— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №147315
The Russian winter was replaced by the Petersburg winter. Snow falls from the roofs... Not because there is a lot of snow and no one cleans it, but because it is washed off by rain.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №147314
The girls miss this because I think they just haven’t studied lion behavior outside of children’s American cartoons, where these horrifying cats are kind, intelligent, and also speak American; and they’re supportive of democracy, probably, too.

In all other things, the Disney lions behave quite normally ("uncle" killed the head of the praide and tried to beat the lion) and they mostly support the monarchy.))) And even the fact that lions hunt, and the lion decorates the terrain there is displayed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147313
The lion wants to be a man. Harem gentle beauties, they hunt and feed, and he only finds out with other males the relationship and beautiful all) Women prefer in the penguin family: the fish also the wife can carry, but he at least children responsible and frozen dolls do not confuse :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147312
A question to the leading moderators of the once good and now wretched website:
Why in the rubric (section) "NEW" you post the same NEVERY (Old!) many times at a time interval of several days. The Message?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147311
– Lego "Star of Death" is worth 40 pieces!!! to
I sold the car for so much. Although Cherry Amulet is also, in a sense, the star of death.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №147310
I go to the supermarket, and there before the entrance a guy people calls. Degustation of honey. I suggest everyone to try. He also runs to me with a spoon. Dialogue between I and Z (Chuck)

H - Try it, it is the best honey in the country, the most natural.

I am not, thank you.

If you like it, you can buy it with a 50% discount.

I - Sorry, and you have a syringe with adrenaline or epinephrine attached to honey?

H – and why?

I am allergic to anything related to bees. So I will not be able to taste your honey without dying after that.

Q - here's what you said, adrenaline and anything else, will they help you?

Yes, it will help...

And here the guy gives a genius:

H - so there is a pharmacy here, I am going to buy, and then you can try it, and then buy yourself a bowl of honey.


[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147309
The wife washes small (2,2 years old), got to clean the ears, I hear the voice of the wife from the bath, "Let's remove the gray from the ears," judging the whole child against forging in his ears and resisting, which the wife irritably gives "Why do you need sulfur?" The first thought in my head "What would I buy black dragons"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147308
Cindpoom ba ba ba ba ba pazvvaeetcya, kogda pebeenok in ceмьe Odin.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147307
A little more difficult year will change into a difficult one.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №147306
There was a man Petrovich. The man was a slugsman and lived accordingly - from advance to salary and upstream. From salary to advance, too, although it was more difficult psychologically, but from salary to salary would be quite boring.

Mr. Petrovich did not strive for professional growth, due to extreme myopia, although thanks to her and the demand for him was miserable. He and his teacher, when he was still a student, greeted only after he smelled, and he could not ruin his sight even more by self-education and extra-class reading because he did not see the letters.

But there were visible advantages. Invisible to him Soviet television he only listened, and therefore the hypertrophic eggs of ballet dancers from the blue screen did not blur Petrovich, and as his eye-catching colleagues in the hot workshop did not irritate.

Two thick-walled lenses, like from a broken binoculars, attached to the bacon, together with heart-sick comrades helped him somehow to cope with simple duties at work and occasionally write up in the payroll.

After the end of the next loan day and receiving an advance, the labor cell, together with Petrovich, traditionally pumped three corporations on five, and spread across the houses.
The path to Petrovich's birth nest was through the open school stadium. The usual stadium is a football gate, grass to the knee, not big but very cozy.
As it should be, it drowned.

The summers of Petrovich were thicker than the rest, but when he reached the football penalty he distinguished several sitting figures in the doorstep. Petrovich was not interested in football as well as ballet and wanted to pass by, but he was shouted:
Oh man!
In any case, Petrovich added the move.
One of the figures stood up and moved across. Healthy footballer, Petrovich noted, if he is also an attacker, continued to mark Petrovich, then - fucking escape.
Buy a shirt, man. He crossed the road healthy.
On the other side, with the goods in advance, the second approached.

Taking a night market, Petrovich thought again, but had no time to refuse the obsessive offer.
The stake flew from the right corner, clicking on the switch on the back of Petrovich's head.

Due to double anesthesia, the end of the current day Petrovich remembered slowly, and in the subsequent weekends in clear consciousness did not want to come. In a couple with a neighbor, they did not rush to heal the victim's blue face, tasting alcohol compresses and passing the advance.

Everything would have ended, if it hadn’t been a miracle. In the early morning of Monday, he could not believe his eyes. Petrovich looked frightened, slowly looked at his palms, twisted his fingers in front of his eyes – so is it. He saw everything, even the remains of oil under his nails.

His frightened wife stumbled onto the sounds of his mother’s interdomets from the kitchen, and when she saw Petrovich’s glowing joyful blue face, she was even more frightened.
I see! It was Petrovich.
Fuck, the woman thought, not otherwise white. Why should a man be so happy on Monday?
Petrovich has seen.

The story of his miraculous healing quickly became a factory sensation, and caused a lot of outrage from other visually impaired citizens. And what, apologize, forgive again for the sake of all the holy, fucking, all these ophthalmologists with ophthalmologists build out of themselves, reasonably reasoned they. To put two loops to the head and a fool can, and you can try to get rid of the sickness with a stick and even in the dark. This is what devil's skill is needed to have so filigranally twisted dioptria? Hujan - and from minus eighteen accurat to one, even in the long-sightedness did not pass and again, the eyes did not leave. And given the size of the tearful advance, read it for nothing. In one word, Petrovich.

What happened there in the previously near-sighted tower is unknown. The men, of course, suggested that the eyes from the blow just stood up and even guessed where the eyes were before. And Petrovich only smiled, looking at the sides fiercely.

The effect was persistent. A couple of years later, Petrovich really complained to the men that the visual acuity is dim, so they quickly offered him to remind him of the recipe. Petrovich refused, and it was time to retire.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №147305
We really love domestic cars. And there is for what. For example, you are standing and voting. And suddenly the rain. And no one will stop. Neither Mercedes, nor BMW, nor Toyota. And the old "seven" comes in, you sit in it - you are warm, comfortable. And, agree, if you go with a girl on Lexus, you don’t know what she thinks of you. And if a girl goes with you in the "seven", then it is definitely - for love.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147304
Students in Moscow are the smartest in the country.
In the Moscow Museum of Astronautics: "Son, this is a lunar rover. There were astronauts inside it!"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147303
I am also a cat. or a company of 5 drawers writing from one account. You never know for sure on the Internet.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147302
From the hubra, in the branch about the "moon conspiracy"
— — —
You are written by the support service of biocapsules to maintain the existence of protein forms of life. Sensors show increased levels of anxiety in your main nerve node signals, and we are forced to reset your controller’s supportive neural network to correct and mitigate this effect.
The neurointerface still works properly and you can continue to enjoy simulated reality.

Let us note that being in the early 21st century is not the best choice and we have a lot of other sensory simulations.
If you suddenly want to change the enclosure or time, just let us know.

PS: Your impressions of the competition of never-existing colonies of protein forms of life to go into some "space" are very fascinating, we look at the whole department.
Forever your sensible spruce from Alpha Centauri.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147301
There are two banks in front of you. Car and Pepsi. You can only choose one. Which one?
1) You have chosen the collar. You are the king of life and you get everything you want from it.
You chose Pepsi. You are a rebel, you are not satisfied with the current life and are set to fight.
But in both cases you do not go beyond the conditions in which you were placed.
3) You took any of the two and came in front of the experimentator. Then took the second. You are the real master of life, not that figure on p.1. Such people have real power to make decisions.
You have abandoned both, subconsciously understanding that the choice given to you is essentially not a choice. You are a real rebel, not the figure from p.2. Only those who can abandon all existing options are able to create something fundamentally new.

[ + 30 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147300
This is:

In the USSR planted homics of assets. The pirates were not touched.
This article was called a little differently, and was introduced to distinguish it from the rape of a woman.
But the pirates, as always, perverted everything, because the pirates!

Sorry for my French, these peddars are peddars.
Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1960, p. by 121. of courage.
Sexual intercourse between a man and a man is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years.
Murder committed with the use of physical violence, threats, or against a minor, or with the use of a dependent position of the victim, is punishable by imprisonment for up to eight years.
There is no indication of the active nature of the action. Sitting on this article and passive gay, writer Gennady Trifonov, for example. Moreover, it is not always possible to clearly distinguish homosexuals into active and passive. And you can get a bigger, and more, a cliché.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147299
Recently, you should have come to the Yandex office in Lower Nizhny on Freedom Square, but Karl, it turned out these guys were wrong! In the end, counting the flat houses and asking a dozen passers found this business center in the most fucking minutes after 40 and all this under rainy rain with snow. Russians are fucking.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147298
You are my soul and I love you as a mother.
I mean, I’m just like a sister?
Like my grandmother...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147297
You know, this familiar northern man in the early frosty morning revitalizing smell of freshly burned clamps on parking lots.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147296
What another

>> the famous "Matrus Dance "Apple"" also embodies sexual desire?

The answer lies in the question itself. The sailors are forced to stay for a long time in a closed purely male team. Therefore, whatever the sailor does when he arrives in the port, even if he chews in his nose, it embodies sexual desire.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna