— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132439
The popular bureaucratic brainstorming by changing the surname is the rearrangement of all of her life... and a woman, even in love, must think a hundred and a thousand times whether to respond with consent, because it is her all future life will have to rebuild.

You can change your name, but it is not necessary to change your name!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132438
According to Russian legislation, it is unclear what the deceased wrote in his will and to which cat he wrote his thousands. Before the heirs of the first row (husbands, children, parents, siblings), then the second (uncles, nephews), then the third (seventh water on the acid), and if anything remains, it goes to the favorite cat.

Do not write shit. Read the laws better. If the will is made correctly, certified by a notary, and attached to it for reliability a certificate from a psychiatrist on the full capacity of a person on the date of the will - NONE will challenge anything. There is the concept of "obligatory share in inheritance" in the amount of 50% of the share laid down by law. But it only works for disabled children, disabled spouse, disabled parents, as well as dependents who were dependent on the child for at least one year (at the same time dependents who do not belong to the circle of heirs by law must also live this year together with the resting carer). The rest is a hole from the bubble. And dependents also have to prove that the deceased kept them, and did not provide one-off assistance.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132437
Continuing to talk about the wicked.
If you think, why is this a woman? It is not because society tells a woman to get married at any cost, tolerate whatever the husband is, the man in the house is the main happiness of a woman.
And you men, did you think the patriarchate in society works only against women? Surprised

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132436
by Stamp

Don’t take a man who got involved before the wedding. It will not be better.

Not many times have already read the phrase "civil marriage", and then how everyone without a stamp in it lives well.. purely for the sake of changing the topic of batch a little differently.. People) Destroy the meaning of the phrase "civil marriage", this is exactly that STAMP, but without marriage. And the fact that people just live with each other and have (maybe) children is cohabitation or something like that.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132435
I can understand purely humanly the reluctance of the young boy to become the father of the child of the girl who accidentally flew from him. But behind what hero he appears after 15-20 years, beats himself with his heel in the chest with the words "the egg"?! to

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132434
In our school, boys beat those girls who ate especially loudly. Those who did not eat, but simply gave textbooks on their heads, were not touched. Those to whom they were attached could also perfectly move a textbook or portfolio, but they did it somewhat sluggish, continuing to feed.
P.S These are just my observations (my life experience). It has nothing to do with oppression.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132433
Found the pop? Complicate the game - cats and cats have at least eight nipples - find them all! The most chic to find everything at once, then the cat becomes like a fur coat with buttons.

Cats and cats have 6 to 8 nipples. By the way, maybe 7 - in one place 3, in another 4. This is also a variant of the norm.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132432
Katya, do you know that you are a depricity?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132431
Q: Interestingly, these sucking couples on the streets don’t understand what they’re disgusting about? And they climb each other’s knees, and they go, and they catch their, monkeys.
WOW: Don’t look at it. In general, you are jealous. She is fat and terrible, heaven.
Wow, I can’t tolerate homosexuals. He is sick. How can two men suck? That is ugliness!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132430
"Post offices equipped with Braille fonts"
The blind man in the mail touches, touches a sign.
What is "%y"?? to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132429
Today my husband transferred to my SB card from his five thousand rubles. And in the comment, wrote "Thank you for the night"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132428
My wife and I have lived together for more than 8 years, the daughter has only been kissed, while:
“I’m not a beautiful person, but I’m not ugly, I lived with my parents, I worked for myself. Going to a meeting-dating clean to eat (student);
When I met, I didn’t like her (because I liked her and I acted like an idiot).
A second date only for the cinema and to eat on the hole! (And I understood it, but I began to think about what to catch.)
All her friends said "Is he you?and "
- 3 months of murryzhila - proved innocent, confessed to love first!
There was everything, I was sitting without work for 2 years, and I gave flowers every day (unfortunately, 1 rose, but it was enough), she was true and close, here I realized that she really loves).
We worked together, bought an apartment, a car. And friends are all without permanent couples.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132427
For the truth:

Love those you live with if you can’t live with those you love.
This was stated by D. Nagiev in one of the programs “Windows” in 2002. A worthy phrase, a dish.

This phrase does not belong to Nagiev, it is from the song of Steven Stills "love the one you're with", 1970 issue, which has since become winged.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132426
Cut your head to the cockroaches. She doesn’t matter to you.
What does it matter to you, who, when, with whom and in what quantity? Or does this maid give you all, you don’t give you all?
÷÷ and
A large-scale mother with a dozen children enters the service. Half boys and half girls. They begin to joke. Momma shouts "Wanna, quiet!" There is silence. Then the girls began to make noise. "Masha, don’t make noise!" Order and tranquility Momash is asked, how is it so - with one team you calm down all "fighters"? The answer is "Yes very simple. All my boys are named Vania and all my girls are named Masha. And she asks, “Well, and if you need to call a particular child, how do you do it?”
"It is very simple. It is by name!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132425
By voting, in elections against fraudsters and thieves, you insult the feelings of the thieves.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №132424
by Bracosrach

This is from the much-written feeling that all the men are oligarchs, and the aunts are nurses. In fact, everything is not as usual and the contribution is roughly equal in the family.
example of a colleague: he is 37, she is 30, they have been living together for years 5. she gently hints on children and marriage, he is sluggish. He took one in the mortgage, naturally arranged for himself. Yes, he’s paid more than her, but not critically. His money goes to pay for a mortgage and an eternally broken car. They eat for their money and everything else. Also, she fully provides the daily life - washing, cleaning, cooking. Is this not an equal contribution? Is she a survivor? But it will be boring to him - he will go out, and she, according to the law, must make a bunch of movements to prove that she also has the right to this apartment, because of the fact. His money was also included in the family budget.
And if at first a man/woman has a sum for something - buy, organize, and then marry. No one will claim.
Although he loves her, and even for all 5 years says that someday he will have to get married and have a child. But when it is, it is not clear.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132423
and Oga:

If the third husband beats the mouth, it is not the husband, but the mouth of the RNA.

For example, she grew up with a beating father, and therefore took this situation as the norm. An educated victim, you know. Well, all kinds of scabies with itchy fists know very well how to calculate such victims, but this does not mean that the latter are to blame. Have you tried not to beat people? Enough to mention this idiotic phrase, who said it initially - a stupid sociopath and a moral fool.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132422
After the IOC allowed the Americans to cross the squad, the Russian football team should demand to play the European Championship again. There are also people on the field.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132421
It depends on the person, you know.
Usually yes, the baby will be offered not to work - she will run the application for dismissal to write, riding the tapes
And for me, for example, all these traditional values to one place, I adore my work, and no excuses of my husband will make me resign and do borsches.
so yes, not only those who initially didn’t want to work, and not whom the husband (oh fool!) "forced" to sit at home

What was the white coat? Not a trick? You are all fools, you are the queen.
And my former colleague, for example, has a different story. She was a good specialist. Worked on conscience. But then I got married - and at first glance it seemed like a man. Anne is not. A child was born, and a year and a half later she went to work. And everybody cries that at home there is thirst, but the husband is angry - "because he is angry," insists that he should sit at home. No day is a scandal. I broke, I couldn’t stand it. I went to the housewives. Well, six years later, of course, the bridegroom swinged to the younger baby, leaving her with the child, without money and with a giant break in the internship, with the need to restore qualification. From Dorothy, right? You would be in her place, right?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132420
You are so conscientious, right?

I did not find my har on the laundry to put where it got.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna