— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №53592
Unfortunately, it’s when she sends you a smiley – and you get up.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №53591
There are two small people outside the window. One gave one another from the head to the head, looked, and then offended so gave, - Why don't you roar::? It is!)))

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №53590
Plans for the weekend?
YYY: I am going
Shashiki and girls?and ;)
Lope and Grandmothers

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №53589
Many people jumped with a parachute. Everyone says that the feeling of freedom is...
I almost got upset...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №53588
The coolest jerk was one lady who was jealous of me for the mannequins, I said on their breasts and other spotted-spottedness I watch.)

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №53587
You know why the Xbox 360 console is called that? Because when you see it, you turn 360 degrees and leave.
Yyy: You made my day, thank you. by DDDDDDDD

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №53586
Experience is what fills a wallet that once had money.

[ + 156 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №53585
Good thing, Skype, I find friends I haven’t seen in a long time.
Here was someone Misha, once he was the soul of the company, but married early, the children went, and he fell out of our circle. And suddenly found, and among other things told such a story.

Everything went well with me, my wife got just on envy, three children only in joy, the business developed at such a rate that it was possible to live with it, and the attention to myself was not attracted either from the tax side or from the brothers. In short, happiness and straw are full.
At first I didn’t believe it, then I used to it and thought it would always be so. In the twentieth year, there was a crack in life. It started with the eldest son.

My parents raised me strictly, and as an adult, I was punished on the sides of the member not to swallow, but to choose a good girl to love, to marry and build a family. I did it and never regretted it. He taught his children this. Only the times have changed, or the other girls have gone, but the son of such a girl can not find to look him in the eyes, and not below the belt, that is, in the wallet or in the cowards. And money is, and education is received, and the appearance of God has not hurt, and all some dirt hangs on him. And there is a guy, and we worry about him, in a word, it became unpleasant in the house.

Next is worse. She got sick, was placed in the hospital, where she died a week later. We cried, we cried away. The test remains alone, it does not work out. And the wife's parents were just golden people, never made a difference between their own and her parents. We take the testament to ourselves, there is a good place. The wife is happy, the children are happy, he is calmer. Everything would be fine, but!

The mother-in-law had a dog, or a black terrier, or a rizen, or just a black wooled wreck. They took him up on the mountain. Everyone bites, bites children, bites me, bites me, walk him out together, as if on the roof. He called out the filmologists, gave money without account so that they could be taught how to deal with him, without any reason. They say it is easier to sleep. There, the aunt decided that when the dog dies, then it is time for him. left for another time. Children walk in the summer in jeans, with long sleeves: bites hide from me, pity grandfather. By autumn, the cranes have come, he has swallowed, bites his skin, voices. It turns out that it needs to be trimmed. They have visited all the salons, none of these evil ones are taken anywhere. Finally, knowledgeable people stumbled upon one master who would take. Called and set time: 7 a.m.
I bring. I pulled. Kobe rattled like an angry man. A young girl of small size. So and so, I say, any money, even under anesthesia (and I think that if he died under this anesthesia, there is no more strength).
She takes a guide from my hand, tells me to come exactly without ten, and calmly leads him away.

I come as commanded. I see this girl cutting a wool between the fingers of a gorgeous dog. He is standing on the table, standing upright, proudly, not moving, like a lieutenant at a parade, with a rubber orange ball in his mouth. I just looked. It was only when he shrugged my eye that I realized that this was my cowboy. And this puppy says to me:
Glad you came, I’ll show you how to clean it.
Teeth and cut nails.
I couldn’t stand the teeth! I told her the whole story as it is. She thought and said:
You, he says, have to get into his position. You know that he
The owner is dead, but he is not. In his understanding, you stole him from the house.
Absence of the hostess and forced detention. Especially the grandfather too.
is upset. When he can’t escape, he tries to do everything.
To throw him out of the house. Talk to him, explain to him,
and calm.
I loaded the cowboy into the car, headed straight to the old cage house. Opened, there is empty, it smells uninhabited. I told him everything, I showed him. The dog listened. I didn’t believe it, but I didn’t bite. He took him to the cemetery and showed him the grave. The neighbors came here and visited them. They opened the bubble, remembered, offered the dog, talked again. Suddenly he understood! He struck his mouth and swallowed it, then lay near the monument and lay for a long time, pushing his mouth under his legs.
I did not hurry him. When he got up, we went to the car.
The dogs did not recognize it, but knew it, so they did not immediately believe it. He told me how the haircut annoyed me and what came out of it. The son did not have time to listen, takes a jacket, keys to the car, asks for a strigalichin's address.
Why you, I ask you.
Dad, I will marry her.
I was touched, I say. You have not even seen her. Maybe she is not for you.
The pair.
“Daddy, if she’s caught up in the position of the dog, I’m not.
will understand?
In short, three months later they got married. Three grandchildren are growing up.
And the dog? A loyal, calm, obedient, incredibly intelligent elderly dog helps them nurse. They brush their teeth at night.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №53584
I have heard that you have homophobia and xenophobia in your country.
Taboo vocabulary and extreme intolerance to any criticism. Is it so?
I will kill you, fool, the Pidor non-Russian!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №53583
Cheap horror movie on track:

Tupac14: Why is this filmed?
da5et: this is filmed that chickens would press to the chickens, and the chickens would touch the chickens

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №53582
The taxi driver says:
I mean, two gay people. So happy, much wanted to leave for tea. They ask if the mints are not stopping me, and the devil dragged me to say "yes, they are standing there.
They silenced and paid a penny in a penny.

[ + 111 - ] Comment quote №53581
The third day the internet is not working well. Gathered with courage, I call for support:
My name is Irina. Something happened? They respond happily on the wire.
The internet doesn’t work, I respond gently.
Proposes to remove the cable, restart the computer. and the other. Eventually switch to the customer department.
This is Marina. What happened?
The internet does not work.
Gothic The music. switch to those. The Department.
This is Natalia. What happened?
The Third Circle. Gothic and music.
This is Irina. Something happened? There is a familiar voice.
The internet still does not work.
The wire removed? With hope.
and UGU. Irina, do you have any support?
He was alone, she said sadly. But he left, saying that he was tired of the assembly of stupid babies. I don’t know why he didn’t please our clients.
Oh man, I understand you! But go back! Give me the internet.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №53580
The romance has disappeared from our relationship.
Oh yeah, yeah yeah...

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №53579
From Habra, about statistics:
The comparison between 1995 and 2010 is very informative. You could have taken the 1960s and 2010s: “Look, in 1960 there was nothing at all, and then how it went!”

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №53578
XXX is stopped. Is it Friday? O_O
YYY: No, she was a week ago

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №53577
To the story of a man who found in the depths of the closet a pebble soap.

She gave her husband a new toothbrush, put it in a glass, accessible and clearly explained: "Now you will use this brush. And this (I show you the old one) you will no longer use. You have a new one. Here she is, blue, in the glass.The old brush was laid on a remote shelf in the bathroom, where detergents, powder, shoe cream are stored. She didn’t throw it out because it was very convenient for her to clean hard-to-reach places, for example, in children’s little shoes. This, by the way, also explained. So he took her from there for three weeks and brushed her teeth.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №53576
You can guess who I am dating now.
XXX begins with A
Is it an ananas?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №53575
From the forum on new trees:

xxx: Yes, for the last five years, I use electricity from native wood, and I don't need any fresh wood, everything works so well!!! to
yyy: silence now, in five years you bought three new comp, major!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №53574
I am the most irreplaceable person in the house-only I know how to set the clock on the microwave)))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №53573
Commentary on the poster with the film "Beautiful":

The only one The only one
I still have my weight.)

Pavel Yeremeyev
by Richard Gere? 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna