— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №107094
In our climate to produce products for $100 you need to spend $120 :(
– – – – –
Do you really believe that the scale of scattering is directly related to the climate, or are you simply quoting the method?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107093
We are discussing the upcoming wedding with the young man.
He said, “It would really be right if I first went to your mother, talked to her and asked for a blessing.
I: Actually, it would be right if you didn’t fuck me before the wedding.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107092
I finally realized that I made the right decision – to get out of here! When I came to work in the morning, I saw two cockroaches running out of an empty office on the frost.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107091
I work in a pharmacy.
A woman at fifty:
Tell me, do you have trousers?
No, there are cracks.
What damn do I have of your coats? I need a trunk.
Take the coats. Winter is long.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107090
Pchela fed kotozay on one side with carrots and on the other with meat.
<kotozay> ^_^
Faumi> pchela: where did you put the carrots there?
<kotozay> very correct and vivid question, by the way...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107089
Awwal12: I am most concerned about the other... why, sorry, "Interstellar"? Could not be translated?
Hellerick: Interstellar Trans

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107088
In the contest "I guess this melody from one note and switch the channel" the obvious leader will be the home screensaver 2.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107087
Is there a free medicine in Russia? OO
And it is more abrasive!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №107086
I have a familiar young family, where my mother is an information protection specialist and my dad is a programmer. Mommy is my childhood friend.
I talk to her about life, among other things, asking her how her little daughter lives.
Among other things, my mom boasted:
"and also she ticks her finger on the subject and asks to name, saying "ide")))

[ + 18 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107085
Fuck you guys. I don’t know for whom, but for me "Belarus" is a tractor.
A town girl, 26 years old. =) is

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107084
The Decorsys:
We sit in an empty room, here our headquarters rushes and almost screams from the threshold: "What is default in the country?"" We all rounded our eyes, in our thoughts alreadyé the whole life has passed and the 13th salary with the premium has flown: "How is default? Who said?" And in response: "Taxi Driver!" The room drowned in a general choking, straight to tears)))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107083
XXX: I draw up protocols for gas sampling for a heating company, well, which is engaged in heating. It feels like being picked up somewhere in hell.
YYY: In the sense?
XXX: The determined component is sulfur dioxide. A selection place - boiler No. 1, boiler No. 2, boiler No. 3 and so on. >_<

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107082
<MATPOCKuH> Wipes transplantation, however, still remains a very difficult and diligent operation. But if it is performed successfully, the result is impressive. The only "but" - the eyelids will have to be cut regularly, as the hair from the patient's head is used for transplantation, which, naturally, can grow to an impressive length.
MATPOCKuH imagined at a metal concert a man shaking with a hair rising from his eyes.
<Unicornix> how to cut your hair? It is better to wrap in cracks, stick cracks, etc.
<Unicornix> and generally convenient - you don't have to put light bulbs in your eyes. You can bind the eyelids (upper and lower) behind the head.
<Unicornix> can be crossed to hold better.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №107081
Wow, it was great yesterday :)
Okay, what do you say about Kesha?
Wow, she is stupid.
WOW: Just like you.
Q: is normal
HHH: How are you?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107080
Stop the panic and scare!! to
Peace, peace and friendship! Being nervous is harmful.

Russia is my home, Ukraine is the home of a quarter of my ancestors, Belarus is the home of my friends. Many of them are also black.
In insulting your neighbors, you insult your compatriots.
The difficulties in the country should bring us closer together, not cause hatred and controversy.
Dumbledore said that love is the supreme force that can overcome everything.
I don’t want war, I want snow to fall and my friends and I ride saucers.
Green is the color of Avada Kedavra, the dollar is also green.
And to us relatives came from Donetsk, we are now close, but very fun.

Practice I go through in the school of psychology, asked 6-7 classes to write their thoughts and feelings, how they feel the events happening.
Most responded in this way.

Do not be angry! Children very subtly take the mood, do not let them remember childhood in a negative way.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107079
xxxx A colleague at work shares impressions about the broadcast on Discovery
The virus is masked and enters the cell. It affects hypochondria.
Maybe the mitochondria?
Not the hypocondria.
That is how I imagined the hypochondric cell.)))
Yyyy And the cell in the hypochondria goes and hangs.
And a neighbor. They also have hypochondria)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №107078
Representatives of the Investigative Committee in the case of Navalny and Yves Roche are named Angela and Snowana. Not the court, but the sauna.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107077
[16:05:04] xxx: We have a silly tradition at work - on the eve of the NH to pull out a paper with the name of the employee to whom you will give a gift
[16:05:30] xxx: I pulled out my name ))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107076
Explanation of self in Python:

‎dark‎: The cats inside have a whirlwind
dark‎: it is implemented for all cats in the cat class
‎dark‎: in a cat object you have to somehow call the method murmured in the cat class
‎dark‎: How do you do that?
dark‎: caterpillar (
‎dark‎: If you call the cat murmur, all the cats in the world will murmur.
‎dark‎: and if you call the self, only the cat that points to the self will murmur.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107075
M: Do you go to Bobbit or Interstellar tomorrow?
A: On to Bobby!
The Hobbit Bobbit Bubble Eats 40 People!
A: This is not a hobbit, it is a smog!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna