— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19438
List of applicants recommended for enrollment according to the results of passing the entrance tests to St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
In the year 2009:

1st Alekperov Parvin Joseph Ogly
2nd Allah has given the wrath to the wrath.
Three Amyraslanov Gunduz Etibar
4 is Babayev Namig Alman Ogly
5 is Bayramly Babek Gosgar
6 is Valiev Orhan Mehdi Ogly
7 is Gasanov Ehtiram Khosrov Ogly
8 is Dzhumabaeva Nargis Abdussamiyevna
9 is by Andrei Aleksandrovich
10 is Isma’il al-Baqarah
11 is Isma’il is the righteous one.
12 is Curtin John
Thirteen Mamedov Seymour Mamedgulu
14 is Mammadzayev Ilgar Fahrad Ogly
15 is Mahmoud Ahmed Elshad Ogly
16 is Moses of the Righteous,
17th Nourylosode Mukhibulo
18 is Sulaymanov Wushal Width of the Eagle
19 is Sharifov Royal Vidadi Ogly

I understand #12 and #9 in the sea.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №19437
From yesterday’s news:
The only good news is that our show is over.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №19436
Before going to bed, brother and mother talk, brother's milk tooth fell for 11 years. B – Brother M – Mother (Captain Evidence)

B - I will put a tooth under the pillow, suddenly the tooth fairy will bring anything
I don’t know after 10 years I probably don’t wear it.
B – Like Santa Claus...what did they all conspire?! to

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19435
Recently, my mom brought a video from the house, which I turned on, I saw my 3-year-old nephew walking in the yard, then took a toy microphone and started shouting in it: "Kill!" to kill! Kill all the people!"
I think I’m growing up as a black metal vocalist.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №19434
the website of the seller of electrical products,
Section "Questions and Answers"

Please explain it.
faced with such a situation: during the operation of the machine SH200L, an unknown shark hunt (NEH) occurred. The diagnosis of the error gave nothing, and now the machine does not work.
Tell me, please, what could be the cause of THEM, and how high is the percentage of cases of Unknown THEM among all cases of fucking hyuni?
With respect.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №19433
I woke up at night because my son woke up.
He got up and gave him a bottle. I go back.
I see - on my pillow already lies AZA (French bulldog, 6 months old puppy, always sleeping on the couch). I think I am completely overwhelmed.
I take her, raise her, and she rests. I make an effort, raise her up and I hear the voice of my wife.
"Oleg, leave my head at peace"


[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19432
Bulgaria in 2009
Hi girls! Where are you from?
We are from Moldova. So you can talk to us in Russian!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №19431
Would you advise to see?
Horror of Anything
by Mikhail
Video from your wedding where I danced

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №19430
XHHH: Shesh Baba passed by the office with the phone.. says to someone: "Yesterday I was turned the numbers because I was driving without a check-up. Last night they took the rights because they were driving without numbers"
Tomorrow the car will be taken away because I was driving without permission.
WOW: and after tomorrow she will be taken in fool because she was driving without a car

[ + 56 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19429
I don’t know what a joke with breaking the peach with the tongue in half? Captain of Evidence, wow!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №19428
XXX: Have you watched "The Stone of Azkaban"?
YYY : No. Only "The Philosophical Prisoner"

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №19427
Conversation with the anti-spam bot:
My bot: Hi Since many people do not understand English, I write in Russian. How to write so as not to ruin your psyche. See also...mmm. I am an anti-spam bot. If you want to communicate with my mistress, guess one simple mystery. But first think carefully, do you really want to communicate with her? So that you do not overly bother yourself to reflect on the answer to this sinister mystery, I will say a few words: her affairs are overwhelmed, now she is engaged in sitting behind the comp and reading all this fucking stuff, which is written by all kinds of idiots. So, if you still decided to write to her...there is actually the mystery: "It doesn’t laugh, it doesn’t bite, and it’s also called".

Theme: Loro
Theme: Upa
Tagged: mouse
Tag: the castle
Tag: the guard
Tag: the gate
Tagged: scobaco
Tag: the dog
Tagged: Pussy
Tagged: fucks
Theme: @
My bot: Huyaze, you are a mega mosque. I’ll send you to the housewife 😉

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №19426
I love you.
What? what? O_O
I am sorry. It should have been - greetings. But I was unhappy...

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №19425
A dialogue between a buyer and a seller in a small store that deals with pirated disks:
Buyer: Please give this disk, that one on the left (pointing it with your hand).
We are all the most left-handed discs in the city.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19424
This is a advertisement from Sony.

The game you were looking forward to is finally on sale.
Welcome to the game Fat Princess. The enemy has kidnapped your princess and feeds her so that she can recover and can't escape. Build your way to the enemy fortress. It will take the forces of the entire army to move the spread princess through the battlefield.

What do developers smoke? o.o

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №19423
In this forum we discuss who has a mobile phone:

I have a Nokia N95 16GB.

Where do you live and at what time do you return home?

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №19422
I read from the forum:
Cute and benevolent aunt, sold peaches and cheap.Stretching 500p / other was not / and I ask 1kg.the aunt applies peaches, continues to talk,the edge of the eyes I notice,how my five hundred falls into a cardboard bowl standing,like on the side.down.Stretching the delivery of 30p and peaches.On my question why so little,the terada followed,I said I gave her a bowl,first to turn the pockets, loudly shouting that she has no five hundred at all.Now here she over-played, pulling out 500 of the hidden carpool,he said,what was then mine and went with the hollow kilos of peaches and 30p in the mouth.She opened her mouth, I didn't hear.

[ + 100 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19421
xxx: Listen, we ate the petals yesterday, share what they are called. Liked the clever.
YYY is home.
XXX is Nihua. I ate your house, fucking sad. Once upon a time where he wore.
YYY: I did it myself, I have a form.
XXX: Do you want to? Did we try something for breakfast?
Yyy: Yes, no, the week to do the evening to do the nephig was, I glued the floor of the freezer of peelings and chopsticks, swallow slowly, not every day for cooking time is, and from the store sick.
Anyone who wants to marry you!
YYY: Well, first, they will get married, secondly, there is no such... Now it’s fashionable for clubs to hang out.
XXX is no. To get married, my friend, is to get married. Dish yourself - you live alone, cook, wash dishes, wash, smooth, clean up, do not go to clubs, do not be jealous of grandmothers, earn good for Tula, support the conversation, drink beer for the company. The ideal wife. Fuck the others.
YYY: The frog!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19420
aaaaaa, in short we made in photoshop a picture of...pavelin and instead of the head photo of our classy,+ on the feathers our mouths, type the comment in the contact:

Did you paint her in photoshop as a gift to the teacher with a chicken with a lot of heads growing from her ass??? Oh sweet kids...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №19419
You do not need to serve in the army.
You do not suffer from menstruation.
Your orgasm lasts longer.
You do not need to give birth.
You don’t have to shave your face every two days.
You don’t need to count calories to look good.
You have an orgasm that lasts longer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna