— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143154
A woman in the car writes to her husband:
Dear, how could you have forgotten! I wanted to ask you specifically about it in advance, I just forgot to tell you!"
I am everything.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143153
Memento_mori: I go in the evening - the men of pets walk out. One has a large, the other has a sofa-targeting breed. A small puppy rushed with a laugh on a big one. The owner pulls his big dog for the reason: "Let’s go. They are eating"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143152
there there.

This is, of course, an innocent cartoon, but... Didn’t anyone think, but why only the quiet little Fifth had a gun at home?

You will ask who and why removed the donkey’s tail.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143151
xxx: but these companies on the benches in the courtyards, which all the nights chew horses without interruption - why do they chew at all? Do they have some freshness or what?
YYY: I went to them once. They have nothing funny.
XXX: What is it?

[ + 21 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143150
Something seems to me that in the original it was 60 feet in size. This is just 18 meters. Well, the director just confused the feet with the meters, and then thought "and so will go" :-)
% % % % % % % % % % % % %
As a child, he was read by Busner - "Captain Sorvi-head". There the author claims that the Mauser rifle (obviously meant the legendary 98k) beats at 4 with over a thousand meters, and the English Lee-Mattford - at 3 with a penny. At that time I was young and stupid and took it for a pure coin, but now it is clear that someone confused meters with feet here too.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143149
The decision about abortion is made by a person who just does not want children yet, but does not do anything in advance so that these same children do not appear in him (from my point of view, the child appears at the time of conception). A man does not use barriers, the achievements of pharmacology or medicine, does not assess the risks of the "calendar method" and interrupted sexual intercourse.

Little girl, you look like an adult and even seem literate. You seem to. Because you do not know that there is NO 100% reliable contraception, except for complete abstinence. Some do not even help hormone pills; it is not "forgotten to take it in time", it is a constant careful reception - and suddenly pregnancy. How many pregnant with "absolutely reliable" spirals, ask gynecologists about it. In the "barrier methods" there are microcrackers. In short, the effectiveness of almost all means depends heavily on a woman’s fertility. If fertility is reduced (like yours), then any remedy is good. And if raised... practice complete abstinence, become a heroine mother, or do abortions. The choice is really sad; I do not envy such women, especially when you like them actively water them with shit for their fault, but trouble.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143148
We had one who was proud of his extraordinary intelligence. At every convenient occasion he tried to impress the interlocutors: "We have accuracy - zero fifth! Can you imagine?”
And when educated people honestly answered that they could not imagine such a thing, the man had another confirmation of how insignificant all those around him against the background of his unbeatable intent.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143147
Transmission on the radio on the demographic problems of Europe and Russia, ending:
And the only way to preserve the people and our country is to multiply, to multiply and to multiply, otherwise we will simply be crushed demographically.
- (leader) I suggest going home right now and dealing with this problem, thank you, we have been in the studio.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143146
You’ve just been told that you’re children because you’re consuming child content.
No more than

You, poor man, probably don’t eat candy with cakes, because “baby food”? Especially those with cognac (an analogue to an anime, many of which are surprises) are drawn specifically for adults, and I’m not about hentai.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143145
Well, we are waiting for the adult interests of adults! Don’t talk anymore, we are interested.

I boiled

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143144
From VK:
Meet me, it is Valerie. Valera is a transgourmet, he thinks of himself as a tomato, locked in the body of a cucumbers and wants to perform an operation to change his buttocks. Valery's psychiatrist Petro Sergeevich believes that his patient is not in the sense that Valera understands, but agrees to approve the procedure by a surgeon with the support of the public. So if you think that Valera cucumbers should become Valeria tomatoes, put a liking. Repost - if you can't judge objectively, as it is a mentally unstable vegetable.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143143
The preamble to the article on the search for bag:

It was a wonderful summer day. Through the window, the clouds shone, the crows sang with gentle voices, on the automobile they cheered someone's car with shampoo, behind the wall the perforator quietly mourned - in general, the idyll.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143142
Well, again started to battle "adult cartoons do not watch". That’s what doesn’t please you so much? In your opinion, it turns out that once a person is 16, 21, 30, 50 years old, he should immediately stop looking at one and start looking at only the other? Now the cartoons are often more interesting than other produced films.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143141
The cat that never walked home was very loved by the owners and hated by the neighbors.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №143140
The Russians go long, then ride a horse.

[ + 37 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143139
My father asked me to bring him shoes. While he was walking, a hellish plan grew up in his head. I go to my sister, and a girlfriend just came to her, and I say:
Dad told me to touch your girlfriend for the breasts.
What what? What are you chasing!
Do you not believe?
I scream from the room:
A-A, right or left?
Father from the room:
Both of you, my son.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №143138
Have you heard? The Governor Sidorov stopped stealing.
You are what? When is the funeral?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143137
And what prevents the video card manufacturers themselves from organizing huge farms for mining, if it is so profitable?
“I think if they had made more money in this way than by selling video cards, they would have already done it. But, as you can see, selling video cards brings more profit ;)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143136
One day I wanted to drink coffee before the couples and I went to a small fast food establishment. I got my order and went out, but a girl came in to me at the door (apparently very in a hurry). It didn’t push me hard, but it was enough for the coffee to shake my hand.

Sorry, I did not notice!

and nothing. I stumbled and silently pretended that I was not hurt at all.

From my expression of the face, it was clear that boiling boiling water was not present on my list of favorite procedures.

You are just small! She decided to justify herself.

Being 170cm tall, I never thought I was big. But at that point I decided that she wasn’t enough of my physical pain and she decided to humiliate me more morally. The girl realized that it sounded "not" and decided to correct:

In other words, it is compact!

How do you feel when you are called compact? For some reason I begin to feel like I am a vacuum cleaner or a refrigerator. Well, or they are going to take me out into the forest in the trunk of the car, and they are pretending, "Will it fit? It looks compact.” After leaving the second stupor, I already wanted to finish our meaningful dialogue, but she didn’t mind:

For you it is natural! (It was meant “for Asians”).

I could not argue with this argument, so I presented my consent approximately as follows:

About compliments story, story, humor, compliment, girls, comments

The girl, red and panicked, added:

- But is it convenient for you in public transportation... - "strands of other people to smell?" I thought, but I remained silent, once again expressing my consent.

The girl washed from foot to foot and realized that the "check for pronouncement" was finally failed, rejected the Facebook spam with a quiet "blow" and departed to make an order. I went out on the street with the feeling that I was met by a geologist. Later I began to realize that the girl tried as much as she could, but apparently communicating with people was clearly not her hobby.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143135
Many cartoons are created and created exclusively for an adult audience - children are simply uninteresting. And I’m not about any anime (it’s 80% not for children), and not about animated puzzles like Raskolbas, namely about cartoons. Soviet "Dear, I give you this star" and "Very Blue Beard", ironizing over gender relations, family and marriage - they are what, for childhood perception?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna