— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107134
From the discussion of anime genres

You do not understand the essence of harem. Harem should be homogeneous - the girls in such a harem love not only the main character, but also each other. Such a harem is resistant to the rejection of any of the members, even in the case of leaving the protagonist, it will not collapse.
The centralized harem, assembled only around the protagonist, is not stable, generates conflicts and a bunch of other problems.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107133
<Marie> It’s good to be a grandmother – she’s loaded up, shattered herself in cowards, picked up likes and lie, happy :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107132
The sarcasm that requires the attribute “this is sarcasm” is a very ugly sarcasm.
PS: This is a sarcasm.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107131
This is:

It is important.
A well-known man called me.
Remember the "fifth column"
So here. The FSB, using the law against the Internet (one year ago warned) record people who write on the Internet about the collapse, the deficit, repost various slugs. A large case is being prepared about disinformation in so-called media (soc. Networks are equal. The first arrests will soon take place.
You need to get out of the country urgently, at least for a few months. Who knows has already bought travel tickets for "vacation". Many tour agencies have frozen sales, free flights are getting fewer.
All this is very scary. I don’t even want to believe. But it won’t be shit, that’s important.
A well-known man called me.
Remember the "fifth column"
So here. The FSB, using the law against the Internet (one year ago warned) record people who write on the Internet about the collapse, the deficit, repost various slugs. A large case is being prepared about disinformation in so-called media (soc. Networks are equal. The first arrests will soon take place.
You need to get out of the country urgently, at least for a few months. Who knows has already bought travel tickets for "vacation". Many tour agencies have frozen sales, free flights are getting fewer.
All this is very scary. I don’t even want to believe. But the puppy will not fuck.

Excellent attempt tour operator, just great. Artistically, with imagination, with fire

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107130
Afton commentary:
The author of the post "Hurma is strengthened to the euro" on debts.

Is your head okay? Do you not understand that it is not the dollar that rises, but the ruble that falls? And it falls not only to the two main currencies, but in general to all, even to the Belarusian rabbit and the Mongolian Tugrik?
= = = = = = = = =
And with you? Why do you try to chat with "the author of the post" on a neighboring website? Because "there can" You will be able to chat with him at VKontakte. This is the "black" and half foolish.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107129
Do you know who has never worked in the primitive tribes? The Shaman! Even the leader participated in the hunt (and all men were obliged to hunt), the shaman - never. Not to lose your divine power. Now they have invented Hirotonia and Grace, and you continue to carry your prey to them. They say that it is only because of them that this world still exists. Believe them. Otherwise, their world will cease to exist. You will have to extract food in the sweat of the face, and they know how to sweat, and not to extract.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107128
The relationship with the girl suddenly became so good that for the case decided to change the bedding

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107127
YYY: I want to go on vacation... but they don’t leave at work (
Well, you are a girl – threaten them with a decree. Either you are released at the beginning of the year for 2 weeks, or you will leave yourself at the end of the year for 3!
YYY: Do you think you will agree? 😉
XX: Of course, they just have no choice.
XXX: And when they agree, you’ll need another contraceptive compensation from them! For force majeure circumstances not to affect the contract.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107126
I read Polish journalists and... I’m confused. There are not so many fools in Poland. Is it all about journalists and politicians?
GreyCat: Waterproofers and carpenters just don't write, they don't work in other countries. Politics and journalists remain. Who needs them.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107125
Then there will come some oligarchs and you will find that “some oligarchs are in power, do not live.”

— — —
Is it not happiness? You are destroying my picture of the world!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107124
I was hungry and decided to cook something. I go to the kitchen, I watch my dad rolling in front of the TV.
Tanatos: I ask – to burn something?
Tanatos: in response – yes! A couple of heretics.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107123
The natural blonde came to sell an iPhone
xxx: 5es box ideal set for 16g
The reason for the sale: his memory ended
xxx: I sold this for 16, and I bought the same for 32 for 32 in the salon))))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №107122
My wife and I decided to diversify our sexual life. She asked me to show me how I masturbate. I make myself pleasant, covered my eyes, she watches and helps a little bit with kisses. Suddenly he breathed out:
I thought my husband was such an intelligent man. You even tremble, leaving the little one!

I got married to a wound! He was so angry that he couldn’t finish.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107121
I understood why Solomon had so many wives.
At that time, there were no medicines for headaches.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107120
And about the elephants, I’ll tell you another parable. Three blind elephants decided to find out what a man is. One elephant touched a man and said, “Man is something flat and wet.” The other two elephants also touched the man and agreed.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107119
I have Daddy Mint.
(Voice in the background)
Actually a policeman.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107118
I believe it was a carefully planned action aimed at making people who were delayed with large purchases decide to buy long-awaited TVs, washing machines, lawns and concrete mixers and welcome the New Year happy, with updates.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107117
Yesterday, before going to bed, I sat down on the bed, knocked on each other’s legs and then lay down. The whole joke came in 30 seconds.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107116
and darkness:
to this:
A friend at work had a story. Someone ordered new, spiked-powered expensive cartridges for the copier. Scandal for the entire office. Then it turned out that the machine ordered them itself.
And the details of the office and the delivery address - she believed from the copied documents...
In fact, these details are entered when registering the licensed software from the copier.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107115
Over the years, prices, mirrors and analyses are the most disappointing.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna