting at the stop today, the sting got in the eye, and I concentrated on throwing it. Next to him stood the grandmother, God’s fool, noticed it and sympathetically said:
Do not cry, my daughter. I was even worse at your age than you, and then I got married!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103159
X: I don’t want to learn English and that’s all.
Y: Even if you don’t want it, it will always be the main language of the Earth.
X: We will see when in 10 years the entire planet will be a Russian empire
Figo has plans for the summer.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103158
Give action and laughter, in the work to do nonsense.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103157
C the forum.
xxx: Angry when torrents are launched, not to play, not to follow the norms
yyy: I was told as a child that on torrent customers you can set a speed limit for a certain period of time....... I also do not believe in fairy tales -))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №103156
On the tube now a lot of blogs for women about how to remain desirable for my husband after long years together lived... And here, looking at one of the lessons, I ask my husband: "What do I have to go around the house, so that you host me?" The answer was: "Dear, go in adequate!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103155
About the weapon struggle.
The gun is probably good. But I am such a nursing animal that when my brother invited me to the strike game, after our team drank, I was still searched for more than an hour and a half in a large unbuilt building. If my brother didn’t call me on his cell phone, they’t find me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna