— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19778
Before the start of the 5th course:
I thought here, if in 11th grade I had a first-class, then this 1st September I should give a first-class))))

I want to 😉

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19777
XXX is
I met with future group members..... talk in the style of "nu чо yопта бля?".... again with the humpiness to learn.... fucking
At least 170 passes!!! was


Idiots are smart

XXX is
You walk so far by the shop in the factory and hear – "Do you know? The derivative sinus x is equal to cosinus x fucking!


XXX is
Or they approach you and ask - are you a phone with a calculator equation to respect?

ha ha! More about XD

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19776
SAM: You know, I have a cat... I’m all the time dropping his bits on it... Well, there’s a broken vase, a mess on the table.
Baraka_Abba: Well yeah :)
Sam: Well, it won’t run this time.
Barack Obama: What is it?
She is pregnant (

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №19775
I saw the advertisement on the wall "Removing nails, hands and legs 89*******" called and asked to grow me a couple more hands. They did not understand, so I asked them to remove the tail in the ad. Called back in five minutes and through a loud rust said "Thank you"

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №19774
A small town in Sverdlovsk Oblast. We drive a car with brother (B) and his wife (Z) (she works in the prosecutor’s office). On the pedestrian crossing, the brother did not miss the pedestrian, immediately from whereabouts appears Gibdshnik (G). He pulls a stick and runs happy, thinking that he has earned a beer. B stops, J immediately leaves the car to show the certificate and shut up the whole matter. G apparently was so pleased that he did not notice the hole on the road, stopped and spread over the asphalt. He approaches the mint while he rolls and shows a certificate with the words:
A lawyer of the class, etc.
G is BL! I see! I meet!

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19773
I will grow up, I will be beautiful and I will not give it to anyone.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №19772
Ramzan Kadyrov received a nominal cortex from the special unit "Alpha"
In the liver?
Unfortunately, as a gift...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №19771
My wife was on vacation for a month. She returned and found two new pink romantic candles in a bag hanging on the hangar in front of the door. I called to work and asked, “Where did this come from in my house?”

He said the truth: that he went to a friend for the disc. And to the fifth floor lazy to go up - called the home phone to drop off the balcony. The disk is light, screaming for a friend to find a cargo for the package. I started looking, found something, dropped it. I pulled out the disc and hanged the package on the wall.

Well, my wife listened and told me to bring the candles back to my puppets.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19770
You know... suddenly I wanted to tell you that...
YYY : M?
A true friend is not just a person with whom you go for a beer after a hard day. A true friend is someone who will not only support you when you are sad, but will also rejoice for you when you are happy.
A true friend is always near, even when far away.
A true friend is a person to whom it is not regrettable to give his life.
YYYY : :-)
That’s what a real friend is.
XXX: and you, Zhenya, is a hideout.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №19769
The xxx:
My grandmother went to some event, there was little time and she could not find a jewelry. As a result, she wore a flash on the chain (I have it so yellow, fucking) and left...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №19768
Tagged with: greetings
Cat: Let’s get to know you?
My name is Katie, and you? How many years? Are you studying? Do you work?
Not to be silent :(
Do you want a poem for you?
This is the case 😉 😉 😉
The horror:
Ride there, where
A new fire is born.
by Vezda
Take me and me.
We go where the moon always shines over our heads.
and ) )
You were the first to write for me!!! I like it so much! 😉
It is shit :(

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №19767
CraZZyGnoM: Yes, you should scream at McDonald’s all your life: Free cash

Sergey: that you all your life in the macdake floor in the sorting wash and envy that I work at the box office

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19766
A friend told me that his relative worked as a long-distance driver.
At the cafe, where the long-distance drivers sleep, drink and fuck, the aforementioned relative is standing, smoking in his car. Suitable for 4 men aged 15-16, they say, if 5 pieces do not give, the wheel will be cursed. Man, absolutely quiet: "nu pierced..."Gopnikek fits, with a knife turke...brains on asphalt, 5 atmospheres, hule...

[ + 93 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19765
People help me!
In Ukraine, people are being killed impunely.

In the night from 21 to 22 August on the Fountain Road in Odessa, the son of the Deputy of the Odessa City Council Alexander Kravets on the car Mercedes S-55 shot down three people: Vasily Karpenko, Natasha Gusev, Denis Zadarodzhnyh
First, he shot down Denis, who miraculously survived, then Natasha, who is in the hospital with a torn key, a broken pelvis and numerous fractures, then Vasily. Vasily he took off with the open door of the jigsaw, and then flew into the cars parked along the edge. Basil died six minutes later.

At the moment, the “administrative machine” of our city is working to falsify all the data of the incident.
Please help! Help make the law one for all. Do not let the man who killed escape justice.

Earlier, the son of the deputy of the regional council Felix Petrosyan sitting behind the wheel of his father's jeep drunk broke 11 cars in the result of which 1 guy died. The court ruled his innocence.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19764
In response to such:
"Dear admin, I understand that the idea is not new, but still... May still change the design of the page, if not under the MS Word document"

First, you need to work at work.
Second: type in the search engine a CSS tutorial and change the design of the BOR, at least under the word, at least under the command line, or autocad.

Brothers and sisters, support us!

Cat, shredder, 0_o, Odmin, hoyace

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №19763
It was in one of the shops in Germany. One woman stumbles on another’s foot:
Sorry, I’m not specifically... and so on.
- No problem, - and immediately commented in Russian: - Cows...
In response to her:
The cow itself.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №19762
The night, 4 hours. Parking of vehicles.
My friend and I put his car, well, we go to the booth to the guard, to pay. This miracle sleeps like a baby. We knock loudly to wake up. He crashes, and lifts his swollen face into the window. Take a friend and say to him, “A pack of Winston blue...”
The security guard, from the dirt, rushed to look, looked under the table, looked into the closet. And only 30 seconds later began to cover us with mat.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №19761
In response to:
For the second week I have been thinking about one question.And what if every person sees the colors in their own way (well, all except black and white)?

Ura to! I am not alone.)

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №19760
My husband works as a brigadier. Recently this situation happened: a cement hose fell on his head from the second floor)) Suffered for a long time, but still cut off his jaw))
Now every time the advertisement goes "your hair lacks natural cement?" I do louder, and he is angry and chases me with a tape xD

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №19759
Yesterday, the comrade with his horses from the club of outlanders on Zenit in the sports bar fell, all on their "uazyk", respectively. From the grief that Zenit missed at the last minute and flew out of the cup, everyone got drunk, even those who did not plan to drink. The service "driver for your car" costs two pieces. They are drunk and know how to count. They called evacuators at 1,300 and went to their homes. A column of jeeps riding on the evacuators brought into the stupor of the gaiters passing by...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna