— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №19538
Technical support. Calls the Governor. With a loud, hysterical voice:
Who will confirm my new password?? to
In the sense?
- Here I enter the old password, then a new one, and it is written what needs to be confirmed. Come and confirm it!!! to

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №19537
With regard to the savings of ammunition by the students of the British Academy... When not the puchea shoots, but the students of the Babaah. Dad told me. When he began to serve in the army, in the tank troops, they frequently held "tank" exercises. Crews in full composition were constructed squares on the field, the driver first from the left, from the right the commander of the car, behind him the charging and the guide. The team of the factory sounded, the driver began to tickle, like a tractor, the commander of the command first, forward... And walked, like in a tank. You say grandmother...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19536
Yesterday, my husband at work had a commission to check the licensing of the programs used.Today everyone is studying the line.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №19535
¤ The little girl ¤
Hi to.

I get rid of the monthly. Guarantee of 9 months.

¤ The little girl ¤
And in what way?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №19534
sphere: imho, soon in the ads on the sale of apartments will write "catch a crazy wai-fa"

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №19533
Artem: How much can the computer speed up as much as possible?
yyy: to *oh fucking, it doesn’t seem to work*

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №19532
SMS from my beloved:
"Condoms are not as eager to buy as pills from diarrhea..."

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19531
Quotes for fucking! Funny quotes!

What will you? Did you write a sad quote? What happened? Is it hard to rescue everyone? Everybody came back and came back to their relatives. Was it easier for you to ruin my mood?? to

There is no shit! You are foolish! Nothing of this happened. With a smile on my face in the lunch break, I open the bor to read the Funny! The joyful! Quotes, raise your mood and after lunch, joyful, start working, but NOT! There will be such a sheep or deer, who wants to tell everyone what kind of fucking life, primacy, people, etc. etc... WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS? Why do you need such quotes?? to
Hate you fucking! I hope you get in the mood!

Plus the citizens! Make sure that this hatred has read, and it hasn’t been so crazy.

(The Mega Positive
Let it always be in the best...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №19530
Open the cell phone. Under the lid (or under the battery) is glued a small white paper with a red strip. If you lick it, it will be red. They slipped? And it wasn’t necessary to do this, it’s an indicator of moisture getting into the phone. It will not be taken under guarantee. In order to find out whether the body background was drowned into the water or not, there is no need to conduct an examination, especially several days. This is visible during the inspection and is checked first to form a rejection. if the phone was melted, and at the same time hide the curious who lick everything in a row.

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19529
On the weekend, at the hour of day, we gently kiss the buyu Denis, his boyfriend, who sat on the internet all night, and he turns to the wall and says: "Option Denis is unavailable"

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19528
About a year before bed included a variety of English lessons. I learned the language in my dream. The result is a bit unexpected: now, with the sounds of English, I instantly fall asleep as dead))

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №19527

Applicant Catherine
Assistant Manager Position

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19526
... i.e When he was 12 years old, he was already involved in the development of...
..."27 years" and "I worked from call to call all my life and I didn’t get any money from my homeland" I’ll give up if he’s as a shy designer as he thinks of himself...
and etc.
— — — —
A whole flock cannot elementarily read the text, cannot think, cannot express thoughts without matte, does not even understand the essence of the text, but is already leaning down with its premature opinion to comment.
27 is not the age, it is the number of years spent alone.
Yes the degradation. Degradation of the mind.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19525
ZaoOoza (12:50:17 20/08/2009)
I was in Adler, I walk by the road, Mitsubishi is driving nearby, on her body is an aerography due to penguins. The minions went.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №19524
Even if you’re told to “forgive everything you’ve been taught in school” it’s not a reason to transplant your hands back on your ass!! to

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №19523
by Dan (15:30:45 20/08/2009)
Yesterday was F.

KiR (15:31:03 20/08/2009)
You are CH? There is no living there!!! to

by Dan (15:32:17 20/08/2009)
Do not enter the bowl.

KiR (15:32:43 20/08/2009)
and ROFL

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №19522
Who is the lucky owner of the number n001ah? =) is
© small_change

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №19521
Blonde: Are you offended?
Winnisepu: I never offend fools, children and women.
Blonde: So I’m still a fool like you!! to
WINNIZEPU: I don’t even know what to answer now...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №19520
“No matter how bad you are, others will probably do it better.“Ivory Shirt”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №19519
One lady is imaginative, in every strange man she sees a potential maniac, even after a walk with a dog she tries to enter the entrance so that she can ride in the elevator alone.
And these days, after a evening walk with her little dog, she goes into the elevator, presses the button of her upper floor - and then a typhoon jumps into the elevator with a thirty-year-old... She feels his bad fluids with all the fibers of the soul and is just already sure of his dirty intentions, which is confirmed by his question:
A girl?
A friend swallowed a bite in her throat and whispered, almost wet:
– No...
And then on the face of the ambal reflected a sincere confusion - he questioningly looks at his girlfriend's dog and asks:
Why a bandit?
The girlfriend also lowers her eyes and gets stuck in the shovkin red batch...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna