— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132899
Alexey Pehov

I had to call a taxi today.
I was in the 600th Mercedes. Tom himself. of the anecdotes. The car is cool. A truck with a carrier.
The driver was a man without a neck. Truth without a raspberry jacket and a gold chain. He knew two words: yapt and la, combining them in completely different tones so that "war and peace" could be read. Everything immediately understandable.
I can’t understand if he rushed to his own funeral or ran away from the 90s bandits? But such a crazy ride to the subway, with the whispering of the backward, the overtaking of the delayed and the crawling around the courtyards to replace the traces - I had not had it for a long time.
But I quickly realized that it was a cosplay and just watched.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132898
I work in a shopping center.
Suddenly, I noticed that in the general sort appeared instead of a gray hole splash paper whitening two-layer soft.
Call the shop owner:
- Marina Alexevna, soon the rental will be raised!
How do you know?
I guessed )
And indeed, a few days later, a letter came about raising the rent by 1% from the coming month. Just 1% on paper is good enough.
Attention is still running.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132897
Having excavated 5 bags of free potatoes in his country site, Sidorov spent 1,000 U.S.E. on the treatment of intervertebral hernia.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132896
In 2010, Yanukovych and Tymoshenko competed for the presidency of Ukraine.
My American acquaintance constantly insisted on me, “Have you found no one better than these two in your country? Half-country is for this populist, half-country for this greedy ham.“”

2016 has arrived. Hillary and Trump are competing for the U.S. presidency.

And all because you don’t have to ruin your karma, John.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132895
Name your main weakness.
Candidate: I give semantically correct, but virtually inapplicable answers to questions.
Employer: Could you give an example?
Candidate: Yes I could.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132894
Two fingers on asphalt.

// 1 How do fools pull someone somewhere? Fucking someone in front of you, then yes, he’s rather a crazy extreme, and he’s waiting for his wife to tell.

There is such a man in the seats, but op-pa! Not with his wife, not alone, but with a left-handed woman. Hihanki with her hahanki, then together to the toilet will crash, then under the table they foot each other, as if nothing is visible. He takes such a person to the side then and says, “Well, you are this, my not tell, okay?” You feel hatred and idiot every time you cross with his wife. I stopped inviting him to visit and to go to him, so the next time he met his wife asked me what I experienced, said, Borenka in confusion, how can you not forget friends. He told her to ask her husband, turned and left. He’ll hang her on her ears, I’m violet.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132893
With Hicks:
>> It’s good that God created Man, not “procedurally generated” mutations. And everything around as well.
>> and where is it? The shit toy was also done. Interesting locations are few, most dumb water poured (saved obviously!The gameplay is dumb and monotonous, the meaning is not understandable at all. The mobs are full, and what to do with them is unclear. I tried to talk - they sent somewhere (probably a quest of some), tried to beat the anger - so I barely took my legs. There is no preservation. The schedule is nothing like that. I would also get the money back, but I don’t know how.
>> I am most upset that when the patch was put into the 3D input, the module with magic completely stopped working and the resources with dinosaurs also became unworkable. And if residues of resources with dinosaurs are still occasionally found in locations in the form of non-working models, then the module with magic covered completely and that it could only be read in ancient guilds.
>> It will start in the next version
>> And if not, then you can fork.
>> It is not possible, it is a terrible property, and so far a couple of hundred patent trolls are tried for copyright.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №132892
From the article on the Hebrew:

by Andrei Pangin. Leading programmer of the company Одноклассники, specializing in high loaded backends. He knows JVM as his five fingers, as he previously developed the HotSpot virtual machine for several years at Sun Microsystems and Oracle. He loves assembler and low-level system programming.

XXX: The Fallen Angel

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132891
About my aunt in the subway who wanted to lose my weight with spiders.

I lack the imagination to imagine it. How should this happen in theory? Do you dress up to the linen or without the linen at all, and you are covered around with spiders? Are they still alive or no longer? And if they are alive, are they sitting or crawling? How are their tails? are disrupted?

They were intrigued.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132890
here here :
If you can't collect yourself - invite a friend with straight hands.

I am so familiar with straight hands. I would like to advise you to buy a ready assembly with a guarantee. Not to be a 24-hour free service center.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132889
by JAP
the sea. The season. The beach. There are sellers of all kinds of tastes crying out. And here is a couple, apparently a brother (13-14 l.) and a sister (age 6, maximum 7). He carries huge swarms, the sun is burning, it burns, so that it can be heard everywhere and far away: shrimp, midiya, raphan, shrimp, midiya, raphan, shrimp, midiya, raphan, vanya, cheat as I go, shrimp, midiya, raphan.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132888
HHH: This is what happens in a merger.
I saw mothers who seriously regarded the child as divine. Indigo, the Alien and the Messiah.

YYYYY: Oh yeah With a few you won’t go together at once))) Especially when one divine indigo begins to lump the second divine indigo.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132887
My mother is always concerned about cleanliness.
I cleaned up her parish so that everything glittered like eggs of a boring cat.
She said:
So clean that it is so bad...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №132886
What’s in common between cats and loans?

1st They can be taken.
2nd Both the cat and the loan at first look attractive and harmless. And then how lucky.
Three They must be served.
4 is If invested in them, they can grow to very decent sizes.
5 is Both the cat and the loan can become large and even unbearable.
6 is Property may be described.
7 is Both are fucking.
8 is Once you take it once, you will most likely take it again.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132885
XXX: Awwwwww yissssss! Thanks to your efforts, I was able to win the Ohio competition and now I’m going to eat the most delicious marble beef steak with all the strands there.
Moreover, I plan to make a live broadcast in the periscope with thanks to you all and a demonstration of the final result, stay in touch!

YYY: The final result of the food? No, thank you

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132884
The chief tells the story:
...I’m not afraid of dogs at all, but there are two of them... (it’s all about my colleague) Well, that’s like you, Sasha...
And Sasha, I have to say, is a man of volume. The whole department looks at Sasha. Sasha responded with a shy smile. The boss continues:
Well, that’s all about these two pigs.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132883
with 4pda smartphone discussion with a frame of "liquid metal"

by Kostyan1989:
How do I understand it is the metal that restores scratches over time?

by Vitalik_RV
He wanted to kill John Connor.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132882
From the discussion of forced wire updates and other disgusting software changes:
Everyone thought that the machine uprising was when they were going to kill us, but in reality the machine uprising has already begun and they are humiliating us!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132881
Mystery of Russian language.
Why in the words "cartable" and "grassire" must there be a letter "R", and in the words "shuffle" and "shuffle" - the letter "Shuffle"?
Damn with him, with "Shapely". In this language there is the word "Lambdacism". And of course it contains a solid "L".

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №132880
At work, we have one coffee maker for everyone. One morning I went to the toilet to pick up water, but looking at myself in the mirror, I decided to fix my hair and color.

I should have spent a lot of time in this class, because under the door of the toilet colleagues pushed a note: "Your took, agree to any ransom, only return the coffee machine! "

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna