— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №103094
I will add:

Flying summer
Autumn has arrived
The Euro 49
The $38
Flying Autumn
It was snow, look.
Dollars of 48
The Euro 63

All the snow passed.
Summer in the garden
Dollars banned
Euro is nowhere.

c) the borst

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103093
xxx: I bought myself an avito for 600 rubles broken monitor 20 inches. Repaired in 20 minutes. I am happy!
yyy: I bought a new monitor last month for 7k, was happy until I saw this post.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103092
There was no combinence in the childhood, there was an old Zaporozhye in the backyard, at whom the door was opened with a single coin. When it rained, it was nice to sit there with a book and eat a piece of sugar. Even in Bulgaria, as a child, I was, we go somewhere, my adults, Bulgarian adults, all not very familiar and therefore very polite, and I look - the Zaporozhets stand. I think I will show everyone the magic. He took it and opened the door, like in the old Zaporozhye. But nobody was delighted, and everybody was silent about it.

[ + 24 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103091
In the fight, and even under the degree, most lump with what is. And they do not think about the safety of those who are robbed. This is not a fight, but a duel.
There will be guns, they will shoot. And don’t reassure yourself that not everyone will have guns, that they will be afraid to shoot... I’m not saying that every fight will end in dead bodies. Maybe not every tenth. Just a hundred court battles will be a couple of bodies and five wounds. And one injured resident of the neighboring house, not looking out the window in time.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Because "draca, and even under degree" is not normal. All such dracuns will die - normal people will live more calmly. And the harmless, their mother, only love to fight.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103090
This is:

You can think, everyone has already forgotten how Soviet citizens behaved, who were lucky enough to get on a trip abroad. And the sausage of hard smoking was carried with them, and the wiring in foreign hotels was burned with boilers. It would be wide - wide would be eaten :D And China now, in general, the same essayer, only with an amendment to the demography

Congratulations to you, Shrek, you are Balbes.
It seems that a little time has passed, and in your weak heads everything has already mixed up, or you just can’t read.
Soviet citizens did not travel to five-star hotels in Vienna. Basically, few travel abroad available were business trips and very few, economy class, tourist trips. At the same time, it was possible to exchange a very small amount of money for foreign currency, and people wanted to bring gifts to their relatives, imported clothes, shoes. From here and raw copper (you mean it, hard copper? sausages, canned foods and boilers.
The Chinese have their own reasons to eat. Don’t think everyone is stupid.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103089
XXX: How do you feel about non-normative vocabulary?
You know... I’m so crazy.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103088
News of Metro SPB
A drunk suicide jumped into Neva, but failed, and broke his leg.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103087
Attempts to prove to a fool that he is stupid, cruel, useless and always make a close look at the proofing: and why he actually does it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103086
Collega: Yesterday at the corporate I stood in a line to the toilet for a stranger. And today Facebook offered me to add it to my friends."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103085
This is the cultural capital! There, the copper is considered to be the one who has not read the original Henri de Renee.
YYYYYYYYYYYY I think everybody looks at me so hard...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103084
I don’t like to put the car there.
xxxh: there near the washing and all kinds of scary orcs roll, ha hae
The bombs?
What a bomb
hhh: fucking, cork, oak, dirty dirty all kinds
See also: HD

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103083
If the actress cannot show her skill, she shows her body.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №103082
Somewhere today I read another story about children in the plane and remembered.
Three years ago, my son and I went to Egypt. He was 9 years old then. The aircraft is large, 3-4-3 seats in a row. We went there where we were 4. We had two extreme seats at the passage, and next to it was a 30-year-old mom with a daughter. Nothing, as they say, predicted. Only they sat down, my mom started calling somebody so that her interlocutor urgently wandered from the other end of Moscow to the airport from which we were flying and canceled the credit card that this lady had just issued, herself not understanding why. She just talked to a bank employee from the hustle, waiting for the plane, and suddenly it itself settled. And in the plane, the lady began to suffer vague doubts. That was enough to attract my attention.
While the lady was talking on the phone, her daughter for about 5-6 years painted her mom’s jeans with a flommaster. My mom noticed it when it was too late. And the only thing she said was, “Daughter, well, you can’t do that!” Then the girl started burning. She alternately struggled in hysteria lying on the floor, grabbed her mother for her hair in anger because her mother didn’t give her something, walked on her back. Sitting and licking the men’s legs on the back seat, that is, creating a celebration for others. Finally, this monster turned attention to the most accessible target – my son sitting next to her.
I must say that my son has been reading since the age of five. I was mocked at school and then mocked that I went to the library every day, although I still write with mistakes, and this spit over me. He sat down all day and read quietly. The monster grabbed his hands and began to sneak out of his seat. I turned to my mother, already knowing what I would hear in response. She looked at us with contempt and said to her daughter, "You see, daughter, men at this age are all goats, you can't expect anything from them," and to me, "And your child could give up!" What to give up? Another free place? There is some boundary beyond which you are no longer angry, it causes amazement and laughter.
Then the girl, apparently, put a motorcycle in her ass, and she began to wear through the passages, wiping out glasses, food and other passenger things.
It was already on the flight to Hurghada.
For what, in fact, I write. For the one phrase that this mother-in-law said when we landed. She, once again looking around us with contempt, said: "All children are like children, they play, they run, only you raised a fool, he was sitting and reading like a fool all the time."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103081
Sorry for calling so late.
You are not too late, you are not too late.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103080
In the bowl:
"And the worst thing is that the payer has no altar note".
— — —
Really scary.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103079
I got a compliment today.
Riding a taxi, the taxi driver says to me, “You’re the first girl for today to come out almost on time.”
I answer: "You don’t know the whole story yet. After the signal that the taxi had arrived, I had time to change clothes.
Taxi Driver: "Did you accidentally serve in the army? andquot;
I: "No, but I have two children"
Taxi Driver: " Yes, this explains everything "

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103078
Sergey Ivanovich is a very naïve but intelligent cat. He regularly climbs to the table, knowing that he will scratch the water in the sharp gray face of the sprayer, so he runs through it to the window at an accelerated pace so that it doesn’t fall. Here is the package on the table. How not to smell. The demonstration begins from the spray. And then Sergey Ivanich includes MEGAMOG and escapes from the mini-brandspot in this same package with the head, tail and other causals. But the package is not a capsule - and dry and left on the table - profit!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №103077
With this character, someday someone will beat you! ... maybe even me... or those I will pay for"
If you forget the notebook again, I will buy it for you. This is a beautiful... with Beer..."
You talk so much that I can’t understand whom you are reminding me of the bulbs—papagating my neighbors or those from House 2.
Why doesn’t Ivanka write anything? "Well, because he is stupid here!"
You didn’t read Fathers and Children because it wasn’t in the library? Vasya, you should talk to your parents about this, but I will have to. What do you know about torrents?"
Hello to you from 10A! 😉

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103076
A good leader is like a fur in your ass: it doesn’t let you sit quietly.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103075
here here :

I’m all waiting for London to declare the Scottish referendum illegitimate and start bombing Edinburgh.

As soon as there will appear the people's self-defense of Edinburgh in the form of the Russian Federation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna